
The Tournament Of Champions

Daryn's crossed to a different world entirely from his. Although there are somethings actually similar with his anyway.....In a world not yet forsaken by the gods, Daryn tries to absorb traditions and beliefs that he believed myths or extinct in his home world. How will he take it all and also hold unto the little hope of finding his little sister who he has always protected. The trial of champions; where gods choose champions only to order them to do their whims. A mother that refuses to loose her son to hades curses him to always be reborn to her immediately after his death. Though she bent the laws, balance must be kept. Her son never remembers her in his reoccuring lives...but she still bends that. R17 not for persons below 17

Scon3z · Fantasy
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47 Chs


So far Daryn had never won the tournaments he had participated in. He had been in six consecutively but never won. That did not mean he lost early though.

He was either among the last champions of five or he was just taken out during the tournament. The last time that happened was his first comeback to Azra and was introduced to the tournament. Other times he was better.

That though was not the reason he had not won since six tournaments, it was said the blessings bestowed to him were among the best in the tournament.

Daryns issues were rather personal.

In his past attempts, Daryn did not truly understand the competition. Each time he encountered Selene, his memories of his first birth are returned to him. That was a must. But the memories of his other lives were returned partially.

Until his current rebirth, he has not had all of his memories intact. The ones that usually returned were of his first birth as Selene son then memories of his most recent life which still was not complete.

After that he would then see little glimpse of his past lives but they were always disoriented. He had to organise them himself. So sudden revelations and emotions coming with the memories acted as distractions and he let them.

Another obstacle was that not all the champions he competed with before in his previous life would be the same. Even their abilities and blessings granted to them were different.

Those were expected in a competition. Imagine a competition involving higher beings.

Daryn sighed

"I need to talk to Selene again"

Daryn stood in the little garden. Darla had told him to harvest the tomatoes and carrots she had planted earlier season. He had not met her then.

He has been almost half a month since he came to Azra or rather....returned. He had gotten accustomed to alot already.

He put the harvests into the basket he was with. He had half filled the basket when someone spoke behind him.

"What confuses you dear?"

Daryn would have screamed if he did not know the voice also it was not the first time she did something like this. Another info from his memories.

"So our bond is that deep huh?" Daryn asked

"My child needed me and i came. Is that not expected of a parent?"

Daryn smiled then turned to face his mother.

"Oh you have no fault there....why did you not tell me the water from your bowl would give me memories?"

"Its natural for you to regain your initial memories. Those before you were taken to the abandoned realms. Though this time, i needed you to regain all your memories back....water has memory"

"So how was this time possible. Since you wanted me to regain all my memories, how was it possible now and not possible before. What was different?"

Selene looked at him in the eye like someone who knew the other person was acting dumb on purpose.

"I believe you know the answer to that Daryn"

Ofcourse he knew. He had known since he got his memories back and was thinking through the encounter the other night but he did not want to admit it.

"I doubt he cared that much"

"Daryn, your father has alot of flaws. Majorly his moods but that does not mean he does not care"

Daryn flared

"Dont tell me that. Where was he when i was chased by assasins and forced out of my mothers arms at a young age"

"I was made mortal and he did nothing. He stayed in his aquatic palace and did not lift a damned finger. He never bothered before so he Cannot. Care. Now"

"That he could do nothing about you know that. The decision had been made and no one could change that.

"And the assasins sent for you were not discovered until i killed them and spilled their blood and scattered their bodies in the sea to send a message directed to him did he know"

Daryn huffed

"And even then he did nothing"

Selene did not argue or try to defend anymore. She saw it was going nowhere.

They stayed silent for a while.

"Is this why you needed me Daryn?"


"Then why did you need me?"

"Is it inappropriate to need my mother?"

Selene sighed

"You are too much Daryn"

"Hmm. I am not"

"Ok what is it"

"I know the memories are mine i can feel the connection i have with them. Its like remembering an experience.

"What i wanted to ask is why you made me sterile"

"I did not make my child sterile. You are not sterile. Its just the way order had to be kept."

"I cursed you to always be reborn if you died so i could see you when i wanted to in the living than going to hades to look for you. I was afraid your soul would not be allowed to come back because that would have been a good opportunity for Zeus to discard you. Only one command was needed from the top gods to the underworld gods to make your soul sieze to exist"

"Why was i a problem?"

"Zeus thought the leading dieties of the moon and sea would be joined by their child. Bringing forth the prophecy the fates had proclaimed."

"But tht could not happen you said you both never loved each other to go that deep"

"We did not love each other did not mean i would not have fallen for Poseidon. I was young then and your father is not bad looking either"

"Zeus did what he did for a good reason. Order could not be twarted else this world and every other world the gods govern would be lost"

"Well now that can't happen again. My heart belongs to someone now and no one else not even Zeus can have my heart other than him"

Daryn was taken aback

"So your telling me you love someone else and the love is eternal?"

"Yes dear. That does not mean i don't love you though. I love all my children equally."

"Mother how many children do you have?"

"I have fifty six children plus you Daryn"

Daryn choked.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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