
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 15

After 15 or so minutes of obscene tail fluffing and snuggling into from Wilhelm to poor Naaza, they started going back to her familia home, with Wilhelm carrying Naaza again with the reasoning she would not be able to walk along and she was clearly in a state physically to tired to do so no matter how much she argued. He's also been keeping her acutely unaware or at least not focusing on anything which happened in the dungeon, her newfound trauma, and her lost limb for the most part. He got to Miach's familia home and walked inside, setting Naaza on a chair and leaving her to sleep there while he goes to speak with her familia god.

It didn't take long to find the welcoming and kind god weeping and crying in remorse of the connections he felt cut off to almost half his familia, his despair clear as day with none of his familia members seemingly around to offer him some comfort.

"I see you already have the news so to speak…" Wilhelm takes a deep breath for a moment while Miach gives his attention to the visitor who's become something of a confident he could trust in due to their continued business relationship. "Your captain is alive and healthy, just currently exhausted and resting in a chair near the building's entrance, though one of her arms was unrecoverable. Given the situation I know it's insensitive but I would like to advise your next course of actions."

Miach manages to quell his cries for the most part so they can maintain a conversation, he can set up a proper memorial later. "You do not need to worry, I am at fault for showing a valued business partner such a side of me."

Wilhelm continues while offering a hand to help the god in grief stand up, "I may not be at liberty to discuss how a familia is run but I do not wish your kindness to be taken advantage during your time of mourning. When you get Naaza a prosthetic to replace her lost arm and build a memorial for those you've lost, I would like you to incur large debt, don't pay if off soon or immediately. The idea is to make your familia more closely knit and trustworthy in this time of grieving, those who want to leave obviously can but your familia has been getting more applicants just because you're becoming more well off. Your kindness and charity isn't something that you should let be taken advantage of when the virtuous people who deserve it are so rare."

Miach takes the offered hand to stand and takes a moment to straighten himself out while getting this bearings. "But what would my familia think, the family I care for."

Wilhelm puts a hand on Miach's shoulder with a warm smile and states, "They would understand and appreciate what you did, many of your family members worry about your kindness already being taken advantage of, I'm sure many would agree with me that this is the right thing to do for your family."

Miach nods his head in understanding and presents his thanks to Wilhelm and proposes they meet up again for the continuation of this idea and clarification at a later date.

Wilhelm has an absolute shit eating grin plastered all over his face as he leaves the kind god's home, he didn't lie at all and used the truth based on events he knows and understands for the future to make his words the truth because of his knowledge, him not knowing much about the current remaining members of the familia certainly helps.

He begins walking his way back to the Loki familia manor while in deep thought and taking a stop or two for food along the way- he decides the next big project he'll work on it clones, as it appears his regeneration extends to his psyche because otherwise he certainly would've gone crazy due to the pain he's experienced, he intends to make himself a hive mind being that's in a way, a collective one consciousness that branches out, these branches would be the connections to the clone bodies to to speak and the main body would akin to the roots to keep his psyche wherever he wants to to be.

Yeah, that's good, he just needs to figure out how to make an alive corpse essentially with the same capabilities he has physically and also figure out how to stretch his soul and psyche.

Simply copying someone's clone abilities with his DNA poaching or whatever it should be called from someone like like Dupli-Kate from invincible would probably be best, but if he were to go there he'd also put effort into getting vitrimite DNA, because with how much he lets himself get beat up the rate at which he would grow would skyrocket compared to his current physical capability growth with his regeneration.

Getting DNA from a superpower person based universe in general would probably be amazing considering how rich those worlds are in potential from said powers.

So much work to think about or do with going to other worlds, he'd just be like 'might as well to this because I'm here' for half of everything he finds or sees.

With a profound sigh he walks into Loki's office sits across from his goddess at the desk while the goddess raises an eyebrow due to intrigue while waiting on him to start the conversation.

"I have a deal for you, I'm eventually going to be making clones of myself so I don't have just one body doing everything, efficiency would be nice after all. I'm going to be transferring my connection to you, to one of these clones because the connection is eventually going to limit me so I'm going to limit it. If you want as part of the agreement, you can have me send my clones off to other familias as well either to perform as spies, or to make an alliance which could be compared to a political marriage. Your familia will also be the first to receive or be able to purchase any inventions I make as long as they aren't chemically related. Those rights will be going to Miach's familia."

Loki leans forward against her desk, getting a closer look at Wihelms face with the intention of trying to somewhat intimidate him while she speaks, "and what exactly do you get from this deal that you're trying to propose?"

"I don't have to handle my taxes, or my property because I'm doing it through other people, I also won't have to manage my deals with other familia's personally every time, and I get to keep the literal home I'm building for myself under your backyard without having to move it, which I will do if you refuse my offers." Wilhelm responds casually, "I can also avoid conversations like these, they're very boring so I'd be glad to essentially pay a renowned good-looking goddess to be my spokesperson."

"I know you don't entirely believe that even if my divinity claims your words are true…" Loki retorts

"What's wrong with saying what you want to hear if what I'm saying is true? Freya and Istar might be hot but one of them is crazy and possessive while the other is trying to prove she's better than the other so much that she's going crazy. Hephaestus is a good choice but she's not the best in dealing with people, she's better with weapons and she would likely be completely unwilling to be my spokesperson unless I introduced her to my techniques and became a familia member. Soma is becoming drunk off his own wine after being disappointed in his familia. Dionysus is evil, manipulative and views his familia as tools, Thanatos is worse and his familia is literally just suicide bombers. I'm unwilling to become a sex toy so definitely not Apollo unless I can make him a she and make her my toy. Artemis and Astrea familia's are female exclusive and the closest I'm getting to be a woman is a futa because I refuse to loose my means of easing peeing. I also can't go to a small familia because they'd lack the influence to keep me from becoming guild public property or another familia taking me, they'd also be unable to stop me from being poached by other familia's unless I carried them in familia wars."

"Oh? If it's all like that then I want to hear what made you decide to join my familia and offer me this 'deal'." Loki responds

"You're intelligent, you understand other gods and how to act around each of them. You're greedy and it should be apparent I'm a great asset by how much money I have coming in to the familia through my deals with Miach. Honestly though? The biggest reason might be Hestia is descending soon and having me could be an eternal flex over her, even if what you have is a clone." Wilhelm gives his reasons blatantly.

"Hmm, how do you know that oppai Loli is descending?" Loki questions with a raised eyebrow, trying to act her best like it's an interrogation.

"Not telling, but I can tell you roughly how much time before she descends." Wilhelm responds casually.

With a grumble Loki quickly understands she won't get such info out of him so she decides to just push past it and she'll probably manage to figure it out later. "When?"

"Roughly a few years from now, though for the first 6 months unless something changes she won't be getting a familia because she'll be living off Hephaestus, keep in mind by the way if you don't accept these offers I'm making I might join Hestia's familia when she comes down just to be spiteful." Wilhelm finishes with a threat, though he's quite happy with his decision to increase his value as an asset by making himself seem like a seer to some capacity.

Loki frowns and groans in response while leaning back in her chair and takes a minute before speaking. "Fine, but you're making that clone in my familia a woman, futa or not I don't care, I wanna be able to see what my most valuable kiddo looks like as a woman while groping as much as I like. I also want you to show me around that home you said ya building below my backyard."

"Mmm, sure I guess. Do you want to check it out now? Because I have restrictions on it and I'd be quicker if you were there to set up you as a validated visitor of sorts with the runes I installed rather than doing it without you there." Wilhelm simply offers the tour now rather than later just to save himself the time.

"Sure, could I bring along one of my executives so they could get a grasp on future plans? Just as you don't want to deal with gods much or so it would seem, I would like to not relay everything you've said to them and answer questions they have that I didn't get answers to." Loki begins to stand and looks at the papers on her desk in momentary disgust.

"Riveria is the only executive I'm willing to let in right now. Finn will scrutinize me for keeping this away and I don't remember the other's names at the moment." Wilhelm stands up as well and walks to the door before holding it open for Loki.

"Mmm, very well." Loki leaves the office room before shouting, "AYE, RIVERIA, I need your help with something my beautiful elven mage!"

After some time explaining to her, the three of them go out to the little high quality shack that had been prepared and given to Wilhelm some time ago, Loki and Riveria both looking somewhat excited in their own way for different reasons, while Wilhelm looks somewhat exhausted-

his social battery is perpetually drained.

POV change~

She puts down the crystal ball like magical item that she seemed to be watching something through, a giggle from her lips permeating the air as she's introduced to a feeling which she doesn't experience often. Interest, joy, a feeling of entertainment at watching this mortal who seems to surprise or impress so many groups beyond what he knows. He even made it onto the dungeon missing board for the day after giving the slip to the familia who believed they helped him out. Though she came to believe he ditched them in such a sneaky manner unintentionally.

"Oh this man hasn't even met me and yet he knows me so well~! He has to be my precious Odr~! There's no other explanation for why he's so exceptional~!" Freya exclaims as she leans back in her chair, her cheeks beginning to flush as her breath begins to grow equally heated.

After having another momentary giddy episode Freya begins to speak to no one in particular while beginning to tend to her growing sexual needs as she what she wants… who she wants, "His clone idea that he plans~ hah~ it's just an opportunity to make it easier to seduce him by having a direct connection and develop my relationship with him both ways~ to have him as my familia and my romantic partner, how indecent~! One that isn't in an position below me so he can make my wildest fantasies come true~!!! Mnngh~!" Her face flushes further, becoming a deeper red while sweat has begun to drip from her face, her mouth shifting into a mischievous grin after her heavy pants begin to slow.

"I finally found you~ my Odr~ and you're so perfect~." She almost purrs out the last of her sentence like a cat for a moment, one possibly needy and clingy of course without exception.

(A/N: There are something's I've botched, so I shifted some ideas about the plot I'm taking, haven't edited any chapters so don't worry about that. Something else completely unrelated though, any recommendations for DC fanfics that aren't based around Batman or mc directly related to Batman? Been wanting to read some but can't find any and the one's I was reading that I really enjoyed are on hiatus right now- my first though was "I'll do it myself." Before I literally also chose to slap myself because I have 4 current fanfics I'm trying to upkeep with publishing chapters :l )