
The Darkness.

Everything is dark. All around me.

I know I am in a small clearing, Through the darkness I can see the shapes of trees all around me. I can feel the cold rain on my face. Each direction looks the same. The feel the feeling of hopelessness creeps up on me.

'You're never going to get out of here Olivia.' I hear the words in my head.

"No I will not give up!" I whisper pushing those thoughts out of my head. I look in front of me choosing my direction.

I slowly stand feeling the pain in my ankle as I try and put pressure on it. "You can do this." I tell myself in order to keep going. I take one step and then another seeing the shapes of those trees coming closer.

All of a sudden the world is tilting and the trees are moving. A rock sends my body falling toward the ground again. I look up seeing the trees so close I begin to pull myself along the ground.

I make it to the nearest tree and sit myself up against it. Sitting there shivering soaked clothes full of mud and lost in the dark I can feel the anger and frustration come to the surface.

I lift my head up screaming into the darkness. "WHERE THE HELL AM I? SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME! IS ANYONE THERE? I NEED HELP!" I yell and yell at the sky and the tree and the darkness until my voice is hoarse and I can't no more.

Through the rain no one would know I am crying. Sitting there in the dark against a tree I shiver and cry until I fall asleep from the exhaustion of what I've been through. More darkness takes me.

There is the faintest light. Light that's seams to be flashing. I want it to come closer and warm me up. The light disappears and I see darkness once again.

My world is shaking. I should see what is happening but I don't want to. I decide to open one eye just a crack. The light is back! My eyes flick open but the light is blinding. My hand comes up to shield my eyes and the shaking stops.

My eyes begin to adjust and another shape comes into focus before me. 'You're not a tree.' I think to myself. No the tree has arms and legs and a face. The most beautiful face, with the most beautiful golden eyes.

"Are you an angel?" I manage to whisper out. Still taking in the surroundings. It seems brighter out but still dark. My eyes come back to the person infront of me. The light from a flashlight creating golden light around his soft brown hair. He looks at me surprised. I feel my world spinning again.

"No I'm Sebastian, but who are you?" He says with the softest voice. As my world begins to fade again I feel myself being lifted up. The last thing I see are those golden eyes looking down at me with concern as everything goes into darkness once again.