
Chapter 0: The Story

Hello every one. For now just call me HadesSon. This book is going to my first that I will be writing, and if all goes well, it won't be the last. I also want ask that you be nice with your comments and that if you see any mistakes that I have made don't afraid to tell me in the comments. I will try to read and write back to most comments and I will try to post 1 to 2 times a week if possible because I am still in high school. Now about the book.

First of all this book will be about a young boy who gains powers, like others, and joins in "The Tournament". That is all I will be disclosing at this moment. Second this book is not just going be fantasy, a mixture with many of the other genres. Third like I said it is my first one so it might not be that good.

Now if you have read all of this thank you and I will probably only post on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Now see you next time I post.