
The Transmigrated Author

Axel, a struggling novelist, stumbles upon an otherworldly online writing tool promising an unprecedented level of realism for storytelling. Interested, he hurriedly signs up without reading into the terms and conditions. Ready to breathe life into his almost-finished novel, Axel excitedly imports his work into the platform shortly before drifting off to sleep. To his surprise, Axel awakens as an unnamed character within the very world he once wrote. Shortly after his arrival, he was given a system that officially entwined his destiny with that of the novel he created. Projection of chapters: 900 - 1000 chapters Releases for chapters are scheduled at midnight - early morning AEDT time.

zowji · Fantasy
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214 Chs

Arrival (2)

[Eldoria, Mercenary Headquarters, Floor: 1-A - Reception]

The reception area was vast – sleek, polished stone floors, and plush couches that looked more for show than comfort.

A single desk, gleaming chrome, stood against the far wall.

Behind it, a masked assistant tapped away at a screen, their expression hidden.

I wasn't so excited to meet the big boss, I know that Jaxon Cain has handled the majority of his operations running the mercenary corps from the back of his head.

Approaching the desk, I addressed the assistant.

"Evening, uh... I've been called up by the big boss... for a meeting?"

She stopped typing and looked up. "I don't think we're expecting any newbies during this hour. But I'll check with the Big Boss first."

As she picked up a phone dialing Jaxonn Cain, I activated perceptive mind to see who this person was.