

*Masison's Pov*

"I know you are upset and probably irritated by seeing me alone, but I can help you. Those men who grabbed you should be the least of your worries. If their pick-up comes around and doesn't find you or them, they would know you escaped. And that means they will go to any length to find you while you are still very much on this planet Earth. I didn't mean to toy with you in the manner I did, I just wasn't thinking straight."

As much as I did not want to believe a thing that came out of his mouth, it sounded like he knew what he was saying and was right. I was never one out of the loop, to be made stupid. I know I was highly intelligent, knowledgeable, and extremely cautious. I have always prided myself as such, so I did not approve of whatever game this man was playing, especially since he knew about Aurora and thought I was her. Believing a thing that came out of his mouth was at my own risk.

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