
The Trail of Sloth

Brought to another Land, Phoenix loses his normal life and learns about his fate and the curses inflicting humanity. In a desperate attempt, he decides to save humanity by completing the "Trail of the Sloth"

Writer_Assistant · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


"Huh?" I said as I saw the creature charge right at me. It had incredible speed.

Within two seconds, The distance between us was reduced from nearly 30 meters to less than 3.

With the monster closing in, I looked at the its hand and saw it had clenched it's hand in the form of a fist. Seeing the incoming attack, My reflexes kicked in and I ducked before it could connect.

Ducking in, I saw the upper portion of the creature's body was wide open. Seeing this as my chance, I clenched my left fist and aimed at the Creature, right at its jaw.

"Don't come near me!!" shouting these words loudly to boost my adrenaline, I hit the creature right at its jaw. But, The moment my fist connected, I felt a haunting sensation. Just for a split second. And the words,

"𝕽𝖚𝖓, 𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊."

Rang in my ears.

I remember this voice. It's the same voice as the one in my vision the other day.

The effect of the sensation ended in that very moment, And I snapped back to reality.

I looked at the creature and realised it was sent a considerable distance from my position due to the punch.

"I...did this?" I couldn't believe myself. I looked at my fist and saw that my fingers were half burned.

"WHAT!?" I still didn't feel the pain because of the adrenaline. *Is that thing burning?*

I thought to myself. There's no possible way I can fight against this creature. It's impossible!

"What even are you? What is your connection with that voice?!"

I shouted, asking the questions that came to my mind at the moment. But the creature just stood there Saying absolutely nothing. My breathing was getting heavier and heavier with each second. Possibly because of Fear.

While I was thinking about my horrible situation, The creature slowly stood up, never breaking eye contact with me. And opened its mouth.

It let out another Grueling Howl. This time, even louder. It was something the likes of which I'd never heard before.

It was loud, too loud to be bearable by any means.

I couldn't help but cover my ears with my hands and tried to somehow keep standing on my feet.

"I can't bear it!" It felt like my ear were gonna burst. I couldn't even hear my own words.

"I..need to get...out of here." I pushed with what strength I had and started running in the opposite direction than the creature.

I ran for a few seconds and had already covered a good amount of distance.

"Huh, The boosted in my physical prowess finally came in handy." I said. The screams of the creature started to fade away. But I kept running forward, without daring to look back.

I could now hear it's voice at a distance. But it was faint.

I kept changing directions and took different paths while running to throw the creature off my route.


After doing so for a while, I stopped. I was exhausted. I looked around and saw that I was at a random location. It's an open area with fewer trees around, So I can easily watch out for an incoming attack.

I leaned against a tree to catch my breath. Even though I ran for a short amount of time, I was already out of breath.

"What the hell is up with this Island?! There are creatures that make you hallucinate and ki-kiss you for some reason. And now that 'BURNING PIECE OF CRAP'."

I need to reach the shore as fast as I can. There is no chance for survival if I continue to roam aimlessly around here. Moreover, My chances of survival will be much higher there.

"I need to get out of he-"

Suddenly, the environment went cold just like earlier.

"Oh come on!" I said frustratingly as I knew what was coming.

I immediately looked at my right, where the cool wind was coming from. There was no particular thing to see.

"Come out already! I know you're in there!!*

Even though I was sure 'The thing' was in my front. I heard rustling in the trees behind me. I quickly turned my around.

" GRAGHH...!!! " The monster came running right at me Through the trees, Nearing every second.

"How is this thing so Fast?!" I said.

Before I could think of a plan, The distance between us was already closed and The Monster was ready to attack me.

The Monster lunged at me from a tree. With the creature almost on top of me, I felt as if the time slowed around me. Every second felt like a minute. I realised our position was the same as before. The only difference being that now the creature is sticking it's claws out. If I don't dodge the attack now, it will surely go right through my neck, and Kill me.

THINK PHOENIX, THINK!! I have to get out of this situation.

An idea pooped up in my mind. I don't know if it'll work but it's my last option.

"I've got this." saying this, I immediately hopped back. Now, my back against a tree.

This Monster's figure is quite bulky, I can use my agility to move out of his attacks and somehow trap him.

The creature wasted no time coming in for a second one, Ready to slash his hand through me. The attack went right through the thin tree behind me as I was able to dodge the attack just in time. "Ha! As expected, you're slow!" I said in a mocking tone.

...I was clearly bluffing. The creature is indeed quite fast. Even with his bulky build. Hearing my words, it seemed annoyed. Does it understand human language?

I moved in the other direction and stood in front of a thick tree before it attacked again. This was to make sure I have a good distance between us before speaking.

"You sure aren't that fast at all. If I concentrate enough, I can easily see your incoming attack. even till the last second." Screaming once again, It came at me. This time with more speed. I dodged again, resulting his claws being stuck deep in the tree's bark.

"Gotcha!" I celebrated for a second. But I'd say I did it too early.

The monster turned its eyes toward its towards me, Giving me a death stare.

He immediately moved its arm right through the tree, resulting in the whole tree collapsing.



How is he able to do that. That too with such a thick tree.

"Oh my God.."

Usually, I don't believe in God. But at this moment, God was the only one I could ask for help.

Before I knew it, I was hit by a roundhouse kick from the creature, Right in the gut. Being kicked felt as if all my organs would spill out of my mouth.

I was launched at a tree by the brute force of the attack.

"Argh..!!" The pain was unbearable. I actually thought I was going to throw out everything inside my body. I was lying there lifelessly, sitting with my legs stretched out under the broken tree. I taste blood in my mouth. No wonder.

I can't move my body. My chest, my arms and my stomach nearly got burned. Bloody hell! Even breathing hurts. One kick from this monster did this to me.

The tears coming out of my eyes couldn't express the level of pain I was in.

The creature gave me no time and started walking towards me. It's not running now...Does it think I'm done for?

I guess...it's right.

I barely lifted my face, having blurred-out eyes looking at my death, coming closer and closer with each step.

"I... don't want to die." those were the last words I said.