
The Transmigrant Mage

The novel follows the journey of Kyle, an office clerk who loses his job due to his lung disease. As he grapples with the reality of his illness and the fear of the unknown, Kyle finds himself inexplicably transported to a fantasy world that resembles a MMORPG that he played. Despite being disoriented and confused by his sudden arrival in this new world, Kyle quickly realizes that he has been granted a second chance at life, and he must make the most of it. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has been blessed with incredible magical powers that he never knew he had. As Kyle sets out on a quest to understand the full extent of his abilities, he encounters a host of fascinating characters and beings, each with their own unique stories and motivations. Along the way, he learns to harness his magic and use it to help those in need, becoming a hero in the eyes of the people he meets. But as Kyle delves deeper into the mysteries of this world, he discovers that there are dark forces at play, threatening to destroy everything he has come to hold dear. With the help of his new friends and allies, Kyle must fight to save this world from destruction, using his newfound powers to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Through a series of thrilling twists and turns, the novel explores themes of redemption, self-discovery, and the power of perseverance. It is a story that will leave you on the edge of your seat, rooting for Kyle as he battles his way through this fantastical realm, using his wits and courage to overcome all obstacles in his path.

Torchlansky · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Magic Dagger

Kyle emerged from the portal, feeling a slight disorientation as he adjusted to the new environment. He looked around and saw that he had arrived on the second floor of the tower, finding it eerily similar to the one he had just left behind. His eyes immediately landed on the inactive gate portal, and he strode forward to examine the large triangular stone socket.

As he suspected, it was missing the key to activate the portal. Kyle searched the room for any clues on how to create the key, and his eyes fell upon a parchment lying on a nearby table.

He picked up the parchment and studied it closely. It was identical to the one he had found on the first floor, but with different materials needed to create the key. He took note of the materials, which were listed as a feather, a piece of amber gem, and a black metal.

Kyle paused for a moment, considering his options. He had no idea where to find these materials, but he knew he had to try. He pocketed the parchment and began his search, hoping to find it somewhere in the tower.

As he continued his exploration, Kyle's thoughts turned to the possible owner of the tower. Who was this powerful wizard who had taken control of the tower, and what did they want with the gate portal? These questions weighed heavily on Kyle's mind, but he knew he couldn't afford to get distracted.

As he walked towards one of the doors, he noticed that the walls of the tower were adorned with intricate designs and runes, some of which he recognized from his studies. The air was thick with magic, and he could feel the power pulsing through the very stone beneath his feet.

Kyle took a deep breath and composed himself, knowing that he had to remain focused and vigilant in this dangerous place. He drew his dagger from his inventory, feeling the weight and balance of the weapon in his hand. He had spent the past few hours honing his skills with it, determined to become more proficient in close combat.

He made his way to the door and pressed his ear against it, listening intently for any sounds of danger or movement. After a moment, he decided it was safe and slowly opened the door, stepping into the next room.

As he entered, he saw a group of goblins huddled around a table, poring over some maps and documents. They looked up in surprise at Kyle's sudden appearance and immediately reached for their weapons.

Without hesitation, Kyle leaped forward, his dagger flashing as he struck out at the nearest goblin. The creature dodged to the side, but Kyle was ready, following up with a quick punch that landed solidly on its chin. He changed his weapon from dagger to staff, chanted a spell, and a burst of flames engulfed the goblin, causing it to scream in agony.

The other goblins hesitated for a moment, but then charged towards Kyle again. This time, Kyle cast a spell that created a wall of ice in front of him. The goblins crashed into the ice, and Kyle quickly took advantage of the distraction and changed his weapon to a dagger, then stabbed one of the goblins in the back.

As he fought, Kyle continued to use his dagger and staff in combination. He created a gust of wind that knocked some of the goblins back, and then used his dagger to strike at their exposed areas. He cast a spell that summoned a bolt of lightning that struck several of the goblins at once.

The fight was intense, but with Kyle's use of magic and his martial skills with the dagger, he was able to defeat the goblins one by one. He was relieved when the last goblin fell to the ground, lifeless. Changing his weapon from staff to dagger and vice versa was challenging, but he pulled it through. Having an interspatial ring is very useful for changing weapons.

Breathing heavily, Kyle looked around at the carnage. He knew that he needed to be more careful in the future, but he was also proud of his improved skills. He took a look at the fallen goblins to see if there was any material that he needed to craft the next key, but he was disappointed to find nothing.

He cautiously moved forward, keeping his senses sharp and alert. He noticed a narrow passageway on the right side of the room that led to another chamber. Kyle decided to explore that chamber first before proceeding further.

As he entered the adjacent room, he saw that it was much smaller than the previous one, with only a few torches providing light. The room was almost empty except for a large chest that was locked with a heavy padlock. Kyle decided to try and pick the lock, pulling out his trusty dagger from his inventory. But as he did so, a trap was triggered as a poisonous gas suddenly erupted from the chest.

Kyle got scared when he inhaled the poisonous gas, seeing how dark the color was and how the hideous smell almost made him puke. But after a while, he feels nothing, not expecting that the poison gas will not have an effect on him. Then he remembered his necklace, which gave him immunity against poison. He touched his necklace and thanked Darvis for the reward.

Kyle decided to resume his efforts earlier. After a few attempts, he managed to unlock the chest and opened it to find valuable loot inside. There were a few potions that regenerate mana, a bag of gold coins, and a magic dagger. He quickly stowed them away in his inventory inside his ring before proceeding back to the main chamber.

Kyle then noticed another passageway on the left side of the room, leading to another chamber. He moved forward and entered the next room, which was filled with bookshelves containing old tomes and scrolls.

Kyle began browsing through the shelves and found a book about elemental magic. He spent some time reading it and memorizing the spells before adding them to his inventory. He continued his exploration, looking for any clues or items that could lead him to the key to activate the gate portal.

As Kyle stepped into the room, he was surprised to find that he had entered what appeared to be a lush forest. The room was filled with tall trees, shrubs, and the sound of birds chirping. Kyle was immediately fascinated by the beauty of the room, but as he walked deeper into the forest, he came across a group of strange creatures.

At first, Kyle couldn't make out what the creatures were, as they appeared to have a mix of bird and human features. But as they approached him, he realized they were harpies. The harpies had feathers for hair and wings that stretched out behind them. They carried spears and shields, and as soon as they saw Kyle, they prepared for battle.

Kyle knew he had to be careful in this fight, as the harpies seemed swift and dangerous. He readied his staff and began to cast a spell to increase his agility. As the harpies charged him, Kyle moved quickly and changed weapons, dodging their attacks and striking back with his dagger.

The other creatures, with their avian bodies and human faces, screeched and flew towards him with razor-sharp talons extended.

Reacting quickly, Kyle drew his staff and prepared to defend himself. As the harpies closed in, he used his stone skin spell to harden his skin and reduce the damage from their attacks.

With his left hand holding the dagger, Kyle began to weave his magic with his right hand holding his staff. He summoned a wind blade spell and sent it flying towards one of the harpies, slicing through its wings and sending it crashing to the ground.

The other harpies screeched in anger and redoubled their attacks. Kyle cast a lightning bolt spell, striking one of the harpies and causing it to convulse in pain.

But the harpies were fast and agile, and Kyle knew he couldn't rely solely on his spells. He used his dagger to fend off their attacks, darting in and out of their reach and landing precise strikes when he could.

As the battle wore on, Kyle's magic began to wane. He cast a final spell—a fireball that exploded in a burst of flame, killing the remaining harpies.

Breathing heavily, Kyle slumped against a tree, his dagger still clutched in his hand. As he examined his broken dagger, he felt a twinge of disappointment. It had served him well in his battles so far, and he had grown accustomed to its weight and balance. But he knew he couldn't dwell on it for too long. He needed to find a replacement weapon if he was going to continue exploring the wizard tower.

He reached into his inventory ring and retrieved the dagger he had found in the chest earlier. As he studied it, he noticed something strange about it. There were intricate patterns etched into the blade, and as he ran his finger along them, he felt a faint hum of magic.

Curious, Kyle focused his mana and channeled it into the dagger. Suddenly, he felt a surge of power, and the dagger began to glow with a faint blue light. He watched in amazement as it transformed before his eyes, the blade elongating and taking on a sharper edge.

Kyle realized that he had stumbled upon a rare and valuable find: a magical dagger. With this weapon, he could cast spells without having to switch between a staff and a weapon. Excitement welled up within him as he tested out the new capabilities of his dagger, casting spells of fire, ice, and lightning with ease.

As Kyle inspected the dead harpies, he noticed that their feathers were a different color than the ones he had seen before. He remembered that Darvis had mentioned that there were different types of harpies, each with their own unique properties. He searched through their feathers and found the one that he needed.

He carefully plucked the feather and examined it closely, noticing that it had a faint magical aura. He was relieved that he had found the material he needed for the next key, but he also realized that he needed to be more careful in his future encounters.

Kyle summoned his interface and navigated to the section on magical items. He searched for any information about the dagger he had found in the chest and was surprised to find that it was a unique and powerful weapon.

According to the interface, the dagger had a special enchantment that allowed it to cast spells. It also grants an additional skill once equipped. He felt a rush of excitement and anticipation at the possibilities of what he could do with it.


Kyle Mc Caster (Alex Reaves) Class: Wizard Level : 17 (95%)

Health (Full) Mana (Full)

Element affinities [Mastery Level] : Fire(90%) Wind(90%) Earth(60%) Lightning(85%) Water(45%)


Magic Skills [Mastery level] : Transmutation(20%), Transfiguration(15%), Potion(10%) Rune(36%)

Melee Skills [Mastery level] : Swordmanship(25%), Dagger(45%), Unarmed strike(45%)

Magic Spells [Mastery Level] : Fireball (100%), Fire Whip (75%), Lightning Bolt(90%), Wind blade(85%), Earthquake(50%), Mana Wave(80%), Stoneskin(50%), Fireblast zone(40%), Presentiment(30%), Summon Fire Elemental(20%), Flare(20%), Light(25%), Frost(50%)

Equipped Weapon : Magical Dagger (Crafted by a powerful goblin wizard and blacksmith, this dagger allowed the user to cast magic spells, increase Agility +5, Bonus Skill : Invisible)

Quest (Incomplete) : Find the Rune Master Guild

Reward (Incomplete) : 1000 Experience points and magic item


He realized that having a magical weapon was going to be a game-changer for him, and he couldn't wait to test it out in battle. With a renewed sense of confidence and determination, Kyle continued his exploration of the wizard tower.