
Opening Day

In the city of New York, there is a quaint little store in one of it's biggest street. If you think the store is small, you will be in for a surprise. The inside of the store is huge and the design is equivalent to that of a supermarket. In the shelves, instead of the usual supermarket produce, stands antiques and technology from the 60's to 90's. Nobody knows when the store was opened and it is only known to be open on Monday but at which time, that is unknown, but the store stands to this day with an ample supply of customers that can even make those top-tier company die from jealousy.

Sitting in a chair behind the store counter, with feet on top of the counter, is a black haired, brown eyed, and fairly handsome man, who was reading a newspaper with the title The New York Times, listening to music, and eating a sandwich. From the door behind, exits a woman whose beauty can be considered top notch in the entire multiverse. Black wavy hair, deep blue eyes and a body with an hourglass figure and perfect white skin that makes can any woman jealous.

She walks beside the man and leans over the counter. Poking his head, she nagged, "Jack, please stop eating since the store is opening. Moh, you really need to stop eating when you're bored.". She pouted at Jack from doing his habits

Jack, removed his headphones from his head and looked up from the newspaper as he was finishing his sandwich, faced her and giving a deadpan expression. He said, "Don't start with me about habits, Laura, when you always give names to random junk in the store.".

Laura stopped leaning and pouted. She went to the door and flipped a switch that says OPEN and went to organize the merchandise. Jack sighed at Laura, knowing full well he couldn't beat her lover on an argument. He admits that he has some weird quirks that even he himself didn't know.

"Laura, as always, you win this argument or was it one?", Jack muttered specifically the last one. Laura, with her sixth sense, knew that she won the argument and give a big smile. "Come on Jack, we have customers to serve.", chirped Laura.

"I know. The amount of magic we need to use just to keep the security system is enough to cause others shock.", said, Jack, as he started to organize the store. He added, "At least we get to see the fun our buyers do with the junk."

"You're right about that.", she smiled.

"You know, the trouble is not ours, to begin with"

"I know but I can't help but feel bad sometimes", she said.

"Yet you act like an Ice Queen in front of people", Jack scoffed.

"But I only love you!", she whined.

Jack sighed knowing his lover would act like that and stopped talking to Laura because it was pointless. He prepared and waited for the lucky customers who would enter the store. The store was cast with an enchantment that makes people avoid this store unless it was found by accident. This is the only way for normal customers to enter. The other type of customers are both mages and martial artists.

Jack was lost in thought until he was pinched in the cheeks by Laura. He broke his thoughts and looked at Laura, who only pointed her fingers at the door. Coming in the store was a boy, a high school student too. Confused at where he ended up to, he looked around the store and went to the store counter.

"Welcome to the Traveling Dimensional Store. I am Laura, the shop assistant and this is Jack, the store owner", introduced Laura with her usual Ice Queen demeanor when serving customers.

"And you guys sell?", the boy asked.

"Look around the store and ask either me or Laura", Jack informed the boy.

He nodded and accepted the offer because he was a little scared of the duo. Walking from aisle to aisle and looking at the merchandise, he got curious by an ordinary notebook and took from the shelf.

He went back to the counter where the duo was and asked, "What is this?".

"Oh, that is the Book of Learning", Laura said in a monotone voice, tapping her fingers on the counter.

She continued, "It allows you to learn everything as long as you have an information source. For example, let say that you have complicated math class and you don't understand. As long as you have the book out and a writing source, the book will make you automatically write and will simplify things for you."

"But that sounds too good to be true.", he said doubtfully.

"But it is up to you to buy it."

"I guess you're right.", he said.

"All right, have you made your choice.", Jack asked for confirmation.

"I am not sure though.", he answered.

Jack mused at his answer and said, "You don't need to buy it, but I will tell you that you will regret not having it. There might be a chance that you might not see this store now."

The boy hesitated, not knowing if it was the truth or not. After some internal battling, he said, "I will take it."

Jack, with a hidden smirk, said, "Good choice kid. The book is very cheap, compared to the more 'expensive' products. You know what, since you're new here, I will make this one free."

"Are you sure, sir?", hesitated the boy. He was making sure he didn't hear wrong.

"Very sure. It makes no difference to me after all.", Jack admitted.

"Thank you, sir!", the boy grinned. He left the store to make his way to school, not noticing that time didn't move at all on the outside. Laura, who was still making sure of the merchandise, walked over to Jack after he finished with the boy.

"Jacky! What do you think of the new customer?", smiled Laura, after turning her demeanor back.

'There she is. Switching demeanors like magic.', Jack thought

"Another customer.", answered Jack, "What else? Oh, and no checking on the kid."

"But Jack, I want to..", Laura whined.

"Just no, Laura. There are more customers to serve if there are.", interrupted Jack.

"Jack is being mean to me again!", Laura continued whining. She pouted at him at her lose in the argument.

Jack knew that he won this one but he consoled to Laura saying that after closing the store. Laura, happy at the proposal, went back to work. Jack sighed and decided to shut up and keep reading his newspaper.

First Chapter and please give me some thoughts about the story.

Shiinoobicreators' thoughts
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