
The Touch of a Lustful Witch

[Warning: Mature Content] Lyra was an ordinary college student until an unexpected death thrust her into a new reality. Reborn as Lilliana de Voltaire, a powerful and seductive witch living in a secluded castle deep within an enchanted forest, Lyra must navigate this strange world with her newfound abilities. But be warned: this tale is not for the faint of heart. It delves into the depths of desire and power, filled with intense and explicit encounters. Note: This story contains explicit adult content and is intended for mature audiences only.

Korienne · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Lyra's POV

Ever since I found out about the true power of Lilliana, it makes me more disgusted with the body I am in. She is much more evil than I imagined, and if she wants to destroy an empire, she can do it if she wants to. When I first arrived here, I was so happy to know that someone was loyal to me, but now... I feel so trapped and scared. What world am I actually living in? Who is Lilliana, and why am I in her body? Reading other people's minds makes me sick to my stomach since I know they just harbor hatred. They all hate me and want me dead. I bet that if I took off the manipulation spell on Liam, I would hear vicious thoughts about me too. I want to destroy and kill them, especially Mirriam. But no—it's too early. Lilliana might be powerful, but maybe there are other witches who are as powerful as she is. I need to be more careful and not let my emotions get the best of me. I still want to live...

I close my eyes for a moment to imagine my life back on Earth. I was quite the conservative one. I didn't even get angry that much, but why do I get easily angry here? Sometimes, I feel like my soul and Lilliana's soul are becoming one. Sometimes I act like her, but there are also times when I'm myself. My own personality has become blurry the longer I am in this body. In a few days, will I still remember who I am, or will I completely be Lilliana?

Knock, knock

Ahh. Liam is here again. He will probably lick me since that's what Lilliana has instructed him to do every morning.

"Come in," I said as I got up from my bed. I'm wearing a purple satin nightdress. It has no sleeves, which gives plenty of room to show off my boobs but is still tight enough for comfort and freedom. All she ever has are sexy dresses and gowns. This world may seem medieval, but there are a lot of modern things here. Especially the designs. When I checked the Empire using my sight skills, I saw how advanced this world is. There might still be a caste system, which makes it look like it hasn't progressed that much, but there are also technologies I haven't even seen before. Humans here have even invented a teleportation machine. Unlike me, humans can only have one elemental affinity and skill that they can master; that's why they have invented different technologies that integrate with magic. They can even contact anyone who is far away using those technologies. However, Lilliana doesn't seem to have them in this castle. She doesn't need those machines anyway. She can just do it using her own skills.

"Good morning, My Lady," Liam said as he kneeled down to greet me. Every time I see him, I feel guilty. I don't want him to be under my manipulation spell anymore. I want him to be free, but at the same time, there's this force stopping me. It's telling me to just continue what I'm doing and destroy both of them.

"Stand up," I said sternly. He stood up while still looking down. I can see that his penis is bulging through his pants. He must've been pent up since I haven't touched him for a long time now.

"I want you to stop coming into my room. Stop greeting me every morning, and don't even touch me anymore," I said as he looked into my eyes with a surprised expression. "Have I done something wrong?" he asked, looking so heartbroken. Tsk. Would you still have that reaction if you knew you had been charmed by Lilliana?

"No, but from now on, I want you to focus on Mirriam. I want you to seduce her every day until she goes crazy. I want you to stay by her side, and if she wants to do something to me, don't stop her. If she wants to gather information, don't stop her, but still ask her about it and tell me everything she finds out about me," I said sternly. Of course, he didn't have to do that, but I think it's more fun this way. I can read Mirriam's mind, and I know all her plans and how she always sneaks into every corner of the rooms in my castle just to get information. Lilliana probably gave her a job as a maid here to make fun of her struggle in finding information. As for me, I'm rather disinterested in it. I just want to see how it will go between Liam and Mirriam. Will Mirriam love Liam until the end? Or will they kill each other? I can't help but smirk at that thought. I'm excited to see how it will go.

"As you wish, My Lady," Liam replied. "Now go. Just tell me if you get any good news." He nodded and then went out of my room.

Now, what will you do, Liam? After he left my room, I just went back to my bed. I'll just observe everything from here.

Mirriam's POV

I had just finished preparing lunch for Lilliana and Liam, the mundane routine weighing heavily on me as always. With the kitchen duties out of the way, I decided to use the time to sneak into the castle's library. If there was one place where I could find valuable information about Lilliana, it would be there. I moved cautiously, ensuring no one noticed me slipping into the grand room filled with ancient tomes and dusty scrolls.

The library was a labyrinth of knowledge, shelves towering high and filled with books that held secrets centuries old. I scanned the titles, searching for anything that could give me insight into Lilliana's powers and history. Each step felt like a delicate dance, the silence of the room amplifying my heartbeat. My fingers brushed against the leather-bound spines, and I pulled out a particularly old book, its title faded with time.

Just as I was about to open it, I felt a pair of hands tickling my sides. I gasped, nearly dropping the book, and turned around to find Liam grinning at me. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice playful.

"I was just looking for something to read," I said, trying to sound casual despite my racing heart. I couldn't let him know my true intentions. He might tell it to Lilliana

Liam leaned closer, his breath warm against my ear. "You should be careful, you know. My Lady doesn't like people snooping around." I felt some pain in my heart as he said "My Lady". It should've been me, not her.

I forced a smile, trying to hide my nervousness. "I know. I'm just curious."

Liam's hand brushed against my waist, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. "Curiosity can be dangerous," he whispered, his fingers trailing up my arm. His touch was intoxicating, and I found it hard to concentrate on the book in my hands.

"Maybe I like a bit of danger," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

Liam chuckled softly, his hand moving to the small of my back. "Is that so?" he said, his lips grazing my neck. "Because I can think of a few dangerous things we could do right now."

I bit my lip, trying to focus on the book. "Liam, we shouldn't..."

But his hand had already moved lower, slipping under my skirt. "Why not?" he murmured, his fingers brushing against my inner thigh. "No one will find us here."

My resolve was weakening, the heat of his touch making it hard to think. "Liam, please..." I said, my voice barely a whisper. Ahh... I'm so weak for him.

He didn't listen. Instead, he pushed me against the nearest shelf, his hand moving higher. "I know you want this, Mirriam," he said, his voice low and husky. "I can feel how much you want it."

I couldn't deny it any longer. I did want him, desperately. I turned around to face him, our lips crashing together in a hungry kiss. His hands roamed my body, pulling me closer as his tongue explored my mouth. I moaned into the kiss, my hands tugging at his clothes.

He lifted me onto the table, pushing the book aside as he spread my legs. His fingers found their way inside me, and I gasped, arching my back. "Liam, oh God..." I moaned, my fingers digging into his shoulders.

He smirked, his eyes dark with desire. "You like that, don't you?" he said, his fingers moving faster. "Tell me how much you want it."

"I want it so bad," I whimpered, my hips grinding against his hand. "Please, Liam, don't stop."

He didn't. Instead, he lowered his head, his tongue flicking against my clit. I cried out, my hands fisting in his hair as he licked and sucked, his fingers still pumping in and out of me. "Oh God, Liam," I gasped, feeling the pleasure build.

He looked up at me, his eyes blazing. "You taste so good, Mirriam," he said, his voice muffled against my pussy. He licked harder, his tongue moving in perfect rhythm. I came hard, my cries echoing through the library as my orgasm washed over me.

But Liam wasn't done. He stood up, his erection pressing against his pants. "Turn around," he commanded, and I obeyed, my legs still shaking from my climax.

He entered me from behind, and I gasped, the sensation overwhelming. "Fuck, Mirriam," he groaned, thrusting deep. "You feel so good."

"Harder, Liam," I pleaded, pushing back against him. He complied, pounding into me as his hands gripped my hips. I moaned, feeling another orgasm build.

"Yes, just like that," he growled, his thrusts becoming more erratic. He reached around, rubbing my clit as he fucked me. I came again, my cries echoing through the library.

He pulled out and turned me around, lifting me onto a nearby window ledge. My breasts pressed against the cold glass as he entered me again from behind. I looked out the window, the world outside a blur as he thrust into me.

"Oh God, Liam," I moaned, my hands bracing against the window. "Don't stop."

He didn't. He pounded into me, his hands gripping my breasts as he fucked me. I could see our reflection in the glass, his eyes dark with lust as he took me from behind. It was raw and primal, and I loved every second of it.

"You're so fucking tight," he groaned, his thrusts becoming more urgent. "I can't get enough of you."

I cried out, feeling another orgasm build. "Liam, I'm going to come," I gasped, my fingers digging into the window ledge.

"Come for me, Mirriam," he growled, his hand moving to rub my clit. "Come all over my cock."

I did. I came hard, my cries echoing through the room as my orgasm washed over me. Liam followed shortly after, his grip on my hips tightening as he thrust deep, his warmth filling me.

We collapsed against the window, panting. "That was incredible," he said, his voice hoarse.

He leaned back, looking at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm not done with you yet," he said, his voice dripping with desire.

He sat back on the floor, his erection still hard and ready. "Get on your knees," he commanded. I did as he said, my own desire reigniting at the thought of pleasing him.

"Good girl," he murmured as I took him into my mouth. I sucked him slowly at first, savoring the taste of him. His hands tangled in my hair, guiding my movements. "Yes, just like that," he groaned, his head falling back.

I increased my pace, my mouth moving faster on his shaft. He moaned loudly, his hips thrusting up to meet my mouth. "Fuck, Mirriam, you're so good at this," he growled.

I hummed in response, the vibrations making him moan even louder. His grip tightened in my hair as I took him deeper, my tongue swirling around his tip. "I'm going to come," he warned, his voice strained with pleasure.

I didn't stop. I wanted to taste him, to feel his release. With a final thrust, he came, his warmth filling my mouth. I swallowed every drop, savoring the taste of him.

He pulled me up, kissing me hard. "I need more," he said, his voice rough with desire. He laid me down on the floor, positioning himself over me so that our bodies were aligned in opposite directions, allowing both of us to pleasure each other simultaneously.

His mouth found my clit again as I took him back into my mouth. We moaned against each other, the sounds of our pleasure echoing through the library.

"Fuck, Mirriam," he groaned, his tongue moving faster. "You taste so good."

I moaned around his cock, the vibrations making him shudder. We moved in perfect harmony, our bodies desperate for more. The sounds of our pleasure filled the room, loud and unabashed.

"We're being so loud," I panted between moans, "but I don't care. I need you."

He lifted his head, his eyes blazing with desire. "Lilliana won't hear us," he reassured, his voice thick with need. "Her room is too far from here."

We continued, our moans growing louder with each passing moment. The intensity of our pleasure blocked out all other thoughts. All that mattered was this moment, our bodies intertwined in a desperate dance of desire.

"Come for me again," Liam urged, his tongue flicking against my clit. "I want to hear you scream my name."

I cried out, his words pushing me over the edge. "Liam!" I screamed, my orgasm ripping through me. He followed shortly after, his release filling my mouth once more.

We lay there on the ground for a while as we're panting together with our skins touching each other. Liam kissed me one last time before slipping out of the library, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the lingering scent of our lovemaking. He asked a few things about Lilliana, but quickly left as soon as he found out I wasn't able to get more information about her. I watched him go, my mind a whirlwind of emotions. I wanted more, but I knew this was all I could have for now. I still wonder what happened between them...

I sighed, picking up the discarded book from the floor. As I resumed my search for information on Lilliana, I couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to get even more complicated.