
The Trashy PD Has To Survive as an Idol

[Congratulations, Seo Hoyoon! You have been selected as a player of Tycoon.] The bastard PD who everyone criticized has now become an unheard of idol in a parallel world. The only person who remembers him completely is his brother. To return to the original world, he must become the number one idol and clear the game! “…Accept the quest.” “Are you crazy?” “Don’t I need to eat well to survive?” His specialty is blackmailing, his hobby is conciliating. The idol survival story of the evil PD who sticks to his job no matter what!

Ciakku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 1

"You're a human being, aren't you?""

I was surprised in front of an idol who sheds tears.


"If you had a conscience, you couldn't edit it like that!"

I glanced at her shouting loudly. Despite her long training career, she was ranked fourth in the competition program, which gathered trainees who failed to debut as idols, and her performance was not bad.

Most of all, it was all thanks to my achievements.

To be exact, through editing.

The genius of editing, the genius of the devil, and the 33-year-old young genius producer, were the titles that followed me, Seo Ho-yoon.

I liked it very much.

Cause money follows.

"You came in fourth."

"Then what are you doing?"All the important things are gone.The public swears at me for being crazy.I lost contact with my friends who I had been practicing with for 10 years.If I go out to the side of the road, I'll get thrown by an egg."

"You'll live a long life,"


"Cause If you're cursed, you'll live long."

I took out my cigarette and put it in my mouth.I flicked the lighter and it caught fire.After taking a deep sip of the cigarette, the idol looked dumbfounded when I blew the smoke.

"You know you're not good at singing, right?"


"In the beginning, you said you wanted to be popular no matter what you did.I liked how passionate it was, so I edited it and uploaded it.She's a rude but genius dancer , and She's annoying but eye catching . There's even a saying that she's my niece because she's on TV so many times. You don't even look like me."

When I say what I saw on the Internet, her face turned red.

"You told me you wanted to succeed, and I helped you."

That's a matter of course.If it weren't for me, she wouldn't be in fourth place.I told her very objectively, but she shook her chin in anger.

"Did I want this?"

"At first, didn't you say that it is all you wanted ?"


"If you're angry,sad or frustrated , check your bank account balance.Then you'll be a little happy."

Sometimes when the director pours alcohol on my head and fucks me up, I look at my bank account balance and the whole world looks meaningless. I pat my chest.

Yeah, there's no big deal in the world. Money is enough.

She clenched her teeth and lowered her head.I glanced at my cell phone.It was time to go.

"If that's all you have to say, I'll go."I've been busy."


The moment I turned around and took a step away, she called me.Then She turned her eyes upside down like a ghost and cursed me.

"I hope the PD will be ruined. The day when you regret will come.This position will be reversed, so the day that the PD will understand me will come.It's no use begging and crying at that time."

"Oh, I'm so scared."

I chuckled.I didn't expect this kind of fun to happen today.

Leaving her cursing behind, I hurried on.I had to go back to the production office and edit it again.

I mean, I was going to dismiss it as an interesting incident.

Until the system window appears.




[Infamous Point +100]

[Infamous Point +350]

[Infamous Point +500]

[The infamous points have been accumulated. You have the conditions to start the game.]


"Wait, what."

I was annoyed by the loud noise. I can't even get a short break. I slept only four hours for three days drinking an energy drink because of editing. Maybe the alarm is going off.

It was a moment when I was annoyed and tried to open my eyes.

[Seo Ho-yoon, congratulations! You won as a player of Idol Tycoon. Congratulations on 10 years of rejuvenation!]

[Seo Ho-yoon: Small and medium-sized business idol.

Age: 23 Features: Military, No talent for dancing.

He was a genius PD, but no one remembers him.

(※Excluding certain people)

[If you fail to finish the game, you can't log out forever.]

I felt I was hit by a rock while sleeping. When I woke up with my eyes open, the system window was open. Looking at it, I laughed and turned my head away.

"Let's just sleep."

I put away my phone and went back to the bed.As I'm editing too hard, I can even see something strange.

"A strange dream..."

I must have worked too hard yesterday. However, the system window that floating above the ceiling did not disappear. In the dark room, there was a sense of unrealism in the softly glowing blue system window.




"...It's a dream, too."

I couldn't even force myself to sleep cause of the system window that kept ringing. As I swayed and raised my body, the system window was clearly visible.

[Quest Arrives: 'Reality Awareness Time!' Let's accept reality

You are no longer a genius PD, but a player of the Idol Tycoon.

I became an idol.

Accepting Reality 0/1 When Succeed: 'get the title named Failing Idol' Failed: Never Log Out]

Unable to log out forever? The ominousness of the title quickly woke up. What the hell am I dreaming about right now?

I swept my face and stood up. It seems that the dream is going on for a long time now. I got up and walked to the bathroom to wash my face. After washing my face with cold water and waking up a little, I turned my eyes to the mirror.

"...What is this?"

The dark circles that didn't disappear due to overtime work, the face that was slowly getting old, and everything changed.

My face is soft. No, that's not the only problem. The face....

It was Seo Ho-Yoon from ten years ago.

This was a sheer horror.

I stepped back in a panic while touching my chin on my face. No matter how much I am in my dream, It couldn't be this vivid.

'Yayy, it's rejuvenation.' Many people would shout like that. I ran out of the bathroom and headed to the room.

" Huh brother ."

"Seo Ho-jin."

"Huh ?, Did you finally went mad?"

My brother, Seo Ho-jin, who was drinking water, answered nonchalantly , and when he saw my face, he squirted water out of his mouth.

"Gahghhhh !! "

" what ?"

"What's wrong with your face? No, Is the plastic surgery this advanced these day? Is medical care in Korea so advanced? Like this is Seo Ho-yoon's face 10 years ago...."

Seo Ho-jin came up to me and grabbed my face and turned around.

Seo Ho-jin was the same. Normally, I would have been protested about touching my face like this, but now I couldn't.

[Seo Ho-jin]

[Seo Ho-yoon's brother. College student.

※The person who remembers you.]

Looking at the system window next to Seo Ho-jin.

"Get out of the way."

I hurried to my wallet. Then I find my ID card next to it. The number of first seats was changed.

"What is this?"

[Once again, congratulations! Seo Ho-yoon for becoming a player of the Idol Tycoon.]

" brother ?

Seo Ho-jin also murmured as if he was dreaming. I picked up my phone with a trembling hand and searched for a name. One page pops up.

[Ho Woo Ho Woo / His real name is Seo Ho-yoon Daepaseong Entertainment's idol debut in 20XX]

No matter how I looked at it, it was my face. Even though I am a QBS broadcaster PD! (Probably Kbs parallel lol 😂)

When you search , 'Devil's editor Seo Ho-yoon, there were many articles such as

'A petition for broadcasting sanctions against Seo Ho-yoon'

'Seo Ho-yoon PD program has the highest ratings'

But Now, there were no articles praising and criticising me at the same time.

All that's left is the article about the ruined idol profile.

[HooWoo!! I am the new idol of Daepaseong Entertainment, thank you very much!]

"What a joke...."

" hyung !"

I held my head with both hands while I had a headache.

Genius PD, the talent of the devil, the genius of editing, Seo Ho-yoon? Did you become an idol?


"I am sorry , brother."

He apologised to me while his face was pale as a paper.

1. This is not a dream (I asked Seo Ho-jin to hit me to wake up from my dream, but it just hurt.)

2. I was possessed by the game that Seo Ho-jin was playing these days. (A mobile game called Unknown Idol Tycoon'. It seems to be a game that raises idols.)

3. I turned back to 23 years old, but the rest are the same. (Seo Ho-jin is still twenty three.)

And.... And the most important is

"My brother is an idol.... The idol that who get his MR removal because of not knowing a common sense quiz? Even if it is raining or snowing, the kind of idol who should have a big smile?"

"Seo Ho-jin.... Don't make people angry with strange details and be quiet...."

"I'll keep my mouth shut."

I became an idol. That's what I've heard. Even if you search on internet , there's only one page.

What the hell is going on. My heart was pounding, so I touched my forehead. There's still a system window floating next to me.

[Quest completed!

'Reality self-awareness time!' Let's accept reality

You are no longer a genius PD. Became an idol

Accepting Reality 1/1]


[I got the title of 'Faling Idol'!]

I felt like I was going to throw up when I saw the title of 'Faling Idol' that was circling around on my head.

Why ? Why me? No what the hell is this

"Then where is the file I worked on until yesterday?"

[Falling away!]

I pressed Ctrl+S and even backed up, but it flew away?

"What a crazy.... Crazy... Crazy Fuck Fuck!!"

As I grabbed my head and murmured like a madman, Seo Ho-jin rolled his eyes.

"That's not what matters right now, is it?"

"Be quiet."

The first system window I saw came to mind.

Infamous point. The more the program became controversial, the more people cursed me. The last idol who cursed me.

-I hope the PD will be ruined.

Hey, I'm ruined ....

-This position will be reversed and the day will come when the PD will understand me.

I understand now. Can't you forgive me again?

-It's no use praying and crying at that time.

Ahh, it's no use....

"Brother, wake up!"

"My save file...."

I hit my head and murmured. I came to a conclusion

I think I became an idol.