
The Transmigrant Mage

The novel follows the journey of Kyle, an office clerk who loses his job due to his lung disease. As he grapples with the reality of his illness and the fear of the unknown, Kyle finds himself inexplicably transported to a fantasy world that resembles a MMORPG that he played. Despite being disoriented and confused by his sudden arrival in this new world, Kyle quickly realizes that he has been granted a second chance at life, and he must make the most of it. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has been blessed with incredible magical powers that he never knew he had. As Kyle sets out on a quest to understand the full extent of his abilities, he encounters a host of fascinating characters and beings, each with their own unique stories and motivations. Along the way, he learns to harness his magic and use it to help those in need, becoming a hero in the eyes of the people he meets. But as Kyle delves deeper into the mysteries of this world, he discovers that there are dark forces at play, threatening to destroy everything he has come to hold dear. With the help of his new friends and allies, Kyle must fight to save this world from destruction, using his newfound powers to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Through a series of thrilling twists and turns, the novel explores themes of redemption, self-discovery, and the power of perseverance. It is a story that will leave you on the edge of your seat, rooting for Kyle as he battles his way through this fantastical realm, using his wits and courage to overcome all obstacles in his path.

Torchlansky · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Into The Ruin

Kyle woke up early and checked his interface. The coordinates for the ancient ruin were already marked, thanks to his previous conversation with Darvis. He quickly got dressed and gathered his things, making sure to bring his best equipment and enough supplies for the journey.

As he walked out of the dormitory, he spotted Mei, Kaiden, and Landon waiting for him. They all looked determined and ready for the journey ahead.

"Hey guys," Kyle greeted them with a smile. "Are you all set?"

Mei nodded. "Yep, I brought all my gear and supplies. I'm ready to go."

Kaiden flexed his muscles. "I'm more than ready. I've been waiting for this moment."

Landon looked a bit nervous but determined nonetheless. "I'm ready too, Alex. Let's do this."

Kyle nodded in approval. "Alright, let's head out then."

They walked towards the academy gates, where they were met with the usual hustle and bustle of students going about their day. Once they were out of the academy grounds, Kyle pulled up the map on his interface to check their route.

"The ancient ruin is located on the outskirts of the city, near the forest," he explained to his friends. "We have to be careful, though. There are reports of dangerous creatures in the area."

Mei nodded in agreement. "We should be on high alert then."

As they traveled further away from the city, the atmosphere grew tense. The trees became denser, and the sound of rustling leaves and twigs could be heard all around them.

Kyle and his friends set up camp for the night in the forest. They had been walking for hours and were exhausted. As they sat around the campfire, they talked about their journey so far.

"I can't believe we've made it this far," Mei said, staring into the flames. "I never thought we'd actually find the ancient ruin."

"I know," Kyle said. "It's been a long journey, but we're almost there."

Kaiden looked around the forest, scanning the trees for any signs of danger. "We should take turns keeping watch tonight," he said. "We don't know what kind of creatures might be lurking around."

Landon nodded in agreement. "I'll take the first watch," he said. "Alex, you should get some rest. You've been leading us all day."

Kyle nodded gratefully and settled down in his sleeping bag. As he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness about what lay ahead. The ancient ruin was said to hold great power and secrets, and he was determined to uncover them.

Kyle falls asleep in his tent, exhausted from their long trek through the forest. As he sleeps, he finds himself once again in the dream realm. The familiar woman stands before him, looking even more desperate than before.

"Kyle," she pleads, "please help me. I don't have much time left."

Kyle approaches her cautiously, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. "Who are you?" he asks.

"I am someone who needs your help," she replies, her voice quivering with emotion. "I cannot explain everything now, but please come find me. Time is running out."

Kyle nods, determined to find a way to help her. "Where can I find you?" he asks.

But the woman fades away, leaving Kyle alone in the dream realm once again. He wakes up, feeling both frustrated and determined. He knows he needs to find a way to help her, but how? And where?

As the woman's image faded away, Kyle's eyes slowly opened to the sight of his companions sleeping around him. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and trying to shake off the remnants of the dream.

"What was that dream about?" he muttered to himself.

Mei stirred, turning over in her sleep, and Kyle realized that he had been talking aloud. He looked around, making sure that nobody else had woken up, and then laid back down.

As he drifted back to sleep, he couldn't help but wonder if the dream was some kind of premonition or if it was just his imagination. Either way, he knew that he had to keep his wits about him, especially as they approached the ancient ruin.

The next morning, the group packed up their camp and continued on their journey.

The group had been traveling for days through the dense forest, navigating through the thick underbrush and trying to avoid any dangerous creatures that they might encounter. They had heard tales of the dangers that lurked in these woods, but their determination to find the ancient ruin kept them pushing forward.

As they trekked deeper into the forest, the group heard strange noises that were not from the usual forest creatures. Suddenly, a pack of goblins ambushed them with the intention of stealing their supplies and causing them harm.

Kyle, Mei, Kaiden, and Landon immediately got into battle formation, their staffs and swords at the ready. The goblins were smaller in size, but they were vicious and agile, wielding rusty blades and makeshift weapons. They swarmed towards the group, cackling with mad hunger.

Kyle shouted out instructions to the group, signaling their attack patterns and countermeasures. Mei and Kaiden attacked the goblins from the sides, with Mei using her lightning magic to shock them and Kaiden using his fire magic to scorch them. Landon covered their backs, shielding them from any surprise attacks with his defensive magic.

Kyle focused on the goblin leader, who was armed with a serrated sword and was twice as big as the others. The goblin leader lunged towards Kyle, but Kyle was quick to dodge, using his agility and speed to outmaneuver the goblin's attacks. He countered with a spell that produced a blinding flash, causing the goblin leader to stagger and become disoriented.

Taking advantage of the opening, Kyle summoned a barrage of fire spells, bombarding the goblin leader until he was reduced to a pile of ash. The rest of the goblins, sensing their defeat, retreated into the forest, leaving the group victorious but battered.

As they caught their breath, Kyle and his friends checked each other for injuries. Mei had a few scratches and bruises, while Kaiden had burned his hand. Landon had expended a lot of magic energy defending them, but he managed to recover quickly.

As the group caught their breath after the intense fight with the goblins, they took a moment to tend to their injuries and assess their supplies. Mei had a shallow cut on her arm, Kaiden had a bruise on his ribs, and Landon had a twisted ankle.

"We need to be more careful," Mei said, her brow furrowed with concern. "We don't know what other dangers might be lurking out here."

"I agree," Kaiden said, nodding. "But we can't let fear paralyze us. We have to keep moving forward if we want to find this ancient ruin."

Landon winced as he tried to put weight on his injured ankle. "But how are we going to keep going with my ankle like this?"

Kyle looked around, taking in their surroundings. "There might be some herbs or plants nearby that could help with the pain and swelling. Let me see if I can find anything."

He wandered off into the forest, his eyes scanning the underbrush for any sign of useful vegetation. After a few minutes of searching, he spotted a patch of bright green leaves that he recognized from his studies as a natural pain reliever.

Returning to the group, Kyle crushed the leaves into a paste and applied it to Landon's ankle, wrapping it tightly with some bandages they had brought along. "It should help with the pain, but we need to be careful not to put too much strain on it," he advised.

The group settled down for the night, taking turns keeping watch and getting some much-needed rest. Despite their worries and injuries, they were determined to press on toward the ancient ruin. The next morning, the group packed up their camp and continued on their journey.

As they continued on, they encountered a variety of other creatures, from giant spiders to fierce wolves. Each battle was more intense than the last, but Kyle and his friends were determined to press on. They knew that they were getting closer to their goal, and they refused to let anything stand in their way.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they arrived at the entrance to the ancient ruin. It was a massive structure, towering high above the surrounding trees and covered in moss and vines. Despite the dangers they had faced on the journey, Kyle and his friends couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as they gazed up at the magnificent structure before them.