

Ethan had never imagined he would reach this point. There was something, a monster, kneeling in front of him and obeying all his commands.

The once horrifying Shadow Behemoth was now his. Just like Claudia, the stupid Floor Guardian.

But he couldn't command Claudia as freely as he could this Shadow Behemoth. Maybe because she was not dead, so she still had a little bit of control over herself.

After confirming what he could do, Ethan drew back the Shadow Behemoth into his body. The monster transformed into particles of black ashes and entered his body.

He turned, forgetting that Irene had been behind him all this time, too absorbed in his power.

"Uhh." Ethan was lost for words. He had clearly laughed like a maniac earlier, so it was understandable if Irene found him strange. "Well, you saw that already."

"What the hell did you do to it?" Irene asks. Her voice sharp and her eyes staring at Ethan with a wary gaze, different from a few moments ago.

"I now have it as a slave. Based on what the Rune says," Ethan replied nonchalantly. "Yes. That was my Talent. You've seen it because I've also seen your Talent. So we're even now."

Irene didn't know why, but she felt a dangerous aura from Ethan. It was purely her instinct.

His Talent seemed very dangerous. The ability to enslave other creatures is a dangerous one.

Irene looked at him with doubt now.

Ethan smiled, then chuckled. "Don't worry about that. I only used it because that creature was trying to kill me."

Irene stayed silent for a moment. Then she sighed and nodded her head. "Alright. Now, we know each other's Talent. We should hurry and retrieve the Gear."

Ethan nodded and walked ahead of her to re-enter the structure.

'I need to start being more cautious around him. He doesn't seem normal.'

Irene couldn't shake the image of Ethan suddenly laughing maniacally after successfully enslaving the huge creature.

Chills ran down her spine, a cold shiver of unease creeping into her heart.

She watched in silence as Ethan walked in front of her with confidence and grace.

She had always known that Ethan possessed formidable power, but seeing what he just did, she couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension at the depths of his abilities.

But Irene didn't intend to dwell on it too much. He knew from the beginning that Ethan wasn't even a nice person; he even suggested ignoring the other Invited.

She is not a good person herself. 'Remember. You're here to prove your worth to those bastards!'

The mocking faces from those who come from the same family always haunted her. If she could gain power from this Tower, she could repay them tenfold.

For that, she will need Ethan. And she believes Ethan will need her too.

After passing through the dimly lit corridor lit only by crystals, they finally arrived at the main chamber of the structure.

Turns out, this structure is pretty simple. What makes it difficult is the monsters. After they killed their boss, the Shadowstalkers disappeared.

At the heart of the chamber, atop a pedestal of shimmering crystal, rested the artifact he had been seeking.

Just like what Claudia said, the Gear is a mystical talisman said to grant its wielder control over the very elements themselves.

As Ethan approached, he could sense the power of the artifact resonating with his own, as if calling out to him from across the ages.

Irene behind him could also feel it. 'That power will be his,' she thought.

With trembling hands, Ethan reached out to grasp the artifact, his fingers brushing against its smooth surface.

In that moment of contact, he felt a surge of energy coursing through him, filling him with a sense of boundless potential.

The dim gold lines of Runes appeared in his vision.

[Gear name: Elementum Crest (Transendent Treasure).]

[Description: Crafted in the heart of the Tower by ancient hands long forgotten, the Elementum Crest resonates with the very essence of the Tower's elemental magic.

Legends whisper of its creation during a time when the Tower itself was young, forged from the crystallized remnants of the Tower's elemental trials.

The Gear willl grant its wielder mastery over the five primal elements: earth, air, fire, water, and Aether.

Its true potential remains untapped, waiting for a worthy soul to unlock its secrets.]

'Thats a pretty long description.'

Ethan grabbed the talisman. It appeared as a circular crystal, slightly larger than a coin, with swirling energy inside it.

He immediately hung it around his neck, and in an instant, his Soul was bound to the talisman. The power was now his.

"We're done here. Let's move," Ethan said, walking ahead of Irene to exit the structure.

Ethan feel something outside the structure. And he delighted, for he need to test his strength righ now.

As they emerged, they were confronted by a group of five Invited adventurers, armed and adorned with Gear. They eyed Ethan and Irene with surprise and hostility.

"What the hell? What are you two doing here?!" one of the Invited exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

They could see the talisman gleaming in front of Ethan's chest. He had forgotten to conceal it under his shirt.

"You've got the artifact," said the ringleader, a tall man with a scarred face and a cruel smile. "Looks like the little Invited stumbled upon something valuable. Hand it over, and maybe we'll let you live."

Ethan looked at them impassively. "You think you can just walk in here and take what's rightfully ours? Think again."

A woman chuckled with a wicked grin. "You're outmatched, kids. That talisman belongs to those with true power, not mere amateurs like yourselves."

Ethan smiled back. "If you want this talisman, you'll have to take it by force."

After a chorus of mocking laughter, the five Invited lunged forward, their weapons raised and their eyes filled with greed.

'Perfect timing, I want to test how this Gear works,' Ethan thought.


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