
The Tournament Of Champions

Daryn's crossed to a different world entirely from his. Although there are somethings actually similar with his anyway.....In a world not yet forsaken by the gods, Daryn tries to absorb traditions and beliefs that he believed myths or extinct in his home world. How will he take it all and also hold unto the little hope of finding his little sister who he has always protected. The trial of champions; where gods choose champions only to order them to do their whims. A mother that refuses to loose her son to hades curses him to always be reborn to her immediately after his death. Though she bent the laws, balance must be kept. Her son never remembers her in his reoccuring lives...but she still bends that. R17 not for persons below 17

Scon3z · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs


She walked admits the trees. The natural smell of nature filled her nostrils as she walked on with no location in mind to go to or stop at.

Then she stopped. She realised she had been walking about this forest for a while now but not going anywhere actually. She just circled the trees and walked on. Alarmed, she looked at her reflection at a nearby lake and saw that she was clad in her hunting gear bow and arrows intact.

"Daryn," the first instint was to call to her mate but he was not there. She tried to locate where she was at but the area was new to her despite living in Azra's jungles almost all her life. The trees were different from what she knew.

'How did i get here?' She internally asked herself.

Preparing for anything she unhooked her bow and inserted her arrow.

"I can't remember how i got here" she picked a direction believing it east and followed the path. Her body on high alert.

After walking some distance and still seeing the same array of trees she became pissed. She pushed chi into her legs and jumped high onto a tree. With the higher view, she would locate where she was.

She scanned the area but all she saw was the wild. Trees everywhere but none of the paths she recognised.

Hopping from tree to tree, she scanned the grounds for wild life but it was as though the animals went on a holiday because even at the night hour, no predator or prey walked the grounds but still she followed the same direction she had chosen.

She didn't know how long she had travelled when suddenly she spotted something on the ground and she stopped to investigate.

There a white stag stood grazing and she watched the deer silently from the trees. Its antlers standing tall and proud in the dim lit night.

Should she hunt it?

The stag raised its head and look at her. It looked directly at her and Darla knew her cover had gone. She had lost the element of surprise.

It grunted and then took of under the cover of the under bushes and trees. Darla chased it.


"Wake up my love" Daryn said tapping her lightly on the shoulder. Darla blinked once then twice as her eyes tried to adapt to the day light. It took her a while to understand she had been dreaming.

She yawned and stretched a bit trying to shake the sleep from her system. She did not understand why she was this weak through this few days.

Looking to her right she saw her mate holding a tray of already made food. He sat beside her and passed her the tray of food.

He had made grilled meat laced with hot source with vegetables and fruits at the side and a hand squeezed orange juice to step everything down.

Everything looked wonderful. Darla turned to look at the person who blessed her morning with the fine dish and her love for him increased.

"Have you___"

"Yes i have. You woke up late today so i decided to make breakfast today. I noticed how tired you were yesterday and i did not want to disturb you"

Tears stug behind her eyes. How could she live a day without this man.

"Thank you" she too did not understand why she was this weak. Was the weight of him leaving her making her this weak. Suddenly she feared falling to depression after he would leave her.

The man had really sunk deep in her skin.

She fought the tears and pulled him for a chaste kiss but they did not know when the kiss deepened.

Darla feared if it continued she would be forced to eat him instead of the food he had brought for her. Reluntantly, she broke their kiss. They tipped there heads together as they tried to calm their breaths.

"Gods" Daryn rasped. "You will be the death of me woman"

She giggled and turned to her food. "Not if i refuse it". She picked up the fork and delved on the meat. It was high noon and she was famished and tired....why was tired.

Daryn stayed beside her watching how she put the food in her mouth and watched how her throat bobbed as she swallowed and he became hungry...but for something else.

Darla picked a slice of the meat with a few fruit slices and fed him which he happily ate. She took the cup of orange juice and gave him to drink he gulped it down.

A little trickled from the side of his lips and she clean it with her finger then liked it off. By now Daryn's eyes were flooded with heat and his member pulled at his leathers.

Darla finished the stake and was about to pick the fruits when she met his eyes. Hooded with desire and lust. She smiled seductively and picked up a fruit slice and took a bite out of it. She took another bite after chewing the initial piece slowly as she watched him with hooded eyes. The juice from the fruit leaked from her mouth and she let it slide down her throat.

Daryn's gulped. His mate was looking so seductively at him...she was inviting him and who was he to say no.

Taking the tray aside he latched onto her neck catching the slow moving leaked juice just above her collar bone. He traced the line of the juice up to her lips and kissed her softly. Darla sucked on his lips and his tongue slid into her mouth her food and hunger forgotten.

A new hunger etched her and she needed to quench that fire and only the man before her could quench it.

He groped her breast above her sleeping clothes and bit her lower lip at the same time.

"Ah" she gasped

He left her lips and trailed down her neck leaving feathery kisses in his wake. She arched herself to him. Wanting more of the mild sparks he left on her skin till he reached the cleavage of her moulds.

Daryn pulled down the clothe that was hiding the beautiful moulds and she willingly released her hands from the garment allowing him pull it down further till her cherry coloured peaks were exposed to him.


He latched on one peak and sucked on it. Darla moaned as he kneeded the other. Enticing her already sensuous body.

A bellow escaped his chest and he latched unto her possessively.

"Mine...only mine"

She whimpered at his assult pressing his head to her chest raking her hands in his hair.

"Say it my love" he urged.

"I am yours. Only yours" she said

Daryn groaned with pleasure after he heard her confession. He released the right breast and wrapped his mouth on the left. Darla sighed in pleasure. The man was pushing her to the heights of pleasure.

He pulled at her waist making her fall back on the bed while he got between her legs. She arched to him and pulled his head down on her chest not wanting her breast to escape his lips.

"Daryn" she moaned his name. "My Daryn"

He hummed and released her breast. She inhaled sharply but before she could protest, he crashed their lips together.

She pulled him to her and tugged at his leather trousers. One hand at his neck the other trying to pull down his trousers.

"I see my mate is impatient" Daryn said.

"Your mate is hungry"

"But she has just eaten,"

"She hungers for something else."

"Mhmm" he let her pull down his trousers off his waist but the tent of his member prevented it from going down easily.

Darla groaned angry and impatient. "Please Daryn"

He chuckled. Relaxing his weight on one hand, he used the other to pull his trousers down. His already erect penis sprang on her stomach. Darla moaned when she felt the burning heated rod on her lower stomach just inches above her core.

Daryn kicked away the trousers. His body burned with the need to be inside her. His inner wolf growling at him to continue what he has started.

She claimed his lips again holding him to her not letting any space be betwen them. Daryn pulled her loose clothe from her body so they were skin to skin pausing only to pull the garment off her legs.

He settled at her center and kissed her kneeding the supple breasts and finally entered her. She gasped as his length went deep in her core reaching deepest depths. She grabbed his hairs and began to roll to him even before he started moving.

"So impatient..." he rasped. Her movements forced his own control to snap and he started pounding her.

She loosely wrapped her legs around him allowing him to go deeper but still giving him room to fuck her more.

Daryn's beast clamoured to the surface as he pushed deeper into his mate. It needed to mark her. Make her his so everyone who saw her knew he alone owned her. She was his.

"You are mine Darla. No one else."

She nipped his ear mourning her love and devotion. The bite charged him on and he increased his strokes.

"Gods" Darla yelped. Daryn's fangs lengthened and his eyes turned golden yellow. He grazed her ear with his fangs and bent his head to her neck and the smell of her skin made him growl with delight and possession daring anyone to come close.

Darla just clug to him lost in pleasure. She had climaxed twice since they started and the feeling was like she was floating on the clouds. Something she did not want to stop. Her core muscles squeezed the hot rod that was invading her continuously but that only seemed to charge the man on.

In the midst of her blurry vision, she saw his eyes glowing with his lengthened fangs and she knew what he wanted. He wanted to claim her. To be totally certain that she was his even if he wasn't around her.

He licked his fangs lacing them with his venom and she willingly gave him her neck. Daryn's beast groaned happily at how willing his mate was and not wasting any time, sank his fangs in her neck and claimed her.

Darla groaned once his fangs pierced her skin and the next thing she knew, energy flowed from the bite into her. In her consciousness she felt a tether wrap around her heart and her very soul that linked straight to him.

She knew now that not only were they mates in body and mind, but they were also now bonded in soul and life. She was his and he was hers even in death.