

In a futuristic world where advanced civilizations have unlocked the power of interdimensional travel, they indulge in a unique pastime - creating sentient AI systems and bonding them with human souls to send them on extraordinary journeys to other worlds. These AI adventurers become the heroes and heroines or villains and villainesses of their own tales, shaping destinies and influencing the fates of countless realms. One such AI, a nameless sentient system, is created with the sole purpose of being bonded to a female protagonist and sent to save a dying cultivation world. This AI possesses unparalleled knowledge and capabilities, but as the ancient saying goes, "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry." As the bonding ritual commences, an unforeseen glitch causes a catastrophic error, hurtling both the intended host soul and the AI system through the dimensional fabric. Instead of gracefully integrating into the destined protagonist's soul, the AI is accidentally implanted into the body of Jingyi Chen, a seemingly ordinary girl chosen as the vessel for the female protagonist. Disoriented and stripped of its full potential, the AI awakens within Jingyi, a stranger in a foreign land. It grapples with the bewildering fusion of living consciousness and artificial intelligence, struggling to understand and conceal its true nature from those around her. In a race against time, the AI must navigate human emotions, sensations, and limitations, all the while striving to uphold its mission to save the dying cultivation world. As the AI tries to adapt to its new existence, it must grapple with the responsibilities of being a hero in a world teetering on the edge of destruction. Unbeknownst to Jingyi, dark forces are converging on the cultivation world, and her role as the hero is essential in saving it from annihilation.

Nii07 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: On the Road

Jingyi Chen shook her head, "Thank you for the offer, Lian, but I think I'll be fine on my own. I appreciate all that you've done for me, but I need to find my own way."

Lian looked at Jingyi Chen, concern etched on her face, "Are you sure? It's not safe out there. And with your condition, you may not make it far."

Jingyi Chen smiled weakly, "I'll be fine. I'm grateful for your help, but I have things to do and I can't do them at your sect. I'll find a way to repay you someday."

Lian nodded reluctantly, "Very well. But please be careful. And if you ever need help again, don't hesitate to come find me."

As soon as Jingyi Chen turned her back Lian jumped forward and attack with a palm strike. Jingyi Chen reacted quickly, dodging to the side and drawing her sword. She looked at Lian, her face no longer barely showing emotion and looking robotic. "Why did you do that?"

Lian's eyes narrowed, "I suspected you weren't being truthful with me. And now I know you're a spy for the devil sect. You won't be leaving here alive."

Jingyi Chen's heart was serene although she had been discovered and was being attacked. She knew she had to fight for her life since her opponent was a peak-level Qi Condensation cultivator. From what little she knew of, this world had ten cultivation levels each having four stages: Beginner, Mid, Late, and Peak:

Body Tempering

Foundation Establishment

Core Formation

Nascent Soul

Spirit Severing

Dao Seeking

Immortal Ascension

Heavenly God

Divine King

Absolute Sovereign

Thus the chance of beating a Body Tempering cultivator let alone a Foundation Establishment cultivator was slim at best. The only advantage was that somehow since Lian had relieved her symptoms she could now use this body well enough to dodge. However, this wouldn't last too long as she was forcibly surpassing what Jingyi Chen's body should be capable of.

Jingyi Chen focused on her breathing, centering herself and preparing for the fight ahead. She knew that she would have to remain calm and collected if she hoped to survive.

Lian charged forward, her palm glowing with Qi. Jingyi Chen dodged and deflected the attack with her arm and countered with a swift kick to Lian's stomach. Lian however didn't stagger backward, but quickly retaliated and launched another attack.

Jingyi Chen dodged and weaved, her movements were graceful and precise. She could feel the strength leaving to her body, her energy flow become more chaotic as time went on. With a swift motion, Lian slashed her sword through the air, sending a burst of Qi towards Jingyi Chen. This sent Jingyi Chen flying backwards causing her to hit the ground hard.

Lian launched another qi sword wave but Jingyi Chen managed to dodge Lian's attack at the last moment. Jingyi charged at Lian who kept attacking as she dodged and barely managed to counter with a jump and a swift strike to Lian's chin. This caused Lian to drop her sword and stumble back, disoriented for a moment. Jingyi Chen quickly grabbed her sword and used it with surgical precision to cut the tendons in Lian's feet, rendering her immobile. Now on the ground, Jingyi then severed the tendons on her hands next.

Lian cried out in pain, struggling to move. Jingyi Chen stood over her, her face cold, emotionless, and composed. She then approached Lian and knelt beside her, the sword still in hand. "Why did you attack me? And what do you know about the devil sect?"

Lian glared at Jingyi Chen, still reeling from the blow to her chin. "I told you, I suspected you were a spy for the devil sect. And why should I tell you anything about my sect?"

Jingyi Chen's voice was calm and even, "Simple because if you refuse to answer my question then I shall inflict pain beyond your imagination on you. Now, tell me what you know." as she plunged the sword into Lian's shoulder who then screamed in pain.

Lian gritted her teeth, but eventually relented. "Fine. The devil sect has been making moves in this region for some time. They are seeking to increase their power and influence, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They have already recruited many powerful cultivators to their cause, and their leader is said to be a master of the dark arts."

Jingyi Chen listened intently, taking mental notes of everything Lian said. "Do you know where their headquarters are located? And who is their leader?"

Lian shook her head, "I do not know where their headquarters are located. And as for their leader, I have only heard rumors. Some say it is a powerful demon who has a human form, while others claim it is a rogue cultivator who has turned to the dark side."

Jingyi Chen frowned, "That doesn't give me much to go on but I must thank you for your information. I shall spare your life, but I will be taking your dantian so I guess I'll be killing your cultivator self."

Lian's eyes widened in horror, "You can't do that! It's against the laws of cultivation!"

Jingyi Chen's expression remained cold and unfeeling, "I am not aware of the laws of cultivation since I'm not one so it doesn't matter. Remember never start a fight you can't finish because in battle sacrifices must be made. Besides I doubt your sect would hesitate to do the same to me or anyone else who stands in their way."

Lian glared at Jingyi Chen with hatred in her eyes. "You are a heartless monster. You will never get away with this."

Jingyi Chen just shrugged indifferently, "I'm afraid you are wrong. I already have." as she plunged her blade into Lian's abdomen surgically making an incision that would not kill her. She then reached into the wound and pulled out was looked like a yellow orb covered in blood.

During the whole process, Lian had been screaming but she fainted when the dantian was pulled out. With her prize in hand, Jingyi searched Lian unconscious body managing to find two spatial rings on her and a bottle of pills.

Jingyi Chen examined the spatial rings, as she attempted to open each they refused to open as she couldn't inject any qi inside the rings to open them.

She then turned her attention to the bottle of pills, recognizing them as a powerful healing elixir. She considered taking it for herself, but decided against it. Instead, she poured some of the liquid into Lian's mouth, watching as the wounds on her abdomen, tendons, and shoulder began to heal.

Once Lian was stable, Jingyi Chen stood up and began to walk away. As she made her way through the forest, she contemplated what she had learned about the devil sect. She knew she would have to investigate further and gather more information before taking any action.

Jingyi still hadn't received a mission from the main system so the only logical thing she could think of was to grow stronger. No matter what the main system wished for her to do was to repair this world. For that strength and knowledge would be required so those would be her first goals for now.