
The Touch of a Lustful Witch

[Warning: Mature Content] Lyra was an ordinary college student until an unexpected death thrust her into a new reality. Reborn as Lilliana de Voltaire, a powerful and seductive witch living in a secluded castle deep within an enchanted forest, Lyra must navigate this strange world with her newfound abilities. But be warned: this tale is not for the faint of heart. It delves into the depths of desire and power, filled with intense and explicit encounters. Note: This story contains explicit adult content and is intended for mature audiences only.

Korienne · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Journey To The Capital

Lilliana sat in her chambers, the air heavy with tension and anticipation. Mirriam and Liam stood before her, their eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination. Mirriam took a deep breath, ready to share the intricate details of the plan they had devised.

"Lilliana, getting to the capital without being detected is crucial," Mirriam began, her voice steady. "You are a powerful witch, and many enemies lie in wait, eager to stop you before you even reach the capital gates."

Lilliana nodded, her eyes narrowing. "Tell me everything, Mirriam."

Mirriam stepped closer, her voice lowering to a whisper. "The Capital is surrounded by four cursed forests, each with its own guardian. To the north, there's the Icy Forest, ruled by the Ice Queen, a sorceress who wields the power of frost. To the south lies the Death Forest, guarded by a demon named Kanrius, who thrives on fear and despair. To the west is the Emerald Woods, home to Pearl, an Elf attuned to the ancient magic of the forest. And, of course, the Night Forest, your domain."

Lilliana listened intently, absorbing every detail. "So, how do I avoid detection?"

"You must disguise yourself," Mirriam said. "The Empire must believe you are still in the Night Forest. I suggest disguising yourself as a random traveler. This way, you can move through the forests unnoticed. It's better for you to avoid the main roads and take secret paths known only to the guardians."

Lilliana smirked, her mind already formulating a plan. "A random traveler, you say? That's a good idea, Mirriam." She smiles as she thinks about how Mirriam doesn't really know the true extent of her powers. She can teleport right there, right now but the problem lies with the detection. She doesn't know how powerful her enemies might be. If they are able to make 4 powerful rules stay in their own forests, then there's a big chance that her enemies might be more powerful than her.

Mirriam continued, oblivious to Lilliana's true intentions. "Once you reach the capital, blend in with the common folk. The fewer people who recognize you, the better. Use your magic sparingly and only when absolutely necessary."

Lilliana nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you, Mirriam. Your information is invaluable."

With that, Lilliana stepped forward and kissed both Mirriam and Liam passionately. She felt the power of the charm spell dissolve, freeing their minds from her control. Mirriam and Liam blinked, their eyes clearing as they regained their senses. Their expressions shifted from confusion to anger as they realized what had happened.

"Will you still sell me to the Empire?" Lilliana asked again, but this time, she sounded sad. Both of them looked panicked, and she could see that Mirriam didn't want to displease her at all.

"No! I won't do it again. Please don't be sad anymore. Please," Mirriam pleaded. Her answers are still the same as yesterday, but as the spell's effects completely wore off, their anger and hatred for Lilliana resurfaced. Liam lunged at her, his face twisted in rage. "You witch! You think you can manipulate us and get away with it?"

Mirriam's eyes blazed with fury as she prepared to attack. "We'll make you pay for this!"

Lilliana just smiled, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Too late."

With a wave of her hand, she cast a powerful spell, creating an invisible barrier around the castle. Mirriam and Liam crashed into the barrier, unable to escape. They pounded against it, their faces contorted with anger and desperation.

Lilliana laughed hysterically, watching them struggle. "You really thought you could outsmart me? Pathetic."

Mirriam and Liam's faces twisted with frustration as they realized they were trapped. Lilliana took a moment to savor their helplessness before turning her attention back to Mirriam.

"Since you're so eager to help, I'll take you up on your offer," Lilliana said with a mocking smile. She waved her hand and cast a powerful illusion, transforming Mirriam to look exactly like her. "Now the watchers will believe I am still here."

Mirriam looked down at herself in horror, seeing Lilliana's face and form staring back at her. "What have you done?"

"I've ensured my safe passage," Lilliana said smugly. "And don't worry, you and Liam will be quite comfortable here. You won't be able to leave the Night Forest."

With a final, mocking smile, Lilliana faded from sight, teleporting to the outskirts of the capital. Mirriam and Liam were left to rage against the barrier, powerless to do anything but watch as their captor disappeared into the night.

Lilliana reappeared near the outskirts of the capital, her heart pounding with excitement and determination. Disguised as Mirriam, she blended in seamlessly with the travelers and traders entering The Capital. She was ready to infiltrate the capital and uncover the secrets that lay within, knowing that her destiny hinged on her success.

Lyra, in Lilliana's body is disguised as Mirriam, cautiously approached the gates of the capital. Mirriam has a striking appearance that is hard to forget. Her long, flowing blonde hair cascades down her back in soft, golden waves that catch the light and shimmer like spun gold. Her eyes are a vibrant, piercing blue that seem to see right through to your soul, framed by thick, dark lashes. She has a delicate, heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and a small, straight nose. Her lips are full and naturally pink, giving her an alluring and innocent look. Her heart pounded with anticipation and a touch of fear. The bustling market and the stern guards on duty heightened her sense of vulnerability. Despite her powerful magic, she knew the need for subtlety was paramount.

As she navigated through the crowd, she felt a rough hand grab her arm. "Well, well, look who we have here," a gruff voice said. Lyra turned to see a group of rough-looking men surrounding her. She recognized the telltale signs of criminals – dirty clothes, unshaven faces, and eyes filled with malice.

"Mirriam, you have some nerve showing your face here after what you did," another man spat, tightening his grip on her.

Lyra's mind raced. What had Mirriam done to anger these men? She needed more information, but she also knew that using her powers here would draw unwanted attention. She decided to play along for now. "I'm not who you think I am," she said, trying to sound convincing.

"Save your breath," the leader sneered. "We've been looking for you for a long time. You have a lot to answer for."

Without further ado, they roughly shoved her into a wagon and bound her hands. Lyra kept her head down, hiding her face as best as she could. The journey to their hideout was rough and silent, the men seemingly content with their prize. When they arrived, they dragged her into a dark basement and threw her into a cell.

The dim light revealed the haggard faces of other prisoners – young elves, demi-humans, humans, and various other races. Desperation hung thick in the air, mixing with the stench of unwashed bodies and stale urine.

As Lyra adjusted to the darkness, she heard a voice shouting from a nearby cell. "I am the true Empress! How dare you imprison me like this? I'll have you all killed once I'm free!"

Lyra turned to see a young maid, no older than eighteen, pacing angrily in her cell. The girl's appearance didn't match her claims of royalty, yet there was a fierce determination in her eyes.

"Be quiet!" a guard barked from outside the cell. "No one believes your lies, old woman!"

The young maid scoffed and continued ranting. "You fools! You have no idea who you're dealing with. I am the mother of the Emperor! I just switched souls with this girl!"

Lyra's interest piqued. Could this maid be telling the truth? Soul switching was rare and dangerous magic. She needed to know more. "Hey," she whispered, leaning closer to the bars. "Tell me more about this soul switching."

The maid's eyes darted to Lyra. "Why should I trust you?"

"Because I'm not who I appear to be either," Lyra replied, her voice steady. "I'm in disguise, just like you."

The maid looked at her skeptically but eventually nodded. "Fine. My name is Emeline, and I am indeed the mother of the Emperor. I was betrayed and my soul was forcibly switched with this young maid's body. It's been hell trying to convince anyone of the truth."

Lyra nodded thoughtfully. "And what do you plan to do once you're free?"

"Reclaim my rightful place and exact vengeance on those who wronged me," Emeline said fiercely. "This place is filthy and filled with vermin. I can't wait to kill them all."

Lyra pondered Emeline's words. If the girl was telling the truth, having her as an ally could be beneficial. But first, she needed to confirm the story.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a slavemaster, a burly man with a cruel smile. "Time to earn us some gold," he said, unlocking the cells. "The auction awaits."

As the prisoners were herded out, Lyra's mind raced. She had to act fast. When they reached the stage, she subtly began gathering her magic. As the slavemaster started the bidding, she released a powerful blast, shattering the stage and causing chaos.

"Run!" she shouted, grabbing Emeline's hand. Together, they fled the building amidst the confusion, the air thick with the shouts and cries of the other prisoners. Some stumbled and fell, others pushed forward with desperate strength, trying to escape the hellish captivity.

Amid the chaos, Lyra heard the unmistakable clang of armor and the stern shouts of royal guards. "Secure the area! Arrest anyone who resists!" The realization hit her: some of these guards were undercover agents, finally moving to take down the criminal ring.

"Please, help me!" a young elf cried out, clutching a bleeding wound on his arm. A guard knelt beside him, offering quick first aid before helping him to safety.

"Over here!" another guard shouted, catching a burly criminal trying to escape. "You're not getting away this time."

Lyra pulled Emeline through the pandemonium, dodging and weaving past both escaping prisoners and advancing guards. She saw a group of young demi-humans huddled together, fear etched on their faces, while a few guards tried to calm them and escort them to safety.

"Keep moving," Lyra urged, glancing back to see a guard tackle a particularly vicious-looking criminal. "We need to get out of here before they start questioning everyone."

Emeline stumbled but kept pace, her eyes wide with terror and confusion. "Where are we going?"

"Anywhere but here," Lyra replied, determination fueling her steps. "We need to find a secluded place to regroup."

As they ran, Lyra noticed several wounded prisoners being aided by the guards. Some were too injured to move, while others were escorted out of the collapsing building. A human girl with a gash on her forehead was being carried by a burly guard, her head lolling as she tried to stay conscious.

The sounds of the royal guards subduing the criminals and the cries of the freed prisoners echoed behind them as they finally broke free from the immediate chaos. Lyra led Emeline down narrow alleyways, weaving through the labyrinthine streets of the capital's outskirts until they found a quiet, shadowed corner behind a row of abandoned buildings.

Panting heavily, Lyra stopped and turned to Emeline. "We need to find a place to hide," she said, scanning their surroundings for any signs of pursuit.

Emeline nodded, still catching her breath. "Do you think they'll follow us?"

"They're too busy dealing with the aftermath right now," Lyra replied, leaning against the wall. "But we can't stay here long. We need to figure out our next move."

Emeline's eyes darted around nervously. "What about the others? The children and the wounded?"

Lyra's expression softened for a moment. "The royal guards will take care of them. They were undercover, waiting for the right moment to strike. It's better for us to stay out of their way."

"But why did you help me?" Emeline asked, her voice trembling. "You could have left me behind."

Lyra hesitated, then sighed. "Because I needed to know if your story was true. And because, despite everything, I can't ignore someone in need."

Emeline's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Lyra nodded, her mind already planning their next steps. "We need to keep moving. Staying in one place for too long is dangerous. We'll find a safe spot to rest and figure out our plan from there."

With that, Lyra led Emeline further into the maze of backstreets, her senses on high alert for any signs of danger.

They found a secluded alley and ducked into the shadows. Lyra turned to Emeline, her eyes narrowing. "Now, tell me the truth. Are you really the Emperor's mother?"

Emeline hesitated, her eyes darting around nervously. "I..."

Lyra's patience snapped. "Speak!" she commanded, her voice like ice. The intensity in her gaze made Emeline flinch.

"No, I'm not," Emeline finally admitted, her voice trembling. "I'm just a maid who got caught up in all this. I thought claiming to be the Empress would give me some leverage."

Lyra's eyes flashed with anger, her fists clenching. "You lied to me," she spat, taking a menacing step closer. The power and rage radiating from her made Emeline cower.

"I had to," Emeline said, her voice shaking. "It was my only hope. I didn't know what else to do."

Lyra's frustration was evident. "Do you have any idea how much time you've wasted? I should kill you right now for your deceit."

Emeline's eyes filled with terror. She fell to her knees, her hands clasped in desperate supplication. "Please, don't kill me. I swear, I'll be your loyal servant. I'll do anything you ask. Just... spare me."

Lyra paused, breathing heavily as she tried to reign in her anger. She couldn't control it; Lilliana's fury mingled with her own, making it almost unbearable. She felt the darkness inside her clawing to be released, but she knew she needed to conserve her energy. Ever since leaving the Night Forest, she had felt weaker, and using her mind-reading abilities would only drain her further.

She stared down at Emeline, the maid's fear palpable. "You're lucky I need all the help I can get right now," she said, her voice a deadly whisper. "But don't think this means I trust you. You try anything, and I will not hesitate to end you."

Emeline nodded vigorously, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you for saving me. I swear I'll be loyal to you."

Lyra's thoughts churned as she watched the trembling girl at her feet. She couldn't afford to waste any more time or energy on this distraction. Her mission was too important. But as much as she wanted to rid herself of Emeline, she saw a potential use in having a loyal servant, even if the loyalty was born out of fear.

She sighed, feeling the weight of her decisions pressing down on her. "Get up," she ordered. "We need to keep moving."

Emeline scrambled to her feet, her eyes never leaving Lyra's. "Yes, ma'am."

As they continued down the alley, Lyra's mind raced. She had to reach the capital without drawing attention, and now she had a potential liability with her. But maybe, just maybe, Emeline could prove to be an asset. For now, Lyra would bide her time and see if the maid could be useful.

She couldn't shake the feeling of Lilliana's anger simmering beneath the surface, blending with her own. It was a constant reminder of the power she wielded and the enemies she had to face. With each step, she steeled herself for the challenges ahead, knowing that the path to the capital was fraught with danger and deceit. Lyra turned away, her mind already planning their next move. She knew the journey ahead would be fraught with danger, but she was determined to reach the capital and uncover information about the soul magic. As they melted into the shadows, Lyra vowed to protect herself and anyone who might prove useful – but she would not hesitate to eliminate anyone who became a liability.