
The Tournament Of Champions

Daryn's crossed to a different world entirely from his. Although there are somethings actually similar with his anyway.....In a world not yet forsaken by the gods, Daryn tries to absorb traditions and beliefs that he believed myths or extinct in his home world. How will he take it all and also hold unto the little hope of finding his little sister who he has always protected. The trial of champions; where gods choose champions only to order them to do their whims. A mother that refuses to loose her son to hades curses him to always be reborn to her immediately after his death. Though she bent the laws, balance must be kept. Her son never remembers her in his reoccuring lives...but she still bends that. R17 not for persons below 17

Scon3z · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs


The huge wolf looked at Selene and made a puttering growl in its throat. It began to walk to her.

Selene sighed

"I know. I should have told him. His not ready for the news yet. Let us give him more time"

The wolf growled

With massive size. It made huge strides towards Selene then stood at her side. The place Daryn had sat earlier. Looking into the river with her.

The wolf made a pur like sound and sat on the grass.

The flames in its eyes dissipated and it shrunk its size a bit. Making itself just seven feet in height. Its height reduced further as it sat on the grass. Becoming Six feet two inches.

Even at this size it towered over Selene still.

Selene smiled at the way it humbled itself to her. She put her hand in its furs and caressed its neck. She scratched his neck slowly....fondly.

"Fenrir" she said his name in an undertone.

"I see why Artemis likes you now Fenrir"

The wolf_Fenrir whined in complaint as if to argue with the words she said.

Then he made a mental connection with her.

'I won't say she likes me that much. At least, she won't admit to it'

Selene laughed as she heard him in her head. The moon rays surrounding her.

"Oh that's definitely Artemis"

Fenrir huffed in agreement.


Next day,

Daryn met the slightly troubled. He had to tell Darla who he really was but he did not know how to tell her.

He eventually decided to give her subtle hints of who he was. Not going all out.

He feared if he just went all out with the truth, she might leave him and he did not want that.

He wanted to always meet a day knowing she was close by. Never far from him.

They had their nomal morning routines. Darla added the training to it. So that morning they had another training session.

First the workouts. Jumps and stretches. Then Darla brought out solid targets. Carved wooden targets. She placed them on huge rocks arranged randomly in their training ground.

She gave Daryn her hunting bow and quiver of arrows.

"Today we will measure and practice on your accuracy"

She pointed to a target on a rock.

"Aim for that"

Daryn frowned but nodded. It had been a while he practiced archery. He didn't know how accurate he would be. Plus he wanted to make a good impression.

If he was to win her heart before the next full moon, he had better start now.

He tugged the string of the bow to check its strength.

Then he prepared his aim.

Parting his legs so they are the same width as his shoulders. He stood side ways to the target then relaxed his legs.

He was ready. He aimed the wooden target an was about to release the arrow.

"Wait" Daryn froze

"Y-yes Darla"

"Your stance is wrong" she said walking towards him.

Daryn was about to argue that he had taken a correct stance. Afterall it was not his first time in with a bow.

She walked to him still and started rearranging his shoulder pose. Then bent down to set his legs properly.....even though they were already set perfectly.

She stood up again and focused on his grip on the bow. Rearranging his posture as if he had it wrong.

"Darla i am definitely sure i am making a perfect stance. Its not my first time shooting an arrow you know"

She stopped then looked at him.

"Your stance wasn't 'Perfect' before. I just organised you properly"

Daryn snorted. They were now very close to each other. Their bodies touching occasionally.

Daryn was having difficulty focusing. Darla had not moved and he wondered if she noticed how close they were now.

He was about to ask when she sighed and took two steps back away from him. Creating space between them.

Daryn wanted to drop the bow just so he could pull her closer. The space she made between them did not sit well with him.


He has fallen too deep for his hostess. How would he leave and go on the tournament. He just won't concentrate.

He needed her with him at all times.

He has to take her with him. That was a must on his part. Just that she couldn't be forced to it.

He cleared his mind. And focused on the target set for him on the rock.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled the arrow back and aimed then let the arrow go to claim its target.