
The Titan of God

A guardian of the Titan class will be going through the multiverse Just so you know, this will very likely have nsfw scenes and mature subjects. Read at your own discretion I’m gonna be rolling a dice to see what worlds they will cross into after every arch. So if something doesn’t seem to make sense, sorry nothing I can really help you with there.

Catstodian · Video Games
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3 Chs

I’m a galaxy far far away

"Guardian, guardian! Wake up guardian!"

Your eyes flickered open, your ghost's familiar voice echoed in your quarters. Masculine and full of confidence, though it was replaced with worry this time around.

You looked at him with your blue eyes, almost dull and dead to any one who saw them

"Don't give me that look guardian"

'I've told you to call me Crete' you had a mental connection to your ghost, it's good especially since you never really liked to talk to anyone even him.

"A-ah, sorry your right Gau- sorry sorry, I've been worried Crete. We've been adrift for around 3 Sol days now."

'So does that mean it worked?'

"The Traveler's deal? Yes it did. I've even got a new shell out of it, I'm sure you'll like it!" He transferred a shell, replacing the Gilgamesh shell with one that looked exactly like the traveler!

'What!? That's certainly interesting Gil but I think we should keep that one secret for now. We don't know where we are.'

"Aw… though I see your point. Fine it will be done"

'Any idea where we are Gil?'

"No Crete, sorry I've haven't the slightest idea, certainly not in the Sol system, maybe not even the MilkyWay. Though it seems our maps have changed, maybe a blessing from the traveler. We've got an entire galaxy to explore now Crete."

You would put on some "causal" clothes (for you that is) and make your way over to the bridge, when you modified your skiff you got some help to modify it and at one point had the original hull be turned into an interior because of how much you'd built around it. Two times it's original size and better protected than ever.

Everything the interior of the ship was made for people of normal size, so definitely not you. But thanks to your mastery of light, your able to minorly change your physical features. Things like height and hair. Though you suspect the height modification may have been granted by the traveler.

In the end though you enjoy your short stature, as it had saved your life many times and makes it easier to get around people. Who'd suspect a supposed little girl carried enough explosives to make Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the tsar bomb combined look like a 5kg bomb after all?

When you make it to the bridge, you find the many many robots you'd re-acquired from the tower hard at work. One in particular was rather important to you, Lord Shaxx was a dear friend and lover at one point. And his passing was tragic. When a splinter of fallen had betrayed them in a desperate attempt to steal the light from a fireteam including shaxx, they left them stranded on the hive infested moon, which even the surface was beginning to be covered in.

Though shaxx escaped alive, he did not for long. His ghost was destroyed by a hive Witch's ritual spell. One of sabathun's agents had ambushed them. He would die of his injuries, leaving you to pick up the levies he left behind, the crucible, it's armoury and his own personal collection and armour was yours to inherit. A particular guardian stood out amongst them, one minute they where a warlock, the next a hunter! Truly a unique and mysterious guardian. Unfortunately only you seemed to notice in the first place.

Though it was until much Much later where you met face to face, you'd shouted you fair share of complements and quips about their GVG (guardian vs guardian) abilities.

What made this particular android special was that you'd managed to get it emulate Shaxx as best it could. Almost gaining a simulated form of free will. You'd given It Shaxx's armour and melee weapons and had it be in charge of running the crucible until it's eventual decline mirroring that of the vanguard and guardians as a whole. Now it's your bridge master and second in command of them robots.

"Guardian, It's good to see you awake! I've gotten the crew doing diagnostics upon our arrival and all is normal." The Shaxx bot clicks a few things on his data pad. "We are above a planet known as Tatooine, give us the word and we'll land straight away."

Gil spoke on your behalf "Crete is glad to see you too Shaxx, and they are delighted by the news. But urges you to land near but still far enough away from civilization as not to be discovered."

"Yes Guardian, I've just the spot. A place called mos eisly comes to mind, a settlement on this desert planet."

Crete Nods in conformation, this was eerily similar to them. The names seemed like pre-golden age movies still popular to when they left. They don't remember much but enough basic information to maybe survive.

When they landed Crete in one of their more childish decisions had them dress up as cowboys or at least in the western United States aesthetic

They themselves did the same. Ironically most of their favoured weapons matched the description.

(Images will appear here)

From exiting the skiff into the wrathful sun Crete immediately made some conclusions, first no imperial garrison was here, meaning that it was not during the time of the empire, baybe in the transition years of the sequels… Ugh, or at some point during the old republic to the clone wars.

"Two suns… indeed this might be…"

"Crete!" Gil appeared in front of them "three life signs are headed our way"

Meanwhile with the three

"Master Qui-gon, I do not mean to question your decision but what if they are hostile?" A disguised naboo queen asked. The gungam of corse waddling behind

"Don't worry, I'm sure they won't want to make an enemy of the republic. Not to mention, I don't sense any hostility from them."

They walked over a dune and saw a ship of unknown design, it was clearly heavily armoured and had many turrets on it. (It's size equivalent to a heavy freighter) it had many droids in clothes, meant to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing guarding it.

Once they crested the dune, one of the droids head swiveled to and the rest soon followed, the grip on their weapons tightened.

"Peace, we only wish to meet your master." The Jedi said, Amidala an the gungan wisely staying quiet.

"That would be him" a voice said, the droid in front of the, of them stepped aside to reveal an intimidating man standing just above quigon's height by a head.

'This man… he's strong in the force!?' Quigon exclaimed in his mind, no doubt about it, it seemed the force favoured the intimidating man in front of him at least the light side did.

Crete themselves just nodded at them in acknowledgement.

(From now on when Crete "talks" assume They are just thinking it up and Gil is the one actually saying it)

"Yes, that's me. What can I do for you…" you looked down to Quigon's hip "master jedi?"

"We where heading our way to mos eisly, we where wondering if you'd have a way of getting us there?" They stood in silence for a second, but to Quigon and his entourage, at least padme; it felt like hours "Not for free of corse."

"Yeah, we've got a few speeders in the ship. We where going down there anyway. Come with us."