
The Trash System

A little boy was only 13 years old who had his life ruined by his family who sold him to pay off their dept to a gang when he was only the age of 5. He was forced to burry dead bodies from people unlucky enough to cross the gangs path, when he wasn't putting bodies into the ground he was being used as a stress doll while being injected with drugs, and some even went as far as to use him as sex doll. The only reason he wasn't killed was because he was useful; the gang said as long as he served a purpose he wouldn't be killed and could watch anime when they weren't using him. Watching anime, reading mangas and playing games was his safe haven for himself. It saved him from committing suicide dozens of times, when he was on the verge of killing himself he would always think something on long the lines of "What new anime is coming out next" or "Maybe I could beat that Dark Souls boss". This hesitation was of course personal salvation which as everybody knows is hard to control. Then One day when he was asleep he got on his computer to play games before his daily routine of burying the dead, torture and sex there was a strange message that he didn't usually see when he played Dark Souls 2 which in his opinion was a huge pain in his ASS! The Message had link to a quiz that said "Would you like to Reincarnate?".....

New_Player · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Another Flame is Born(1)

'Great there goes my good mood today.'

34 Minutes Later....

After finally finding the scumbag that would awaken Rin's flames I saw that he already met them in the alley like in the show, I watch from one of beams above them listening in on their conversation without raising their awareness....

( A/n: This'll be like in the show with some miner changes)

3rd POV:

"Sorry about yesterday, I was only playing with those pigeons, but my hand slipped see?" The gray haired kid said which I'll now be calling Prick. Rin probably couldn't see what was happening besides seeing the Coal Tars floating around him, but I could see a black shadowy figure....Minotaur?

"Anyway, I want to know how much you want." Prick told Rin.

"What?" Rin asked confused.

"My parents are somewhat famous you see. And as for me, I'm about to enroll in TCA so I don't want any unsavory rumors swirling around." he told Rin. Rin's face distorted a little there at the end before :

"You mean your going to the same prestigious school as Yukio? I see your problem." Rin said calmly.

"Hehe~ Now you got it, consider it hush money I'm buying your silence, you just need to keep this episode between you and me." he loudly whispered to Rin.

"Heh~ You really through me a curve there, keep your money I won't tell. I got a lot of things to do." Ring said walking off earning him a respectful nod from me. When I sense the black figure growing intensely and sense Shiro's presence slowly closing in on Ring's location probably following the gathering of all the Coal Tar.

"Oh what is that bravado; just take the money everyone knows that your so damn poor you can't get into school without help. Here just take it. Yeah your brothers, Yukio and Anbāaizu are there names, the only way he got into that school was by craming like hell and getting a scholarship, isn't that right? While your other brother is an introvert who stays at home afraid of the fucking world! I feel for you, use this to get him some he-" he was suddenly punched in the face by Rin. If Rin didn't punch him I was gonna burn his crotch with my Void Devouring Flames.

"Scumbag. You can say whatever the hell you want about me, but never diss my brothers!" yelled Rin. I guess I gotta confess something else about what happened in those three years; The first year I was indeed an introvert due to my trauma from 13 years. No matter how hard I tried to talk to other people that didn't live in the church I always felt scared of being kidnapped again, I was homeschooled for the entire three years even now that I am here.

I guess its true what they say about your past: "You can run from where you come from, but never forget the experience of living there."(*Made this up*). Shiro spouted off how praying would help me except my past, but I didn't want that so called 'God's' help! They spout off how holy and how he never makes mistakes because he's the perfect being, but tell me why my life was destined the moment I was born! I shrug off my emotions and continue to watch the scene unfold. The shadow was slowly merging with Prick's body.

"Man that hurts. I wouldn't push my luck if I were you!" he yelled as the Coal Tar erupted from his body. His body begins to morph into a demon when as the black figure completely merges into his body. 'Possession'. I think it was called. The boys body started to grow goat horns, his nails grew into claws and a tail shot out while Rin was in a daze Prick's three goons held down Rin.

'Idiots!' I though to myself.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, I'm gonna pay back twice the pain you cause me." Prick was now holding an extremely hot metal pole walking towards Rin.

"Common (*Prick*) we don't want to do some" "Shut up." Goon 1 tried to finish before he was quickly kicked by Prick.

"Now where would you like me to burn you; your nose, your mouth or perhaps your eyes?" I could see Rin's face change to one of a frightened child. "I prefer barbeque! Hahahahahaha!"

"Stop it, get away!" Rin yelled releasing his blue flames with a burst sending the three idiots flying off of him. "Its burning. Blue flames, what the hell?"

"Those blue flames are indeed proof that you are the true scion of Satan."Yes I was right, my eyes were not airy. My name is Asteroth, come with me my young prince lord Satan has long awaited you." he holds out his hand to Rin.

"S-satan has?" Rin said still crouching with a confuse, stupid look on his face.

"Evil is in their hearts....." I'm not writing this down so if you want the entire shtick then watch the show. When Shiro pointed his two fingers at Prick who was now being held flipped over by Shiro and now in his grasp, black mist shot out of his mouth. The tail, horns and claws were now gone too.

'Now that the demon is gone I'll be on my way.'

"Where are you going?" I heard him say looking at my exact location. I slowly try to walk away. "Anbāaizu get here now!"

I reluctantly jump into the spotlight.

"Heya guys, nice weather we're having here." I said sweating a little.

"We're going to the back to the church now." he said sternly. "Now that Rin has awakened there's gonna be demons of all kinds coming after him so you'll be protecting him using your flames while training him."

"How did you kno-" he cut me off.

"Know? Well I may be getting old, but I can clearly see how your body has gotten more athletic and your flames don't go off like crazy like they did before when your emotions get out of hand." he gave me a cheeky grin. "Let's go Rin."

"What's happening Old Man!? What do you mean demons are coming after me!?" Rin yelled at Shiro seeking answers. Then he gives his long ass speech about the world of Gehenna being connected to this world, I already know this stuff so I don't pay much attempt to this part. I notice that wired looking fungi starts to sprout inside the cement like the show. When the old man finishes he tells Ring his father is no ordinary demon, but is instead the king of demons: Satan.




