
Naughty love

In the popoola's family,living in a chalet, an impecunious family. Mr. Benson Popoola who was a taxi driver, he also had farm, where he planted so many crops, but a subsistence farmer. He got spliced to Mrs. Oluwadamilola. She has a small scale commerce which she sold fried poff poff, bean cakes, and other snacks.

The lovely couple begat three lovely kids, which were: the fist born was Annie,Annie was nineteen years old, she attends a university and also do a casual job.

Veronica the second born, she was fifteen years, she also goes to school and after, school hours she helps her mom in preparing snacks.

Stephen, the only son, his itinerary and ambition is just to face his studies and become great in life.

The family was a good epitome of love to other families, they cannot bear to see tears in their faces, they loved and cared for each other.


At the rising of the sun, early in the morning, Annie wakes up, prays to God Almighty, she took her bath dressed up, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the family. She then serves it on the table.

Mr. Popoola: My dear daughter, she makes delicious tea for us to drink, just like her mother.

Annie: Thank you dad

Veronica: Hm dad what about me?

Mrs. Popoola: Vero, you are too jealous, you know too well that no body can beat you in the the preparation of bean cakes.

Mr. Popoola: Is that okay?

Veronica: Hm Okay

Annie : Vero, I know very well that you are too jealous (she sits down) but I will tell you that I am more experienced thank n cooking than you, think make a lot of delicious delicacies, because I work in a restaurant.

Veronica: I also study food and nutrition in school and I also help mum I preparations of all kinds of snacks.

Annie: I don't care, I only know that I am much more better than you

Veronica: No, I am much more better than you

Annie: No

Mr. & Mrs. Popoola: (Trying to calm them down) It's s okay

Annie: No mum, I need to make her know that I am much more better than her.

Stephen : (singing) Table manners, don't talk while eating , don't argue while eating, don't fight while eat......

Veronica:(cuts in) Keep shut

Stephen: Please, don't shout at me, sister restaurant, didn't they teach you table manners in your restaurant?, and if not, didn't your teachers teach you in school? (Paused a bit and then continued) sister food and nutrition didn't your teachers teach you table manners in your school?, Ehn?

Annie:Mum tell Stephen, he is transgressing.

Mummy: Now let me tell you guys the truth, do you want to know the best cook in this house?

Annie & Veronica: (very anxious) Yes,mum

Mummy: The best cook in this house goes to....... Stephen.

Stephen: (happy) yeah

Veronica: Oh, God

Annie: Mum, Dad, It's 7am already, I need to leave for school.

Dad: Okay darling, study hard, and when you get to the restaurant, do not be lazy, make your boss proud and by so doing make me also proud.

Annie: Okay dad, I will try my best possible, bye.

Mummy: Stephen, won't you go to school?

Stephen: Mum I am still hungry, let me drink one more cup of tea

Veronica: Foodie, mum, dad, bye I am out of here.

Mum & dad: bye, take care

(They waved their hands as they left for school).