
The Tournament Of Champions

Daryn's crossed to a different world entirely from his. Although there are somethings actually similar with his anyway.....In a world not yet forsaken by the gods, Daryn tries to absorb traditions and beliefs that he believed myths or extinct in his home world. How will he take it all and also hold unto the little hope of finding his little sister who he has always protected. The trial of champions; where gods choose champions only to order them to do their whims. A mother that refuses to loose her son to hades curses him to always be reborn to her immediately after his death. Though she bent the laws, balance must be kept. Her son never remembers her in his reoccuring lives...but she still bends that. R17 not for persons below 17

Scon3z · Fantasy
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47 Chs


Hades walked the valleys scanning the forest of the west. The forest was deathly silent. No creature dared make a sound. All weary because the god of the underworld decided to walk in their midst on this faithful day.

Among all the chthonic gods, Hades is the most feared. He is the personification of all things dark in the underworld. The others payed him homages. Truth be told, there are no kings in the underworld.

Just the dead and those that govern them. They prevent them from creating unnecessary havoc on the living planes.

Souls that have unfulfilled, unaccomplished dreams or regrets always try to return to hopefully get what they had lost and fulfill their waned hearts desires they never were able to. Order must be created.

The dieties of the underworld are tasked with the enforcement of order in the underworld. They are responsible for preventing souls of the unrest from breaking through the veils that separate the living from the dead and guiding them to cross over the waters of rebirth.

Chthonic dieties take this roles seriously and use any methods necessary to prevent the order from being tampered with.

Among all, Hades takes this role seriously the most. Like his brother, the need for order had been engraved in him that he is ready to use any means to maintain it. Even if that means is dark.

Hades means can only be defined as evil. He doesn't mind chaining the unrest and chaotic to the underworld. Not allowing them to even cross over the waters of rebirth.

As the darkest of all. He rules the undead with iron fists and has a belief that evil never changes. That is why when invoked in situations by Azra's believers he tends to punish defectors greatly without remorse. So to speak when Hades places a curse.....its eternal.

His methods begets him both fear and reverence from the beings of the underworld. Creatures and dieties alike. Although there are no kings, Hades authority makes him one if not close to one.

And this rigid diety made a trip to the living plane in search of a champion. One that feels the darkness yet isn't controlled by it and has the need for order engraved in his being just like the god he is to represent.

This is Hades first time to go in search of a champion. Believing that no being...living or dead could match his psycology. He did participate in the fun of it to release his boredom.

Sending undead to tackle champions and making their paces stiff and inflexible. No champion advanced out of the ordinary once he got involved.

Because of this, champions pray for less of him in their endeavours and gods try to prevent his involvement in the tournaments because he prevents any extraordinary help for the champions.

Though there is no rule against extra support and higher amount of blessings, Hades still prevents this of his own will.

He walked amongst the trees of the forest silently admiring the life.

Then his divine powers alerted him of a soul about to leave the living plane. He decided to investigate and make sure the soul made its way across the veil.

Once he saw the slowly dying mortal, he saw that it still had life. Though weak, there was still a chance it would survive. Its fate hasn't been made certain.

He was not needed. This wasn't his area of expertise. The fates can handle this. Let them decide. Loosing interest he began to walk away.

"Help. Please"

Hades stopped to look at the mortal. A human girl in her teens. Probably sixteen. Seventeen tops a year to adulthood but she already looked matured enough. Dark hair and honey brown eyes.

She had stab wounds to her waist and bruised shoulder and knees. Her right arm was already dislocated. Proof she got them from a horned animal and was properly bartered by the animal.

The only reason she was still alive was her mutation. The strength of her body was beyond ordinary. Giving her super strength and enhanced body structure. Which was the reason she was still alive till now even after the fight and her fate hadn't been decided. Her body was fighting. She wanted to live. She has not given up.

Hades looked at her. Watched her body respond to the injuries. Saw her fight. She has seen the darkness. Lived it, strived and survived....to this point.

"Help me. Please"

"Do you know who you are asking for help from" he said in his signature hoarse voice. Like the hollows of death.

She gulped.

"I dont know. But if you can give me a little assistance i'll do the rest on my own"

Hades watched her attempted bravery. She did have the strength to make a full recovery if he just gave a little assistance. Divine assistance.

"And how do you intend to do that" he asked later on.

"I don't know for now but i am certain i can and if i fail, at least i know i gave it all i got and die peaceful"

Hades was impressed and he is not impressed easily. But this mortal made him while being close to her end.

"You have potential child. How much do you need to survive?"

"Just a little assistance will be enough"

"Hmm. Then assistance you will get."

With his powers he lifted her of the ground and brought her before him.

The girl tensed.

"Do you fear child?"

Visible vibrating out of fear, she said

"I do. But that doesn't give you any leverage"

Hades chuckled. The girl was indeed impressive.

"What is your name child?"

The girl gulped.


Hades stroked her hair back.


The girl looked into his eyes as he called her name with care soothing her. Healing her completely.


"Mhmm. My strong Melissa"


"My champion"

"From now on you are Melissa the determined.....my champion"

"I accept" she gasped in surprised when she looked at her healed body. She looked up to see him smiling softly looking down on her.

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