1 The White Towers Keeper

By C.R. McDaniel

The wind blew through the ever green trees, dark clouds began to cover the clear blue sky, signs of a storm approaching. A crystal lake that was usually still and peaceful began to quake and become rough waves. On the other side of the lake stood a tower of glowing white stone, it reached towards the heavens though it had no doors on ground level, there was one entry way into it, a balcony or sorts, with a symbol of a winged being holding a star in its right hand and a staff in its left hand. On this balcony stood a woman in a flowing white dress, decorated in silver roses on its hem and long sleeves. She sighed,watching as the peace of her world was becoming shattered by greed and darkness, her silver eyes rimmed with violet looked upwards seeing the shapes of her bretheren fighting, their wings causing the gusts of wind and their weapons clashing sounding like thunder.A tear ran down her pale skinned cheek, and dripped onto the floor, in her hands she heald a pearlescent glowing book. She glanced down at the one book she was meant to protect, it's secrets that it held could not fall into the hands of the man who started this war. "HIMIKOL!" She heard someone shout, looking up again she watched as her friend Nefi descended towards her, his long white hair was a mess his battle gear had some dings and scratches on it, his dark tanned skin shimmered with the power of his soul. He landed beside her, tucking his white and gold speckled wings against his back, he looked at her with dark sad eyes. "We can not hold out much longer." he whispered sadly. "Then let me join you, you know I could help." he shook his head at her words "You know you can not, it is not for the keeper to join in battle, however you can not stay here." He opend his wings "Follow me, it is time for you to leave." she looked at her friend, a sad smile on her lips. "Very well." she murmured opening her own wings, she had one tipped wite wing and one black white tipped black wing. Her wings had always caused a bit of a problem with her people, for her clan it was normal for them to have dark hair, tan skin and white wings with speckled colors ranging from pale pink to dark gold but never had anyone seen wings like hers, thus rumor spread that she could be a bad omen or maybe she wasn't her parents child. She looked at her wings, a soft laugh escaping her lips, perhaps they had been right about her being a bad omen, after all war had broken out between the five clans for many years now and it seemed that her clan would soon be defeated. She jumped off the balcony after nefi, he flew ahead of her, his weapons dawn, she tucked the book into her bottomless pouch before removing two glass looking birds from it and letting them fly around her. Both of them looked up when they heard a scream, one of their clans men fell, his wings hacked into pieces as he fell by them, his attacker swooped down towards them, Nefi raised his sword to parry the down words swing of the battle axe,both weapons clashed with a boom. Himikol sang softly to one of the birds, it began to glow brightly "Nefi shut your eyes!" she shouted just as the bird released a blinding light, she shut her eyes and could only hope Nefi had down the same. She felt a hand grab her and almost screamed, but it was only nefi. "We can not break through, but I wish you a safe journey." she opened her eyes, to look at Nefi, not understanding what he meant until he swung her around and kissed her in a way she did not understand, it was only a split second later that he shoved her into a tear in their world that he created and Himikol fell through darkness, screaming for Nefi, her last glimpse of him being his back as he turned to fight off more of the attacking clan, then the tear shut and she was alone in darkness. problemhttps://inkstone.webnovel.com Create on the PC.
