
The Trash System

A little boy was only 13 years old who had his life ruined by his family who sold him to pay off their dept to a gang when he was only the age of 5. He was forced to burry dead bodies from people unlucky enough to cross the gangs path, when he wasn't putting bodies into the ground he was being used as a stress doll while being injected with drugs, and some even went as far as to use him as sex doll. The only reason he wasn't killed was because he was useful; the gang said as long as he served a purpose he wouldn't be killed and could watch anime when they weren't using him. Watching anime, reading mangas and playing games was his safe haven for himself. It saved him from committing suicide dozens of times, when he was on the verge of killing himself he would always think something on long the lines of "What new anime is coming out next" or "Maybe I could beat that Dark Souls boss". This hesitation was of course personal salvation which as everybody knows is hard to control. Then One day when he was asleep he got on his computer to play games before his daily routine of burying the dead, torture and sex there was a strange message that he didn't usually see when he played Dark Souls 2 which in his opinion was a huge pain in his ASS! The Message had link to a quiz that said "Would you like to Reincarnate?".....

New_Player · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


I don't own any of these characters besides the characters I make.🐘💨💩


"The next time you piss me off I'm gonna wring your neck you brat!" A RGM(Random Gang Member) yelled after throwing me into my room and abutting the door furious. If your wondering why he's made at me its because I didn't 'pleasure' him so he just beat me. I know what your thinking and yes these guys are all a bunch of bastards that deserve to die, but I long gave up hope trying to resist them.

I resisted them one time but I can't recall exactly when though; I remember trying to beat one of them with a metal baseball bat they left lying around for just anyone to pick up, stood over one of the gang members that beat me till I collapsed one time as I swung down I recall the satisfying feeling of striking the man over and over and over and over again like it was yesterday except that was three years ago. After they found as punishment they sold my left eye, one of my kidney stones, and 3 of my fingers on my right hand as well as experiment illegal drugs and experimental drugs to boot.

I'm sorry to inform you I don't have a name not because the gang didn't give me one just that I didn't like the names: Brat, Whore, Useless, or Toy. My parents didn't give me a name either guessing because they didn't want to get to attached to me, the boss of the game told me one night when he raped as I yelled thing a like "Mom Help me!" or "Dad! Please Someone!" He told me when he was done that my parents actually a old their lids to many different gangs for money putting them high on the Slave market that sells kids.

After that I stopped struggling and excepted my life. The boss was nice enough to give me several presents for the anniversary of him buying me. He gave a computer, then raped me posting a porn video on a porn site called Children's Boon where to seems people post illegal videos of grown adults raping children.

Right now is my brake time otherwise known as my time to enjoy my safe haven, at least for now. I start playing Dark Souls 2 after I beaten the bosses from Dark Souls one and had gotten every achievement that I could, so far I'm going for a dark strength build with my character called Merryblood(True IRL) using the Sacred Chime Hammer you get giving the Soul of Velstadt to the Weaponsmith Ornifix.

As I'm signing on I spot something unusal to me I stead of seeing the usual Dark Souls logo and opra music that sorta reminds me of Attack on Titan, I'm met with a message saying its for me, I press accept giving into my own curiosity when the message opens saying.


Subject: Work

Hello Potential Customer,

We would like for you to test out new System so we could see if there's any kinks in its design or layout of its functions. As compensation well give you a new life where you can be free a d enjoy the life of a kid. We'll give you a wish as a bonus and starter pack to help your new life, but first plz answer these questions first.

-The One Above All


Question #1: How would you like to be reincarnated?

A.) Reincarnation: Will send soul to an already existing body while fusing the memories into the System user

B.) Immigration: Send the users body as it is in current world

C.) Create Body: Create your body to live in that the user will reincarnate into which will be formed based on the user's personality, desires, personal preferences and experiences

Selected: C

Question #2: What Class and Subclass do you wish to have? ***Warning: Will effect how the System helps user!!***

Class: [Blank]


'I don't really care for classes so I'll just choose this.'

Class: [Random]

Subclass: [Random]

Question #3: Which Race do you want be?

Answer: [Blank]

'How about this since I always though it would be cool , but add a little twist."

Answer: High Human

Question #4: What potential would you like to have?

A.) A talent that appears everyday

B.) A talent that appears every year

C.) A talent that appears every 10 years

D.) A talent that appears every 100 years

E.) A talent that appears every 1.000 years

F.) A talent that appears every 10.000 years

G.) A talent that appears every 100.000 years

H.) A talent that appears every 1.000.000 years

I.) A talent that appears every era

Answer: I

Question #5: What 3 skills would you like to have when sent to a new world?


*Hmmm* 'What do I want to have? Ah! Whatever let's just wing it.

Answer: All 23 Heavenly Flames, A Zanpakuto and Akashi's Emperor Eye

Question #6: What world do you want to be reincarnated into?

Answer: [Blank]

'Well if I'm being honest I actually have no preference on where I want to go really so I'll throw caution to the wind.'

Answer: Random

Scrolling to the bottom I press the submit button when my suddenly feal my heart stop I panic falling to the ground out of my chair staring at the cement ceiling with cracks in it that I'm all to familiar with closing my eyes for the hopefully I think last time in this world.

I snap open my eyes from shock of dying holding my chest feeling a breeze of calming fresh air washing over me. There were many trees, bushes and a lake with little fish swimming around. It was peaceful. I see a cardboard box on the ground that I spotted easily because of its awkward placement in the forest next to when I got up. Holding the box it seems average so I opened it when an unfamiliar sound rang in my ears.

[Ding! Host has opened up their Starter Pack!]

[1.000.000 SP, 1x Custom Swordsmanship Ticket, Kiritsugu Emiya Assassin armor, 1x Free Skill Ticket(Any), 1x Free Weapon Ticket(Any), Message from The One Above All]

[Ding! Would Host like to see the message from the one above all?]

"Yes" I answered viewing the Message in my head.


Hello Dear Beta Tester,

I have sent you through starter pack as I said and will grant you a wish when ever you are ready by just telling the system. I'm deeply sorry for your life back on Earth; your life was being manipulated by the goddess of Earth who used the trials to experiment on you using a Trial. A Trial gives the person who's tested powers and usually only used when humanity is on the break of extinction. An example is Moses when he separated the ocean, bit the God that once ruled over through world lost a bet to the original god of Earth and she used your life as amusement while also giving a worthless power for everyday life. I hope you enjoy your new life without regrets!

PS: Because you chose to put random for both your main and subclass as well as your world I had to modify the skills you got a tad bit.

-The One Above All


'What does he mean when he said that he modified my skills? System show me my stats.'

[ Name: N/A

Class: Magic Chef

Subclass: Adventurer

Race: High Human

Bloodline: N/A


Strength: 20 -> 40

Defense: 20 ->40

Dexterity & Endurance: 100-> 200

Magic: 100 -> 200


{Cooking Magic}

{Magic Cooking Technique}

{Heavenly Flames}

Passive Skills:

{Racial Skill: Double All Stats}

{Akashi's Emperor Eye}

{Traversing the Land}

{Magic Chef Knowledge}

{Magic Expansion}

{Dexterity Up}

{Knowledge of the Discovered}

{Zanpakuto-*Sealed*} ]

"System why does my status say my zanpakuto is sealed?" I ask the system hearing a *Ding*.

[Ding! Since Host didn't have a zanpakuto in your original world your soul has nothing inside it. I would like to inform the host that he can either take a test or purchase a weapon in the store.]

"What's the difference?" I ask the System hearing it *Ding*.

[Ding! Taking the test will have the zanpakuto be personalized for you while buying it from the store will grant the Host the spirit of whoever originally wielded the sword.]

I thought about this thoroughly thinking of all the possibilities it came down to either having a personalized sword or using a weapon from my anime. Before making a decision I look at my reflection in the river; I look a like a slimmed down version of Asta with my hair being black and having amber like eyes. I open my mouth resolute on my option.

"I'll just take buy it then using my ticket." I said looking at the new notification. I looked throughout the store noticing that there were were many weapons that I could choose from like Dark Souls, Meliodas Demon Sword and ironically Asta's swords. Thinking of what I wanted I chose I remember I can create a sword technique using that ticket I make up my mind and bought...

[Ding! Has been given their zanpakuto would host like to spend an additional 500.000 SP to awaken your sword spirit?]

"Yes." I said hearing the multiple notifications pop up.

[Ding! Spending 500.000....Remaining SP: 500.000.]

[Ding! Zanpakuto has awoken now revealing weapons name to Host....]


UwU readers!

How you've been? Jeez~ I can already see the commentary asking me about this stories big brother. Well if anyone tries to catch me I'll sick Truck-sama, Knife-kun, and Rape-chan on all of you!

*Runs out the door by shooting!*