
The Titan's Heir: Chronicles of Ezekiel's Quest

In a world of divine tyranny, Ezekiel rises to challenge the gods, igniting a rebellion for justice.

osas_airen · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 11: The Hunter's Anticipation

The warm steam enveloped Ezekiel as he stepped into the bathhouse, the comforting embrace of the water easing the tension that had settled in his muscles. He sank into the soothing warmth with a contented sigh, allowing himself to relax for the first time since the bout with Percy.

But even as he closed his eyes and let the cares of the day slip away, Ezekiel couldn't shake the excitement that coursed through his veins. Chiron's words about unseen forces and the mysterious mission only fueled his anticipation, igniting a primal hunger within him.

As he soaked in the bath, Ezekiel's thoughts turned to the mission that had appeared on his translucent screen: "Kill your attackers: 0/7." The prospect of facing off against his unknown assailants filled him with savage delight, his bloodlust rising to the surface.

He relished the thought of meeting them in battle, of testing his skills against those who dared to challenge him. The idea of hunting down his enemies and reveling in the thrill of combat sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine.

Beneath the surface of his calm exterior, Ezekiel's mind raced with excitement. He yearned for the moment when his attackers would reveal themselves, eager to unleash his pent-up aggression upon them.

As he luxuriated in the warmth of the water, Ezekiel's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. He couldn't wait to show his enemies the true extent of his power, to make them regret ever crossing paths with him.

With each passing moment, his hunger grew, driving him to new heights of anticipation. He longed for the thrill of the hunt, the rush of battle, and the sweet satisfaction of victory.

As Ezekiel stepped out of the bathhouse, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, mingling with the steam that rose from his skin. He wrapped a towel around his waist, his senses sharp and alert as he made his way back to his cabin.

But before he could reach the safety of his quarters, he was confronted by a group of seven demigods, their menacing aura palpable even from a distance. Ezekiel's eyes narrowed as he recognized their leader, Damian, the head of the Ares House.

Damian's expression was grim, his eyes filled with a fierce determination as he squared his shoulders and stepped forward to confront Ezekiel. "So, you think you're tough, huh?" he growled, his voice dripping with disdain.

Ezekiel's lips curled into a predatory grin, his bloodlust simmering just beneath the surface. "Tough enough to take on anyone who dares to challenge me," he replied, his voice low and dangerous.

But Damian wasn't finished yet. "You should've kept your mouth shut in the Great Hall," he sneered, his tone dripping with contempt. "You're a newcomer here, Ezekiel. You have no right to speak, let alone challenge us."

Ezekiel's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Is that so?" he replied casually, his tone mocking. "Well, it looks like you brought some friends to help you teach me a lesson. How thoughtful of you."

Damian's face flushed red with anger, his fists clenched at his sides as he struggled to contain his rage. "This isn't about fair fights, Ezekiel," he spat, his voice laced with venom. "This is about teaching you respect, and sometimes, pain is the best teacher of all."

Ezekiel merely shrugged, unfazed by Damian's threats. "Well then, let's get started," he replied, his voice tinged with anticipation. "I've been looking for a good workout."

With a nod from Damian, the other demigods advanced, their weapons at the ready as they prepared to attack. But Ezekiel remained calm and composed, his eyes shining with savage delight as he awaited the coming onslaught.

As the first blow was struck, Ezekiel's instincts kicked into overdrive, his movements fluid and precise as he countered his attackers with deadly efficiency. His senses were heightened, his mind clear as he danced through the chaos of battle, his every move calculated and deliberate.

But even as he fought, Ezekiel remained mindful of his surroundings, his senses alert for any sign of danger. He knew that his enemies were skilled warriors, and he would need to stay one step ahead if he hoped to emerge victorious.

As the battle raged on, Ezekiel's grin never faltered, his eyes shining with savage delight. He was in his element now, his lust for blood close to being sated as he unleashed his full power upon his enemies.

And as the last of his adversaries fell before him, Ezekiel stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion but his spirit soaring with triumph. He had faced his foes head-on and emerged victorious, leaving them on the bare ground beating bloodied and nearly dead proving once and for all that he was a force to be reckoned with.

Ezekiel wanted to truly savor the final blows that would kill them those would drive his ecstasy to an all-new high, he could already feel the orgasm just thinking about it. He knew exactly where to strike that would bring about a rain of blood on all seven. As he was about to kill them Damian who had attacked him saw the look in his eyes and saw that he was truly going to kill them, immediately a wet spot formed on the trousers of the head of the area house and he began to beg and plead as his life depended on it.

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