
The past unlocking.

As I walked back, suddenly I bang into a person, I immediately looked back and apologised without looking at him/her, apparently it was a male. From his casual smile, I thought I would've been forgiven, but unluckily his smile turned murderous(I'm pretty sure the teacher should've stopped him) and he challenged me to a 1 v 1 dual which I wanted to reject(seeing what I learnt is only pratically defense) but seeing that my only way out is through him,(my back is literally filled with angry classmates wanting to attack me 1 by 1, I thought of just losing and fainting early.) So I accepted.

In a 1 v 1 dual, there will be a system with grants protection on us, based on our hp etc, its gauged so it isn't 100% accurate. The senior(whom addressed himself as Theo) prepared to attack, as the time came down. I realised immediately I should prepare defensive burst. I had my attack power at um, 50% of my previous time(to prevent getting scolded again lol) and my range to be 2 hands length, effect is 85% defensive 15% offense. And element earth and water. I actually thought I would've won, as I glanced at him using something dark, I thought it was dark(I should stop thinking) as he shoot a burst of dark power towards me(Which I thought was stupid as dark is more of assassin type attack) as I change to offensive effect and push, suddenly all of our element disappeared, when it was about to collide, that was when I realised from memory, when I attacked, his hand moved swiftly and was chanting something(I could make up the words with time.) Than he suddenly disappeared after more chanting, and came behind me. My mind flew blank 'damn, he had space power' and he suddenly open a vortex which surprisingly all of our previous attack is putted into 1. I quickly made a defensive elemental without thinking, but was too late, as I got hit and fell until the ground I saw him walk towards me with dark power in his hands. As I slowly closed my eyes.

Suddenly I saw a image of a guy, sitting on a rock in a middle of a forest, I walked towards him and called 'Who are you?' and he replied 'Woah, how are you here? 'The One?' I'm like I'm Before The One. His like 'Oh, this is a dream. Hello, Itto, (he smiled when I got shocked), he said 'Every once a life if a person got such a dream means his reincarnated self is either in danger or needs power(pratically same thing but abit different like if a person you wanted to protect but you have no power...) I can sense you need both. Well, its time for you to unlock your past memories, afterall, you have to be op as your me too you know.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes with lots of information or not alot, just think if what I learnt in that past up to age 15(my age). So 'tnis is what they called The past unlocking.' I said to myself, and I suddenly saw that Theo's attacked was going to happen(which I think my dreamed was either very slow compared to real world, or time was paused.)

Time to use my new remembered powers. And that moment, I used space chanting(Like immediately) which everyone was shocked. I quickly added a Class A attack power, attack range is close, effect 100% offense, elemental, fire, wind, lightning, water, light and dark, fusing light and dark to cause neutral power(more damaging elements) and a never thought of power adding, that was making lightning to paralysis(by sending it to certain joints), and cooling the water with temperature(a new found net base added), to make ice and freeze him)

As I got closer, I attacked him which he was paralyzed and than frozen. As everyone glanced at me, someone shouted wasn't he top 10 of the school(in terms on internal rank) Again I feel like theres millions of eyes on me. Which I swiftly used space magic to get out of class(Wait till I get scolded for skipping class._.)