
Amusement park!

He looked at his chest and was also shocked. That's because the butterfly pattern was gone, it wasn't there anymore.

Soi Fon approached and played again with his suzumebach, the butterfly tattoo formed again, but in the next moment, it disappeared again.

This time Hikaru paid attention and felt a little tingling. He saw that the electricity left his Fullbring and went to his chest, after that, the butterfly pattern disappeared.

What's going on, Soi Fon asked.

Hikaru said. "I think I know."

"Do you know?" She asked in surprise.

"Yes, that ability must be my Fullbring's ability."

Like the zanpakutous, some Fullbring also have a special ability.

And from what I saw, the ability of my Fullbring allows me to deny the skills of another zanpakuto, that must also include the other Fullbrings.

Soi Fon was shocked. Do you deny the skills of other zanpakutous?

Overpower! Much Overpower!

This ability was very stolen, imagine how many zanpakutous would be useless before that sword?

Hikaru was also surprised.

A while later, Hikaru finished training with Soi Fon and entered the house.

Sitting cross-legged in his room, Hikaru was holding the crystal his mother had given him. Recently, when he was killing Hollows, he realized that every time he killed a Hollow, Hollow's reiatsu was absorbed by the crystal.

He kept trying to study the crystal for a while, but he couldn't find anything. So he could only stop and go to sleep.

Early in the morning, Hikaru was in the kitchen making breakfast when he heard footsteps on the stairs, he raised his head and was surprised by the sight.

He saw a Soi Fon wearing teddy bear pajamas.

Soi Fon, who had just woken up and was still sleepy, suddenly opened his eyes wide, his face became incredibly red. She turned and ran at full speed.

Hikaru just smiled, he didn't imagine that a mermaid captain would wear teddy pajamas.


Sitting in the kitchen, Hikaru looked at Soi fon with a red face.

After a while, Soi Fon couldn't take it anymore.

"What are you looking at?"

Hikaru smiled and said. I didn't imagine that a respected captain of the second squad had these Hobby.

These Hobby?

"Are you courting death?"

Soi Fon took the fork and was ready to start the purification and sends Hikaru to the society of souls a little earlier.

Hikaru did not want to be beaten and quickly raised his arms in defeat.

Only then, Soi Fon sat down, But she was still gripping the fork tightly.

I need you to continue training me today! Hikaru looked at Soi Fon and said.

Soi Fon frowned, but as if she had thought of something she nodded and said.

"Okay, but don't complain afterwards because I'm so tough during training." Soi Fon smiled.

Seeing the corner of Soi Fon's mouth lifted, Hikaru felt a chill go down his spine.

Hikaru then stood up and said. I need to get out!

Where are you going? Soi Fon asked.

I'm going to the city to buy some things, we can't live on fruit and eggs, can we?

I plan to buy some clothes too.

Soi Fon opened her mouth as if to say something, but in the end she said nothing.

Hikaru knew he would regret it, but he still asked. "You want to go with me?"

"I don't know, I have a lot of things to do." Soi Fon replied.

Hikaru was speechless, she clearly wanted to go. And what did you mean, I have a lot of things to do? On those days you didn't even go out to kill a Hollow.

Hikaru knew that most Hollows would be taken care of by the other shinigamis. Soi Fon would only act if it was necessary.

Hikaru would not beg, he had already done his part in calling her.

"Okay then, you can stay there, I'm going."

Hikaru turned and left, but before he left Soi Fon's voice came from behind him.

But since you insist so much, it's okay to go once.

Who insisted?

Hikaru was once again speechless.

A few hours later, Hikaru was walking alongside Soi Fon in the city.

Soi Fon was wearing a gigai, so she wasn't wearing the shinigami kimono that she normally wears. She was wearing a simple yellow dress, she looked like a schoolgirl.

Soi Fon was looking around with curiosity. If the shinigami saw her, they would not believe that she would be the killer bee of the second squad.

Suddenly Soi Fon's eyes flashed, she tried to disguise it, but Hikaru still saw it.

Hikaru saw where she was looking and a smile formed on her face.

He raised his arms and stretched. "I haven't been to the amusement park in so long, I wanted to go, but you probably wouldn't, captain?"

Who doesn't want to go?

Soi Fon exclaimed, but in the next moment he realized that he had said too much.

She pretended to cough, made a serious expression and said. I don't know what you humans see in that kind of place, but if you insist, I can make an exception. As spoke, his cheeks were a little red.

Black lines appeared on Hikaru's forehead, but he controlled himself.

Let's count it as a good deed, he thought in his heart.

The two entered the amusement park and went directly to the roller coaster.

As they walked towards the roller coaster, several people in the park started looking at Hikaru and Soi Fon and whispering. Some even pointed a finger.

Soi Fon noticed that several people were looking at them and commenting.

Why are they talking about us? Soi Fon asked curiously.

Hikaru smiled, went to Soi Fon's ear and spoke a few words.

Soi Fon's face immediately went completely red.



On the roller coaster, several people shout when they come down the trail.

Soi Fon who was sitting next to Hikaru, had his hair flying and had a face full of emotion.

Her shunpo was much faster than this train, but every time the train went up and down, she felt a chill in her belly, a sensation completely different from the shunpo.

Only after riding the roller coaster five times, Hikaru convinced her to go on other toys.

They went on various toys in the park, then took several photos on the photo machine.

The sun was already setting when Hikaru and Soi Fon walked towards the exit of the park.

Hikaru saw a man selling ice cream and asked Soi Fon to wait a while. He then bought two ice creams and took them to Soi Fon.

Soi Fon got the ice cream, but had never tried ice cream before and didn't know what to do. She turned and looked at Hikaru and saw him licking, only then did she also start licking the ice cream.

His face showed an expression of surprise when he tasted it.

Suddenly Soi Fon felt a flash of light on his face.

What are you doing?

She turned and saw Hikaru taking a picture of her with his cell phone.

Hikaru then took out his cell phone and showed Soi Fon the screen. On the screen, there was a picture of Soi Fon with a surprised expression while licking the ice cream, she looked very cute.

Hikaru smiled.

Why are you laughing? Soi fon was irritated and at the same time ashamed.

I wonder, if the shinigamis saw the killer bee Soi Fon licking an ice cream with that expression, how would they react?


Soi Fon was angry, she couldn't allow others to see her that way. She was about to grab her cell phone by force ...

But .... Hikaru continues with a smile.

It's a shame for them, because only I will have this photo! Hikaru turned to her and smiled.

At that moment Soi Fon was speechless, time seemed to stop for a few seconds.

Humph .. she turned away.

The two then continued walking while eating the ice cream.

Soi Fon stopped in front of a machine to pick up stuffed animals.

Do you want to try? Hikaru asked.

To Hikaru's surprise, Soi Fon did not make a theater, but just nodded.

Hikaru froze looking at Soi fon. She didn't look like a cold-faced captain.

Seeing Hikaru paralyzed looking at her, Soi Fon seemed to notice something and asked.

Will you give me the money or not? When she did, she turned away.

Hikaru came to himself and nodded. Hikaru did not notice that Soi Fon's cheeks colored a little.

Hikaru took out some coins and handed it to her.

She then followed Hikaru's instructions and put the coin in the machine and started playing.

But she failed and failed to catch the bear.

Hikaru then handed her some coins. But she keeps failing every time.




Hikaru was amazed, she didn't even seem to get better.

Hikaru took out his last coin and handed it to her.

She put the coin in, moved the hook over a pink bear and pressed the button.

The hook went down and picked up the bear and started to climb under Soi Fon's control.

Suddenly the bear looked like it would fall.

Hikaru saw this and put his hand on top of the machine. Electric currents left his hands and headed toward the machine's hook, so the bear stopped moving. When the bear was at the top of the hole, Soi Fon hit the release button and the bear fell.

Hikaru bent down to pick it up and handed it to her.

Soi Fon raised his hands to catch the bear with an expression as if he didn't care, but his joy and excitement still delivered.

She then kept it in her bag.

Hikaru smiled seeing this scene, he turned and said, come on. Then he started walking.

Soi Fon looked at the machine and the corner of his mouth slowly rose.