
The Tournament of God

About twenty years ago the first humans developed gifts These gifts first manifested as being able to weild flame or taking to the skies to fly or just being a natural born fighter. Every human is born with a certain level of potential, but few humans actually ever turn it into a gift. Soon self proclaimed hero's and villians were running around the world out of control. The united nations found this a problem and so to please the gift weilders they begin the tournament of God. The tournament's purpose was to give gift weilders a battleground to showcase there strength and courage while earning prestige and fame. Many academies were created to train gift weilders for the tournament of God. It has been said that if you win the tournament any wish can be granted, whether it be money, power, fame, or women. Yu Izanami wants none of these things. All he wants is to win the Tournament but that's next to impossible for a person like him, born the lowest rank with seemingly no gift. But all hope is not lost. You see not only is tournament of God a competition for people with gifts and powers; It's also the worlds biggest martial arts tournament! Join Yu as he begins a journey to be the best in the world.

Razzle_Dazzle08 · Action
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter Six: Originals

The two hadn't been fighting for long but it was clear to see who was dominant. Ananias was using his gift of superstrenght to the best of his ability forcing Yu to go on the defensive. Yu dodged a punch aimed for his face and retaliated with roundhouse kick which Ananias caught with his ungloved hand." You actually think you can best me! Superstrenght.....activate x10!" Ananias said with a sneer. A brown colored began to coat his fist.

"It looks like Ananias has turned up the power on his superstrength! How will Yu a giftless fighter stand up to such power!" The announcer said commenting on the battle.

Ananias took the leg he grabbed and picked Yu's entire body up slamming him first left then right into the ground leaving cracks in the floor. He did this while yawning covering his mouth with one hand, hip cocked." Rock your body, work your body, make sure you don't hurt no body!"Ananias taunted as he spun, throwing Yu into the arena wall so hard it left a Yu shaped hole. Before Yu could begin to fall Ananias dashed twords him landing a punch to Yu's stomach making him cough up blood. He then continued with the punches, raining blows down on the giftless boy. Ananias finnaly finished by taking Yu's arm and throwing him accross the arena. Yu bounced of the floor like a stone being skipped off of a pond finnaly slamming into the opposite wall and falling limp like a broken doll.

"Can Yu get up after that brutal attack? If he can't the match will be over!" The announcer shouted to the audience.

Ananias slowly walked over to Yu as he struggled to lift his head. He rose from the floor weakly, using the wall to fully stand head hanging. "What's wrong Izanami...can't stand on your own?" Ananias said in a smug tone. "Yu Izanami original....two hit combo.....of the Ember Dragon..." Yu said softly as Ananias punched at him.

Yu ducked under the punched trading it with a sweeping kick taking Ananias legs out. As his opponent fell backward he dashed behind Ananias appearing being him and landing a back elbow sending him back the way he came. All of these hits sent of an aura wave of a roaring red Japanese dragon. "finnaly.... Yu Izanami original.....inverse skip kick of the.....Sun Dragon!" Yu dashed back to where he started and brought his right leg accross his body. As Ananias fell forward he lashed out with his foot catching the boy with a kicked to the face that sent him flying. A Japanese dragon made of pure yellow aura was sent out from the impact sight carrying Ananias an extra five feet dealing extra damage. Ananias recovered in mid air flipping around and landing in a crouch skidding to a stop. "That actually kind of hurt you little prick. You even made me bleed." The boy said whipping fresh blood from his lip.

"Such strong attacks from Yu Izanami! And were those all originals! That means he developed those techniques alone! This is one fighter you must not underestimate!" The announcer commented.

Ananias stopped to look down at his hand that was covered in blood from his mouth."w-w-w-w-wait!You made my beutiful face BLEED!" Ananias screamed." You'll pay for this! Modorya style art of Goliath!" Ananias shouted in fury. Wind began to whip around the arena seemingly out of nowhere.

Yu crossed his arms shielding himself from the fierce gale. When the wind finnaly cleared there stood in the middle of the arena Ananias Modorya, covered in a burning brown Aura, with the image of a giant in battle armor at least twelve feet tall made of the same brown aura.

"Crap!" Yu cursed.

"Things aren't bidding well for Yu! Will he be able to survive or will he get pummeled to death!"

All Yu could do was settle into a fighting stance as Ananias walled twords him every step cracking the very ground.