
Find 9.3

He turned to his daughter without even noticing Nea, who was doing her best to blend into the landscape. She sighed inwardly with relief. It seemed to be working and Signor Mélem didn't even seem to notice her presence.

-Anne-Lise, you're going with him. You'll take the opportunity to go and see Prince Cassem," he continued in the same commanding tone.

For a few seconds, Nea saw a look of reproach pass over the face of the beautiful young woman, but she said nothing. Her father's orders were final.

The caravaneer was about to head for the exit when the Shouk interrupted him.

-Allow me Signore, but I'd like to take Amina's assistant with me too," he said, giving the young woman, who was a few steps behind, a sudden jolt of heat.

She turned her head towards Amina, who exchanged an anxious look with her. She took a step forward to intervene.

-Sir, I don't think her presence is necessary, she's just starting to...

-She was there when the Rizle was discovered, so she'll probably have some details to add to the report to the king," he cut her off. And it'll give her experience for the next time she's in this situation as a manthier later on. I'm sure his majesty won't be upset by her presence, on the contrary. He's always keen to see everyone present at the discovery.

After her tirade, all eyes turned to Nea. Within seconds her meticulous attempt to go completely unnoticed had fallen by the wayside. She had the full attention of those present, and the weight of their gaze made her break out in a cold sweat. More than anything, she was not reassured by the Shouk's words, while she still had Amina's warnings echoing in her eardrums.

But she didn't dare speak up to defend herself. She was well aware that she had no right to speak here and that the slightest wrong word would cost her dearly. She kept her mouth shut, praying that Signore Mélem would refute her Shouk's theory and order her to stay here. But it seemed that fate was working against her. After careful observation, he nodded again and turned to Hakim.

-It's a good idea, I think His Majesty will be pleased too. Take her with you," he agreed.

The Shouk thanked him with a respectful bow of the head. With these last words, he resumed his walk and left the tunnel without another word, followed by his daughter and her guards. Once the small group had disappeared, the Shouk, who had remained behind, turned to the two women, his usual smile that Nea couldn't bear to see on his lips.

-Get ready, we're leaving in two hours. Meet me at the north pontoon and we'll take some Perdrautruches for the journey. We've got about ten days' worth, so pack enough for us - we won't have any stops. There are no oases from here to Yerm. It's going to be a rough ride.

Amina nodded with the same reverence she had shown the caravanner. Nea, who was seething inside, looked at him for a moment before doing the same so as not to make a fuss. But she was furious. This idiot had screwed up everything. Not only had he drawn the caravanner's attention to her, but she was going to have to face the King! And what was all this about participating in the report? How was she going to be useful when every step from discovery to update had been handled by Amina?

What the hell did that bastard have in the back of her head? She bit her lip as her gaze met that of the handsome dark-haired man with the divine face. He seemed very amused by her reaction.

-Don't be late," they said before leaving in his turn.

Nea had heard in his tone a hint of joviality that he had not been able to hide. She was sure he was enjoying the situation. She stopped herself from leaping up behind him and grabbing his arm to ask for an explication. She would have the opportunity to do so during the journey. For the moment, she had to concentrate on saving herself.