
Chapter 1: John Gark

The year is 1XXXX. The entire human race has conquered the whole galaxy. Technological advancement has paved the way for humans to reach the corners of the cosmos.

Scientists, politicians, and visionaries are the ones who led their species to greatness, though older generation has long died and handed out their knowledge to the young, one man, in particular, is still leading the species to greatness.

His name is John Glark.


It was early in the morning, and the rectangular lights that are mounted in these metallic walls began to shine. A man who's probably in his twenties slowly rose up from his bed and rubbed his eyes.

This man, with his black hair and blue eyes wearing a sky-blue colored pajama, is a well-known scientist named John Glark.

As he smiled and closed his eyes, he thought to himself,

"What a nice morning!" This bed that he created was invented to smooth the experience of sleeping and waking up. Its fluffy white sheets shout a heavenly feel to it as it warms the user to the perfect temperature while sleeping.

He looked around this metallic room, with its lacking of furniture and decorations made it look like a prison built for a murderous criminal. But this was his preference, he doesn't need those things, He made it this way because of one thing.

He clapped both of his hands twice and saw the metallic walls changed, it seems that he's on the outside, Probably on the streets of the city. With flying cars roaming around with tall glass buildings and people holding signs.

"Let's see what's on the news today." He thought to himself.

This walls that he made that covered this room is a screen that's hard to break, it lets the user see the entire 360 degrees of the whole scene. It is a popular product that is used by billions of people. It is very revolutionary that just by even watching a movie made, it seems like you're in the scene itself.

A woman in the screen holding a microphone started to speak,

"The 'Peace-Not-War' Activists have gathered here in the plaza today to state their opinions on the upcoming war against the 'Communist Planets'."

There are currently 135 nations that occupied the entire galaxy, and of those planets are United Planets and the Republic of the Communist Planets. These two planets, in particular, have been in the state of war from their time in their foundings.

As John watched the news, a holographic screen started to show at the side, and the voice of a woman began to speak,

"Good morning, sir!"

John looked at the holographic screen and replied back,

"Good day Sarrie!"

Sarrie is another of John's brilliant invention. A personal assistant that is made entirely of software. Built by his late mother as her last will and testament. He continued the project and made it a perfect assistant that anyone ever wanted.

Sarrie replied,

"The food is ready and is now on its way."

As he closed his eyes and touched his stomach, he groans to the thought of eating another delicious food offered by his great inventions.

As he licked his lips and was unable to sit still, he looked at the holographic screen at the side and asked Sarrie,

"What is the meal for today?"

Sarrie replied,

"Fried fish with delicious fried egg and bacon."

The robotic machines that are in charge of making food for John were programmed to study the diet and body conditions of his body as well as current activities that he will be doing today.

As he pouts after listening to what Sarrie said, he then began to say,

"Oh, and I thought that we will have broccoli today…"

Sarrie replied,

"You're going to be meeting with the military and government officials today, so we want you to eat as much brain power foods as possible,"

He averted his attention towards the people in front of him as they were shouting with hands in the air calling his name,

"We especially denounce John and his 'Malnotronics company' for making machines of war!" he narrowed his eyes as he listened to the protest.

John was not only a renowned scientist but as well as the CEO and primary stockholder of the Malnotronics Company. His company mainly deals with manufacturing electronics, robotics, and a key player in the Artificial Intelligence industry.

The metallic door suddenly slides open, revealing a robot that is holding a wooden tray with John's meal at the top. A robot who has a figure of a female body with a beautiful plastic face while wearing a maid's outfit started to walk towards John as the sound of her heels can be heard throughout the room. This was another of John's invention, and one of the lines of the products of the Malnotronics Company.

As the robotic maid arrived at the side of the bed, she then placed the wooden tray on John's lap.

John smiled at the robot and said,

"Thank you!"

As the robotic maid bowed in response, it then walked towards the sliding door and stayed at the side.

"We will now hear the statement of President Michael Bon of United Planets!" The male reporter said.

As John continued to watch the news at the screen, he then saw a male figure wearing a business torso waving his hands while standing at the podium. After the person shook his hands, he then began to speak through the microphone,

"We assure you that this war is not caused by resources nor greed! But by eliminating the outrageous economic model called 'Communism!'"

As the president continued his speech, Sarrie began to ask John,

"Are you sure of providing weapons of war to the government?"

John replied,

"I surely don't! But there is this element that they have recently discovered that is classified… I have heard that they will use it on their weaponry, and I intended to learn more."

"So, by offering on making weapons for them, you will use this opportunity to learn more about the element that they have recently discovered?" Sarrie said.

John looked at the holographic screen and gave a smile and said,

"Good job! You know me very well! I am a person who loved to acquire new knowledge, you see!"

Sarrie with her sad tone then said,

"Shouldn't you focus on things that are much more important? Like creating more inventions to help the citizens?"

John began to glare at the holographic screen at his side and said,

"Please… That is so boring!"

John, who finds joy in discovering new things, is bored in every matter of human society; he usually strays away from politics and economic growth, unless if those things can provide new scientific discoveries.

John continued,

"And besides, my company is already helping the human race."

This is true; in fact, his company not only creates innovative products but as well as cheaper ones and in high quality.

Sarrie replied,

"But creating weapons of war?"

Sarrie was about to continue, but John interrupted her and said,

"Shush… Every company does that in every country… What makes me different than them?"

As John wiped his mouth with a white cloth, he then said,

"It's time for me to take a bath."

The robotic maid standing at the side walked towards the bed and grabbed the wooden tray at John's lap. John Began to get out of bed and walked towards the sliding door.

The door slide opened, and John walked out of his room to go towards the bathroom to take a bath.

As John walked towards the bathroom, He touched the guard rail at the side and looked down below. He saw his robots walking, delivering materials, and some just standing by waiting for orders, He even saw robotic arms that are currently creating a particular type of machinery.

This place that John is in is not only his personal home but also his factory. He made this decision because he just loves to learn new things, and one method to learn more about things is to also create new ones, new machines, and new inventions.

John continued to walk and arrived at his destination, the door slide opened, and John entered the room.

Inside is what you usually see inside a bathroom, it has a mirror, sink, shower, and a bathtub. John walked towards the pan, and suddenly robotic arms with hands of a toothbrush started to come out of the mirror box.

After the robotic arms finished brushing his teeth, the circular door at the top started to open, and robotic hands began to come out of it and undress John as he is preparing to take a shower.

Generally, in a bathroom, there is supposed to be a shower curtain to hide the body of the person using it. But John didn't decide to put one, there are actually two reasons why: one is that he's lazy while thinking of the idea and second is that he is living alone in this place.

The shower was also programmed to make the temperature of the water suit the current condition of the outside. Making the water cold if it's hot outside and hot if it's cold.

After taking a shower, the robotic hands holding a towel started to wipe his body; afterward, they gave John the towel robe, and he wore it.

John started to walk out of the room and goes towards the "dressing room."

The inside of the room is filled with different kinds of cabinets. Cabinets that were sorted by their types: Perfumes, clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.

The robotic hands in-charge of dressing John was programmed to analyze the current activities of the day and dress John appropriately. Since he is about to meet with the military and government officials, he is going to wear a business torso.

While the robotic hands were busy suiting John, a holographic screen appeared at his side, and a woman voice started to say,

"Sir, the car is ready." John looked at the holographic display and saw a black limousine car floating in the ground.

John nodded and replied,

"Okay, I'm almost done here."


As John walked the halls of his place, the sound of his footsteps echoed throughout. He looked at the side and saw the robotic maids lined up. These robotics maids are placed here to defend any intruders, for they are not just only capable of doing housework but can also fight.

After walking past them, he is now at the front of the big brown door, the two robotic maids standing on both sides, pushed the door as it let out a creaking sound.

John then stepped outside and walked down the stairs. The black limousine car automatically opened its door as John slowly approached it, He gets on to the vehicle as it closed its door and began to drive.

Sarrie then began to say,

"We are heading towards the capital, sir."

John then replied,
