
Chapter 3. The first Mission.

As Adam was in the room he looks at the mirror, he then puts his hand through it and it goes through, he pulls his hand out in shock and looks back at the man in the black robe

"You see Adam, those mirrors work also as portals that can take you anywhere."

The man in the black robe said

"However, Adam. I must give you something to travel freely."

The man in the black robe gave him a strange looking watch as Adam takes it and puts it on his wrist

"This watch will help you find the crystals and it can teleport you anywhere in the Multiverse."

"So, how does it work?"

Adam asked

"You must press the top of the watch, you must think of where you want to go to. So you must think of the crystals and you will be at that location, but this will work for everything so you can travel to every universe."

The man in the black robe responded

Adam presses the button on top and suddenly appears in a place.

The place he is in looks like a desert, with a few houses in the distance

"So this is where one of the crystals are, huh?"

Adam said to himself