
The Trashy NTR Dude's POV

Adult Content. Something that is arguably the biggest business in the entire online world. Something most, if not all humans who have internet access have watched, regardless of gender. Harrison is one such individual. He is a cultured gentleman who enjoys the artworks of Hentai and likes to play popular eroge games from time to time. One such game was 'Orion'. Orion was advertised to be an eroge, but it was so much more than just that. What started as a quick pleasure session for Harrison turned into a full-blown virtual adventure with twists and turns and very interesting game mechanics. Harrison found himself captivated by the game's world and continued playing it till he reached every ending possible. But, of course, not everything was good. One character. The one character that ruined Harrison's entire gaming experience was Zagan. He was one of those stereotypical bullies who appeared in games to be annihilated by the MC for quick character development. But Zagan was something worse. He NTR'd the protagonist. Not once but 3 times. In the end, he was brutally killed and his bloodline was ended. Which gave great pleasure to Harrison. But now... Suddenly... Harrison woke up in the body of the same character he hated from the depths of his soul. "What the hell... WHY AM I THIS GARBAGE?!?!?!", Harrison screamed.

AGENT_ALT · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


In a daze, Harrison woke up in the morning the next day.

Opening his eyes to see his environment, he sighed in exhaustion even though he had just woken up from a deep slumber.

'I'm still here...', Harrison thought as he made his way to the bathroom to freshen up and go to the school.

He put on his uniform and walked outside of his dorm.

There were not many other students doing the same and many of them stared at Zagan.

The school still had an hour and a half left before starting, so the majority of the students were still sleeping.

The stares were of annoyance, envy as well as indifference.

'It seems that no one yet knows of Zagan's atrocities.', Harrison concluded after observing the gazes.

He ignored all of the stares and made his way to class.

Harrison's plan was to get the spells before the first class even began.

The school usually began at 9:00 AM. Currently, it was 7:30 AM.

Students were permitted entry to the academy premises before and after school started. This was to encourage students to learn extra things they might be curious about from the vast libraries of the school.

Speaking of the library, the secret room in which the spells are kept can be accessed via the library.

Without wasting too much time, he went straight towards the school building.

The Hero Academy's school building was one of great size. It was as tall as the Empire State Building and its base was as big as a football stadium. Football, in the sense of British football. Not American football, where the ball isn't even round and the feet have nothing to do with the ball.

Anyway, the Hero Academy's building was dwarfed by its campus. The Academy's campus was simply bonkers.

The game's early stages are all situated inside the Hero Academy campus with dungeons, hidden quests, some strange NPCs and many different things to help you gear up for the mid-game.

Also, not to mention the heavily armed guards that are all around the main building as well as the dormitories.

The guard NPCs acted when the player hurt another student. The guards would show up and beat you up until your HP was near rock bottom and then they would take money from you to give to the victim you hurt.

According to the lore, most of the guards are actually former students of the Hero Academy. They fell in love with the academy while studying here and became guards in it to continue their research.

It just goes to show just how powerful the academy is. Even its guards are all on the level of royal Knights, which is only natural. If they had been ex-students of the academy, it meant that they were talented enough to be enrolled into the academy. If they were talented enough to do that, they were already above 95% of the world's population in terms of power.

'I absolutely CANNOT piss off any of them if I don't want my bones to break...', Harrison thought with a shiver.

I entered the main school building through the colossal concrete gate which was opened recently.

Upon entering the gates, a majestic waterfall with the sculpture of the first hero, Alexander, greeted me.

A pearly white statue shimmering because of the water falling on it.

'Beautiful...', Harrison commented as he made his way inside the building.

Harrison had always been quite a materialistic person. Ever since the death of his parents, he realised that people would eventually die or leave you. But your material possessions will never leave you. Not to mention, materials, even though lifeless, sometimes outshine the beauty of life. At least in Harrison's opinion.

Entering the reception, he heard a slight gasp from behind the reception desk.

There was a woman in uniform behind the desk, staring at Zagan as if she had seen a ghost.

There were originally supposed to be 6 receptionists sitting behind the desk, but because the school hasn't started yet, only one was present.

Harrison walked up to the receptionist and took out his ID card from his pocket, putting it down on the desk.


"Zagan Gray. Student from class-1 A. I am here to request access to the library.", Harrison said, still not used to his new voice.

The receptionist stared at him for a few more seconds and then proceeded to take the ID card.

"Please wait a moment...", she said with a slight smile.

After some time, she took out the ID card from behind the desk as well as a new card.

"This card remains active for 4 hours. You can show this to the library staff and they will let you in.", she instructed.

Harrison nodded his head with an expressionless face and took both the cards before leaving for the library.

As soon as Zagan left her field of view, the receptionist's expression suddenly crumbled and became cold. The sweet smile she had been showing was gone as if it had never even existed.

'Zagan... to think you would come to the school before your 'allocated time'... Just what are you planning on?', she thought with a cold demeanour.

The true identity of the receptionist was actually a demonic cultist. She had been chosen by them to infiltrate the academy and report everything she saw to the cult.

She had stayed amongst the academy members for around 2 years now. She was also assigned to look after Zagan Gray, the newest recruit to the cult who was going to be admitted into the academy as a first-year student.

At first, she was excited to have a new cult member beside her. But that excitement soon extinguished. The reason was that Zagan was a raging pervert. He had no resolve in him, no ambition, not even respect or self-respect. A spineless twat who always thought about sex and sex and sex!

Every time she would make her presence known to Zagan and go to talk to him, he had always, without fail asked her to have sex with him.

Even if she was a cultist, she had her boundaries. She certainly did not want to have sex with an obnoxious kid 3 years younger than her.

Not only this, she observed Zagan talking to numerous girls and even taking some of them back to his dorm in secret. He was obviously a man-whore.

'Why is it that only the trash in this world gets talent and the ones without talent are the good people...', at this thought, the cold expression of the receptionist warmed up a little.

'Don't worry, Angelica... I'll endure working with this foul human to avenge you...', she thought as she got up from her post and got ready to follow Zagan.

Her expression turned cold again and her thoughts became more calculative.

'Normally, he would have been smirking and making all sorts of disgusting remarks about my body when talking with me... but... today, he didn't even bat an eye? Something seems off... I should check what he is up to...', she thought as she took off her uniform and put on the uniform of a janitor.

"Illusory Visage...", she chanted and miraculously, her face suddenly seemed to age at an extreme pace. Her once beautiful face with purple hair turned old and wrinkled with grey hair.

With a bucket of water and mop in hand, she began walking towards the library.

New character.

AGENT_ALTcreators' thoughts