
The Titan system

Jo was an average young boy he was selected to join the military as a requirement by the government for the selection process of joining the big 3 powers of the world and soon he would have a chance at breaking the old ways and joining the fight for territory and power with his ability 'The Titan System' him and his rag tag group of friends will shock the world and make them realize the fear of angering a true monster, a true TITAN!! Join the adventures of Jo and watch the ups and downs and crazy plot twists of achieving his dream for a better world (no definite upload schedule atm) please forgive my writing I'm not very good in English if you want to support please don't hesitate to like, vote, and follow THANKS!

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a new start


Year: 2365

date: August 14 Saturday

time: 6:45am

schedule: empty


Jo looked at his tablet sitting on his lap thinking to himself as he was sitting at his desk thinking about the events that had happened through his life up to today. Jo wasn't a strong boy he wasn't fast either and was definitely not popular in his old school he would be picked on constantly because he had no powers abilities you could call them he was what's called a "blankman" someone who never han an ability at birth in this day and age most children would be able to tell what their ability was but never how it worked so they focused all their lives to improve their powers but for him it was impossible because he had nothing no super strength, super speed, telekinesis nothing but what he did have was an old book in front of him it was locked in the side with a suspiciously clean lock the lock itself was quite small but very sturdy and on the front of the book read "TITAN" in a dark red lettering, the book itself was in pretty decent shape with it's black leather still dark and unfaded. He sighed as he attempted his last try before throwing out the book entirely he opened up a drawer from his desk and grabbed a slim voice recorder and placed it on the desk next to the book before pressing the record button "ha test number 87 I've tried everything I could think of that I could get my hands on but still this stupid book won't open no matter what, well today is my birthday my 18th to be precise and the day after I go to military school to think that no one would ever pick me I'll most likely be stuck in the military for the rest of my life might as well think of the future and hope it gets better not that it will." He stopped the recording and at that moment the lock broke off and made a small clunking sound on the desk Jo turned and looked at the book and opened it slowly thinking that there was going to be a monster waiting for him. as he opened to the first few pages they were empty blank nothing was written at all "WHAT THE H***!?!?!?" he shouted in anger and frustration he went to grab the book and throw it off to the side but accidentally got a paper cut from one of the pages "S**t" he said under his breath as he went to lick the wound it disappeared infront of him in a matter of seconds then the pages were turning red as blood as a technical voice called out in his head

[contract has been formed initiating merging sequence]

Jo looked around the room wondering where that voice came from but it was too late a blinding light emitted from the book levitating itself off the wooden desk and flew right into Jo's chest merging with his body he felt all sorts of aces and pains in different places on his body is muscles being more defined, his looks improving into a girls favorite boy band singers or performers, his height increasing a decent few inches, his body bulked up a bit too a little more than your average teen, and his light brown hair was turned jet black, after 30 minutes passed he was about to faint and fall asleep when he heard the same voice again in his head

[assimilation complete thank you for selecting the TITAN....]