
The Transmigrated Hero

After vanishing along with the creature he fought, the hero finds himself in a strange and unfamiliar world. With no way to return to his own world, he must learn to survive in this new place. However, his peaceful existence is short-lived, as he learns that the creature he thought was defeated is about to emerge once again, posing a threat to both his new home Determined to prevent another catastrophic war, the hero sets out to find a way to stop the creature from wreaking havoc once again. But as he gets closer to the truth, he realizes that defeating it won't be as simple as he thought. As the hero faces his greatest challenge yet, he must confront his own fears and limitations in order to save the world. Will he be able to stop the creature and prevent another war, or will he fail and watch as everything he fought for crumbles around him? Find out in this gripping tale of adventure and redemption. PS: I don't own the cover

REaper · Fantasy
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7 Chs

I Am (Rewritten)

3 Years Later.

The modern Pub was bustling with activity, filled with the sounds of clinking glasses and lively chatter. The dim lighting lent a cozy atmosphere, while the sleek furniture and decor gave the place a contemporary edge.

At the corner of the pub, a man sat perched on a bar stool, his tall frame leaning casually against the counter. He wore a black leather jacket that hugged his broad shoulders, and his blue eyes gleamed under the warm glow of the overhead lights.

With a pint of frothy beer in hand, the man took a long, slow sip, savoring the cool, bitter flavor as it rolled over his tongue. He closed his eyes briefly, relishing the sensation before opening them again to scan the room.

His eyes darted back and forth, taking in the eclectic mix of patrons that filled the pub. There were young couples whispering sweet nothings to each other, groups of friends laughing raucously, and solitary figures nursing their drinks in contemplative silence.

His gaze lingered on each person in turn, his mind working like a silent observer, absorbing everything around him. He seemed lost in thought, his features set in a calm, contemplative expression.

As he took another sip of his beer, the man's eyes settled on a group of rowdy revelers at the other end of the bar. They were loud and boisterous, their laughter ringing out above the din of the crowd.

His lips quirked in a small, almost imperceptible smile as if he found the scene amusing. But beneath the surface, there was a sense of detachment, as if he were watching the scene play out from a distance, separate from the rest of the crowd.

With a sigh, he turned his attention back to his beer, taking another slow, thoughtful sip as he continued to watch the world go by.

The man's attention was abruptly drawn away from his contemplative thoughts by the deafening roar of the crowd. He swiveled his head around, his blue eyes scanning the pub for the source of the commotion.

As he looked up at one of the several TVs mounted on the walls, he saw what had caused the uproar. On the screen, a man in a tight-fitting dress was pummeling a grotesque, monstrous creature with all his might.

The man couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, his lips quirking in amusement. It was a strange and surreal scene, but it seemed to be just the kind of thing that the rowdy pub crowd loved.

He shook his head slightly, taking another sip of his beer as he settled back into his seat. It was all just a bit ridiculous, but it was entertaining nonetheless.

As he continued to watch the strange scene on the TV screen, his mind suddenly drifted away from the present moment, and he was transported to another world entirely.

He closed his eyes, and a series of vivid images flashed through his mind. He saw himself in a different place, surrounded by cheering crowds of people who were shouting his name in excitement. He saw his friends, laughing and joking with him, walking by his side as they navigated through bustling streets.

But then, the images took a darker turn. He saw sharp claws tearing into flesh, heard screams of pain and fear, and felt an overwhelming sense of loss and despair. The images were like a slideshow, each one flickering by in quick succession, leaving him feeling dizzy and disoriented.

As he opened his eyes, the man in the leather jacket took a deep breath, trying to calm the rapid beating of his heart. He couldn't quite shake the memory of the past, and the sudden rush of emotion left him feeling raw and exposed.

He took another sip of his beer, letting the cold liquid soothe his parched throat as he tried to shake off the intense feelings that the memories had brought up. The sounds of the pub around him seemed to fade away, leaving him lost in thought and reflection.

Despite having spent three years in this world, he still found himself haunted by the memories of his past. He had settled into a routine, a new life in this unfamiliar place, but the past was never far from his mind.

No matter how much he tried to distract himself, the memories were always there, lurking just below the surface. Sometimes they would hit him like a sudden storm, sweeping him up in a torrent of emotion and leaving him feeling lost and overwhelmed.

He had tried to bury the memories, to leave them behind and start anew. But they were a part of him, an indelible mark that he couldn't simply erase.

As he sat there in the pub, lost in thought, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and nostalgia. He missed his old life, missed the people he had known and loved, missed the familiarity of the world he had grown up in.


"One Beer Please"

As the man sat lost in thought, he was suddenly jolted out of his reverie by a soft, melodic voice. He turned his head to see a beautiful woman with rich, chestnut hair and glasses perched on the bridge of her nose, sitting next to him at the counter.

For a moment, he was taken aback by her beauty, and his eyebrows raised slightly in surprise. But then he turned back to his beer, taking another long sip and returning his gaze to the television.

The woman cleared her throat softly and repeated her order to the bartender. "One beer, please," she said, her voice soft and pleasant.

As the bartender began to pour her drink, the man couldn't help but steal a quick glance at her. She was dressed in a smart business suit, and her features were delicate and refined. But there was something about the way she carried herself, a sense of confidence and poise, that made her stand out in the crowded pub.

For a moment, he felt a strange sense of familiarity, as if he had seen her before somewhere. But then he dismissed the thought and returned his attention to the television, taking another long sip of his beer.

The man remained fixated on the television screen, watching as the bizarre scene unfolded before his eyes. But then, a soft voice broke through the noise of the pub and reached his ears.

"Interesting world, isn't it?" the woman's voice said, laced with a hint of curiosity.

The man didn't turn his head immediately, but took a slow sip of his beer, savoring the cool, refreshing taste. He then nodded, his eyes still fixed on the TV screen.

"Yes, interesting," he replied, his voice low and measured.

The woman calmly took a sip of her beer before placing the glass back down on the counter and turning to the man sitting next to her. His eyes were fixed on the television screen, but he could feel her gaze on him.

"You can also make this world more interesting," she said, her voice low and measured.

The man turned his head slowly, his indifferent eyes meeting hers. He regarded her for a moment, taking in her sharp features and intense gaze. Then, without a word, he turned back to his beer.

But the woman persisted, extending her hand towards him with a small smile on her lips. "Sarah...Sarah Conners," she introduced herself.

His eyes shifted to her hand, and then to her face, before he shook his head and let out a soft exhale. A small smile played at the corners of his mouth as he introduced himself.

"Jack...Jack Von Brighton," he said, his voice low and rumbling.