
The Traveler of a Thousand Worlds(DROPPED)

Jack finishes making his hiking stick, modeling it with the theme of a magical staff, even to go as far as to burn runic symbols on the side of it. Once finished, he went on a hike in the woods, only to find the deeper he went, the less familiar everything seemed. By the time he turned around, Jack was already somewhere else. Another world in fact, one of many he'd travel.

StrayTheCat · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: The Staff

Hello, my name is Jack. I've been exploring the things I can do with my now magical staff, and one of them seems to be a mental logging mode that'll put down what I'm thinking as a journal entry.

I'm not sure where this will be posted, but it seems like I can post it and people can respond back to me? Not sure, this is all projected in my mind, so it's not easy to explain.

Anyway I'll try my best to summarize what happened.

I love hiking, especially in the woods and I've always thought it'd be cool to have a hiking stick in the theme of a magical staff.

After getting the wood work done, I burned some runic symbols in the side to give it some flair.





Those were the words, in that order. Well after I stained the wooden staff and let it dry for the weekend, I immediately grabbed it after Monday's work. Heading to the nearby woods to try it out, and oh what could go wrong?

Welp, turns out IT'S ACTUALLY MAGIC NOW.

Yep. Somehow, I actually made an actual magic staff without meaning to, and with no idea how to use it.

Right now I seem to be somewhere else entirely from the forest I was in. I mean, the local park nearby looks the same, but it's subtly different. For example, the library and the 'pay to enter' indoors center switched places. Still right across from each other, but in reverse spots.

Something else different is that when I went back home, nobody was there. The door was just left unlocked, and the entire house was vacant, even the dogs were gone.

It was as if everyone left suddenly, and didn't plan on coming back.

I'm going to go off topic for a moment to explain what I've figured out about my staff. Each runic word can do certain things, and when each individual word is used, the rune glows a dim blue.

I haven't figured out everything yet, but this is what I've figured out each can do so far.

Moon: Tells me the time of day, the weather, and how long till the sun rises or sets.

Forest: ???

Faerie: ???

Reveal: Tells me if there is anyone nearby, can create mental journal logs and post them here (Wherever 'here' is), and confirms if things aren't what they are supposed to be.

I don't need to always immediately activate each word myself, but I do need to have the willingness to do so.

It also seems like only one word can be used at a time, and once a word has been used, I can use it again without using a different word.

Well after using REVEAL to see if they were at the park. Nope, in fact the entire park as well as both the library and indoors center were both completely empty. Like that's not totally weird.

After taking a much needed nap, I tested out what I could do with the staff and found out what the MOON word does.

Anyway that's pretty much it so far. The electricity and water still works, my uncle likes to stockpile food so I'm good there.

Just for safety reasons I keep the staff with me at all times. Is it weird that the wood feels warm to the touch sometimes? I'm not sure if it's just my imagination from my panic, or if that's a common thing among magical objects.

Any advice would be much appreciated.