
No one accept the 3rd girl in his house

When she "Gent" was born no one accept her coz jerk she was a girl and in her typical family they wanted a boy who support them when he young, they all are unhappy to see Gent, not even her father so her ant decided to adopt her and so she take gent on her place, she is very gentle to her but, not her ant's family they don't like her they don't want to accept her so after three years, she moved to her real parents, where his mother was working woman her father was unemployed she lived with her two sisters they are also survive coz they have no chance to live a life, their parents kinda selfish, they always fight with each other they had love marriage before they have egos issues, what their kids face parents don't even care kids paternal relatives maternal relatives always annoy them gent was very innocent she tolerate that her innocence her intimacy for his parents but no one noticed that gent was different.