

Later that night after a long day of sunbathing and beach grilled hamburgers and a shrimp salad, they found themselves at P3. Phoebe led them inside to be greeted by Piper and Paige in their booth. Phoebe told them. "So, you know that vision I had of a little girl a long while back?"

Piper asked."The one you said you lost the chance to have after Jason left you?"

Phoebe nodded and continued. "Well, I was wrong about the father, but right about the little girl, and it's no longer a vision, but more of a fact now."

She put a hand over her stomach, while Ryan warned them. "Be glad you took the clone body or it would be a sad conversation. We aren't fully compatible with humans."

The ladies nod and congratulate Phoebe on her condition. She was practically glowing now. No really, she was glowing. Ryan smirked. "Well, we know what the baby's active ability is now."

Ryan put a small barrier up around them to block out Phoebe's light show. She stomped her foot. "Great now my kids a strobe light."

Ryan told her. "Shush, there are no weak powers, if used right, she could temporarily blind everyone in a city block or if used very wrong burn out their eyes."

Phoebe quieted down as Willow told her. "Be glad she'll have a starting ability. I didn't and neither did Tara, we had to study our butts off for our first powers."

Ryan absently commented. "And what nice butts they are."

The girls went red while Paige asked."Do you always objectify women?"

Ryan shook his head. "I sincerely mean what I say. I enjoy them from their toes to the hair on their heads. I love their personalities and quirks and even the cute way they tease each other when they think I'm not paying attention. So, no, I don't objectify them, I love everything about them, I just comment on whatever parts they happen to mention at the time."

Paige didn't know what to say for the longest time. She bit out. "Well, good then, keep at it."

Ryan nodded and pulled all three of his women close. "Always."

Piper asked. "Why do they take turns sitting on your lap?"

Phoebe answered for him. "If you felt how soft he was, you would too. He can bend steel like taffy and yet he feels like a silk cushion."

Willow nodded. "That and the one time I didn't immediately sit on his lap, my friends blushed for days."

Paige asked."Why would the blush for days?"

Tara explained. "It was before they met me, but I know from their memories that he was sitting in Xander's living room naked. He apparently got drunk and after a series of pranks, thought the living room chair was his bed. He sleeps naked, has since before the dinosaurs roamed the earth."

Piper and Paige finally caught on. Piper commented. "So, no sense of modesty then."

Ryan snorted. "I spent the better part of a hundred million years naked. It's kind of hard switch to the human notion of being afraid to see each other naked. I watched early humans run around naked swinging clubs at each other, so forgive me if I don't conform to the notion of modesty."

Piper blushed and Paige gaped. They truly hadn't understood what they were until now. After their little soirée, he took the ladies home, dropping off Piper and Paige on the way back to Hawaii.

There they spent the rest of the month enjoying each other's company to the fullest, until one day, they felt a change happening in the atmosphere. Ryan told them."Stay here, the final battle happens tonight, I can feel it. You three can rest easy, knowing that I'll be joining the slayer army on the front lines."

Phoebe wanted to say something but stuck with. "Be careful."

Ryan nodded and gave them each a kiss and receiving Willow kisses, Tara kisses, and Phoebe kisses in return. He teleported to the war room while trying to decide which ones he liked more. Eventually, he settled on all three.

Buffy was there giving marching orders."Ryan, you're to join Lyndsey and Faith in helping make sure none of Angel's team dies. Once the final battle begins you're to join me and the rest on the front lines. Where's Willow and Tara?"

Ryan smiled."Their both pregnant again, when it begins, their teleporting here to be with the babies."

Buffy's features softened. "Alright, so long as their safe. Get to work, you have your orders."

Ryan nodded and teleported to Lyndsey. When he arrived, both of them were dressed and ready. Ryan told them."We're here to ensure there are no casualties to Angel's team. Faith, you have Gunn and Illyria. Lyndsey, you have Angel and his Spike. I've got Wesley and Lorne. One clone each, let's go!"

The set out to protect each member from the shadows. Ryan watched as Lorne gunned down a group of demon mafia types. Seeing that he wasn't in any danger, he sent Lorne a message to leave town when he was done, then dispersed the clone while his main body watched as Wesley surprised the warlock he recognized as one of the few that banished him a few years back.

When the attack failed and the warlock attacked, he intervened, slamming a microburst of power into the red warlocks brain. His head blew up all over the dining table. Ryan turned to a shocked Wesley and told him. "I'm the one who set Illyria's coffin to teleport out of the well eons ago. Hell, I'm the one who made the well. I say this, so you'll believe me when I say that Fred isn't gone. It's like an overpowered possession. After we're done with this little apocalypse, I'll build Fred a new body and separate them. So, are we good?"

Wesley's face channeled so many emotions before settling on a calm indifference. "We have bigger things to worry about now, but if you can pull off what you say then I'll consider forgiveness."

Ryan nodded. "Let's go then, we have a battle on the frontlines to get to, lead the way."

He followed Wesley to an alley that was in the center of the storm. They showed up first, then Angel and Connor, followed by Spike and Lyndsey. A few moments later, Faith and Illyria dropped from above.

Faith asked." Where's Lorne?"

Ryan told her." I sent Lorne out of LA. He's a demon and I don't want others confusing him for target practice. Where's Gunn?"

No sooner had he asked than another Faith showed up with Gunn in tow. Ryan nodded and Angel asked."If you guys were going to help us, why did you wait so long?"

Ryan told them."Therefor a bit we thought you had given in to temptation, after some dumbass ripped a hole in the universe, I was forced to act and fix it. At that point, I followed it back to our blonde friend here. I took the liberty of reading your minds and we settled on watching you complete your task so that we could be sure this would happen."

Spike asked. "Who is we and why aren't there any slayers here to help us fight the coming army?"

"We as in me and my army."

They turned to see Buffy and an army of slayers coming in by portal ten feet away. Angel commented."It's good to see you again Buffy, but aren't you supposed to be in Italy with the immortal?"

Ryan snorted. "I killed the immortal years ago, what you saw was a glamour on Andrew. She needed a decoy for a while."

Faith smirked. "Yeah, taught me to be a proper lady and everything."

Buffy ignored them and started giving out orders."Slayers on the ground, take formation. Ryan, Faith, Lyndsey and I will be on the rooftop, anything that flies or is bigger than a semi is ours. Remember people, this is the last battle for this world, after this, every nasty being that goes bump in the night or pretends to be gods dies."

They took their positions and Ryan formed a buster sword-like blade out of the metal around him and fused it together with his magic. -This should hold till the battles over.-

All across LA, similar battles were about to take place. Their clones reinforced the slayer army on all fronts as Buffy yelled."Attack!"

It was a massive slaughterhouse everywhere the battles were taking place. Once they were almost finished Buffy yelled over to him while cutting off a dragon's head."Ryan, it's time!"

He nodded and teleported directly to the white room of Wolfram and Hart. He didn't even wait for the avatar to form before destroying everything, he reached through the howling abyss and into the old ones prison dimension. They screamed when they saw his objective."We've never harmed them! We didn't betray your words please spare us!"

Ryan snorted. "You betrayed me with my apprentice, did you really think I didn't notice? Your deaths will make Maloker's look pleasant!"

For what felt like an eternity for them, they suffered unspeakable horrors and begged for a death that didn't come until their minds went catatonic trying to preserve their sanities. When he was finished with them, Ryan destroyed their essence as well, ensuring that they would never rise again. He was finished here.

He teleported to the plain where the PTB resided and slaughtered the rest of them, leaving no room for their revival. After he was done there he went to the elders that controlled the white lighters and continued his slaughter. He teleported to where the source of all evil was hiding and ripped its essence to shreds, destroying it for the last time.

He waved a hand and annihilated the underworld dimension leaving nowhere for the demons to hide. He systematically destroyed every Hellmouth on earth and sealed all the holes in the barrier that the demons on both sides used. When he was done, he teleported back to LA and walked over to Buffy's tired group, to report. "It's done, I've killed off all the major powers in this world. Everything else is trapped outside the barrier, now is the time to finish off the remaining demons and evil creatures."

Buffy nodded. "No rest for the wicked. Use the globes to find and destroy all demons on this planet while Faith and Lyndsey hunt down the rest of the magical artifacts and secured them for later. When this is over, we're all getting a vacation. Spike, Angel, we have Mohra demon blood on hand for both of your transitions into humans. There aren't any other options except banishment from this world. We no longer tolerate demons here and we can no longer make exceptions for those that wish to stay. Make your decisions now!"

Ryan teleported away to do his job before he could hear their answers. He spent the next few hours finishing off the demon populations on earth. When he was done, only Lorne and a demon out of phase with reality was left. He teleported to the Halliwell manor to find it. He switched his vision through the spectrums until he found the demon and pulled it all the way into reality.

Ryan asked it."So, who did you piss off to end up stuck there?"

The demon snarled at him."The charmed ones, my ex-wife and soon to be mother of your kid."

Ryan nodded and put him in a stasis field before teleporting to Lorne's side. Lorne looked up, terrified that he was next to be slaughtered. Ryan sighed."Damn it, Lorne, if I had a better idea I wouldn't do this."

Ryan reached into his jacket pocket, Lorne tensed up told him."Just kill me and get it over with!"

Ryan shook his head and pulled out a card. "You're going to manage a bar for me, I'm going to build it just outside the barrier, powerful beings from all over the multiverse are going to come and I want you to read them and let Buffy know which ones are evil and which ones aren't. We don't kill non-evil beings unless given no choice, but no demons are going to be aloud back in the barrier. I've closed all entrances that you all made during my eons abroad. Now, the question remains. Are you in or out?"

Lorne jumped at the chance. "Are you kidding me? I'd be the hottest thing in every universe! I'm in!"

Ryan nodded and teleported them to the command room, where everyone was waiting. When Phoebe saw the guy he brought with him, she asked."What the hell is Cole doing here?"

Ryan told her."He said he was your ex-husband, so I wanted to give you the option to decide his fate. Death or banishment outside the barrier in a different dimension."

Phoebe walked up to him and gave him a kiss, saying."Your so sweet. Banish him, I don't care enough to kill him anymore."

With that she left the room and headed outside. Ryan waved a hand and Cole was teleported outside the barrier into a random dimension. Ryan turned to Buffy and asked. "What were their decisions?"

Faith answered for her. "Fang boys turned human so that they could both try to earn her affection. Now they want to be whatever we are."

Buffy looked annoyed, but he couldn't tell at exactly what, when she told him. "There the cookie dough now."

Ryan shrugged. "Alright then enjoy your sweets, because I don't exactly trust either of them with the kid of power we wield. They've both shown a tendency to destroy and harm the innocent for a price. And I can't exactly give them both what they want, without them fighting each other and possibly killing thousands or more in their wake. If you love one or both and you want to be with them forever, then do the marriage ceremony and they'll be forced to never harm each other like that."

Buffy blushed and asked. "What are you planning to do with him?"

Lorne answered."He offered me a job at his bar. I'm going to be the manager slash singer for his patrons. I'll read them and let you know whose evil and who needs help."

Buffy's eyes went wide and she looked at Ryan."You really have thought of everything. Well, we still need to train all the current generation of slayers and get them ready to liberate the innocents and slaughter demons elsewhere. Not to mention Twilight still needs taken care of."

Ryan told her."Don't worry, it'll be a while before the bars up and running and ready for business."

Ryan waved a hand and sent Lorne to the mini dimension he was planning to set up the bar. Buffy had him spend the next few days destroying artifacts that were to dangerous and funneling their energy back into the lay lines to strengthen the planets magic. When he was done, the bar he had his clones build was finished and stocked with every liquor and drug known to him and humankind.

He set up a trust for his kids and future generations of the slayers council, then he, Willow, Tara, Phoebe and their kids went on a getaway retreat into a pocket dimension much like Quar'toth time wise. He opened a resort there and invited the whole slayer council.

To the outside world, only a year three months passed but inside the mini dimension, more than thirty years had gone by. Claire and Nathaniel had grown up with their younger siblings, Prue, who Pheobe gave birth to, Jackson, Willow's second son, and Raven, Tara's second daughter.

They were a tight night group with Malinda, Giles and Jenny's daughter. Wyatt and Chris, Piper's kids, and Mathew, Buffy's son. If one were to ask who the father of him was, they would see both Spike and Angel tear up and cry.

Buffy had finally lost her patience with them both and they had lost most of their appeal to her once they were humans. In the end, she turned to Xander to father her child. They're now an on again off again pair that argue like cats and dogs when it comes to young Mathew's childhood but are otherwise they love each other dearly.

Lyndsey and Faith tied the knot not long after Mathew's birth and decided to have their own. They are now happily married and have three children, a ten-year-old Christian, a six-year-old Kayleigh and another on the way.

The kids pretty much group together against their parents on every subject. Ryan had shared his experiences and wisdom to each of them while trying to teach each of them control and the knowledge of when to act around humans.

When each one of them turned twenty and had experienced Ryan's full life of lonely bitter trials through his dimensional exile, they were allowed to go to earth on the premise that they swore off all acts of unjust violence.

Giles went with them as a guide for a while before switching with each parent until they were sure their kids wouldn't destroy the world. Over the years, Ryan got tired of sitting still and decided to act. Buffy led her slayers into the first of the hell dimensions as soon as they emerged from the paradise dimension, Ryan had made for them.

Ryan took his wives, who Phoebe had joined their second year there to his bar dimension and informed Lorne. "This is my place of power now, go ahead and open the doors, we are officially open for business."

His wives decided to be bar waitresses so he could be the bartender. He focused his powers and opened portals to every dimension he'd ever been to and a few alternative realities as well.

Beings from all over started pouring in, strange ones he'd only seen in movies at first. The girls spent the first half-hour telling him their species when he hadn't a clue what they were.

Willow was having the time of her life when a Nox approached her for the rules. "Everyone one and thing here is protected while in the bar. No weapons, no matter how powerful will work here, nor will any poisons or abilities of the guests. My husband, the bartender, inforces these rules with pure power. Anyone caught trying to break said rules will find themselves on the wrong end of his wrath. There are few beings from any universe older than him, and none more powerful here."

The nox woman spoke next."I am Leigh of the Nox. I am willing to help enforce these impartial rules."

Willow chuckled and told her. "Relax, there's no need, my husband can collapse universes if need be. He won't need any help and if he did, I and his other wives could do the same as him. Like I said, everyone is safe here and treated as equals. But I do thank you for your offer."

Leigh went wide-eyed and asked."Is there any way I could convince you or your husband to let my people examine you?"

Willow shook her head."Sorry, but scanners and glamour's don't work in here. What you see is what you get. Feel free to order anything off the menu though."

Lorne was singing a cover for Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri. While Ryan was taking requests from a Hutt. A Darth Vader was in the booth where Phoebe was serving and several alternate versions of Dark Willow were gathered around a table Tara was serving.

When they started to get a little grabby a ruin on the table lit up and shocked the hell out of them. Ryan spoke over the crowd. "Final warning, try that again and I'll throw your asses in a black hole."

Everything in the bar flinched at his threat. His wives asked him telepathically what they tried to do. He sent back. (They tried to prick Tara with a dose of hypnotic power. They know why they were warned.)

Willow and Phoebe showed scowls on their faces but continued to work. Tara, on the other hand, apologized for their loses and told them to meet her husband after closing time. Some of the Willow's agreed and a few tried to force the issue.

When Ryan was about to act again, Tara waved a hand and the few who tried again were sucked into a black vortex that formed above them and only effected them. Tara spoke this time."They were warned, now they'll either die by black hole or escape it on their own powers."

The patrons shivered when they realized it wasn't a false warning. Ryan sure was glad he installed the translation spells to the bar itself sot that everyone could understand each other. He continued to serve a Voldemort and a Dark Harry Potter some Ambrosia. They were warned and insisted, so the results were on them.

He turned and was greeted by a sparkling vampire. He asked. "Who are you and which universe are you from?"

The vampire held out a hand. "Alice, I don't know the name of it, but I come from a world where vampires sparkle and have venom for blood."

Ryan shook her and told her. "You're from a universe called the Twilight saga from what I understand it. I can tell you're also a seer. My wife Phoebe is like you, though she sees more and less than you. You'll find that in here, your abilities don't work for the most part. Your venom is also useless here."

She nodded and asked."Which one is Phoebe?"

Ryan motioned to his wife that was currently serving a God from the supernatural universe. When he was done for a minute, he created a clone of himself and watched his wives do the same. He waved for Tara to bring the Dark Willow's to the back room.

When he noticed a hybrid walking towards him, he waved for his wives to continue without him. The hybrid introduced himself. "Niklaus Michaelson. I was wondering if you'd be willing to save my daughter from a dead witch that's trying to take her over. You're my last hope."

Ryan looked at him for a minute then told him. "Open your mind to me, so that I can see the full truth of the issue and I'll consider it. I'm very busy but if what you say is true then I'll help. My people abhor the abuse of a child in any way."

Niklaus did so saying. "For her, I'd do anything. This isn't even a first step in the lengths I'd go to save her. Call me Nick, because if you save her id consider you and your family."

Ryan nodded and delved into his mind, looking for the truth of the situation. When he found it, he was disgusted to his core. He pulled out of Nick's mind and told him."Go, bring her and I'll pull it out of her and shred the bitch to pieces and leave her burning in a hell trap for eternity."

Nick clasped his arm then left to get his family. Ryan went to the back room where Tara was asking the Dark Willow's how she died in each of their universes. There was only one that she died by gun with. The rest were by Glory or vampires and various demons.

Ryan walked in after hearing this he told them. "Use the same spell you used to revive Buffy on her. I'll provide the Osiris urns if necessary if it doesn't work come back and let me know. If you don't know the spell, we can give you a copy. As for you, she died by natural death, so you need a being of my power level to step in. If there isn't a version of me there, then I've either died or haven't returned. Go back there and say my name, Ryn, and you'll find your answers. If it works and I'm there, tell him I said to help, if it turned out I'm dead, come back and I'll step in personally. I can't abide by any versions of my wives being dead. Those Willow's Tara tossed in a black hole were pulled out as soon as they entered and will be given the same chances you are. Now go and don't spread what you heard here."

The Willow's dispersed into the portal that took them home. Ryan and his wives took a breather and watched the crowd. Twenty minutes later a group of people came in together. Nick was back. The bartender clone pointed him to the back room. Their group followed him in.

Ryan took one look at the girl and sighed. "Willow, you take it out of her, Tara, you heal any damage it does on the way out, Phoebe, let me know if Willow missed any. The bitch is mine when she's out, I have the perfect hell for her. She'll experience the pain of a billion deaths and the emotions of every being she's ever hurt or were hurt because of her."

The older looking man beside Nick asked."Is it safe?"

Ryan snorted."Boy, I'm older than the dinosaurs on your earth and stronger than the being that made it. Do you think I can't handle a sociopathic witch?"

That shut him up only for the woman beside him to ask."Will my daughter be in pain?"

Ryan tapped the girl's head and sent a jolt of power through her. "There, neither she nor the spirit inside her will feel anything until it's out, then I make no promises on the witch's spirit because she belongs to me after that. Anything else before we start?"

The woman beside Nick asked."Can I watch how you do it?"

Willow told her." We're doing it right here and now, just don't interfere now enough questions, the sooner I start the faster it's out of her."

With that, Willow began waving a hand until she plunged it inside the girl, without leaving a mark. A few seconds later a blue light was pulled out of the girl. Phoebe told Ryan. "She's clear, it's all yours, Tara can heal her now."

Ryan plunged a fiery hand into the soul and it let out a soul-chilling scream that woke up the girl. The soul was wrapped in fire now. Ryan snorted and tossed it into a pocket dimension where it will stay for the rest of eternity.

Nick and the worried mother were hugging the girl fiercely now. The family took turns hugging her and thanking them. Ryan shrugged and went back outside. Willow explained to them. "He doesn't really like a lot of people except his own family. He already has a tight-knit group of friends and he kinda saw your entire history when he read you. He's not a fan of what you did to your family before when his own twin slaughtered not only his family but his entire people."

Nick nodded in understanding, he knew he was a cruel bastard at times. They gave Willow and the girls their thanks before they went to leave. Tara stopped them." If you want to know your future just goes on stage during the optional singing. The green guy can read anyone's future, so long as you ask for it. He can tell you love interests to whether your enemies are plotting against you. Just be sure not to plan anything evil and you'll be fine."

When Nick heard this, he smiled and took his family to a booth to wait for their chance to sing. Eventually, a group of Willow and Tara mixes came back into the bar with some Buffy's in between. Ryan's clone pointed to a booth his original was sitting in.

Ryan sent a message to his Buffy, who showed up seconds later covered in blood and dust, making a scene. She waved a hand, cleaning herself and heading to his table following the group of doubles.

They arrived and before they could speak he held up a hand a motioned for his Buffy to sit with them before he tossed up a barrier. He turned to them. "You may begin."

One of the Buffy's started talking."We're glad you could help our Willow's revive Tara but some of us still have bigger problems and we were wondering if someone of your power would be willing to help us out."

Ryan nodded."That's actually the reason I summoned my Buffy here, she leads an army of half a million slayers to different dimensions, slaughtering demons and evil beings alike. I wanted to know if each of you would be willing to work together for a better multiverse. Some of your worlds may even have an alternate me to help you. Try summoning him when you get a chance, just don't do so for evil and you'll be fine. He'd be called Ryn. Just go home and say it out loud and you'll know either way by the reaction you get. Your Willows would be able to sense his presence immediately, he'll most likely help and be attracted to Willow and Tara, if he's anything like me."

The various Willows and Taras blushed. His Willow told them. "Don't worry, he's really really good in bed, and who said we were just lesbians. Me and Tara both have two kids with him and he's been a godsend."

They blushed deeper and Ryan's Buffy starts to tell them how and where they would meet up to fix each of their worlds.