

They woke up to the scoobies barging into the room. Ryan pulled the blankets over them to save as much modesty as possible. Buffy sat up yelling." What the hell, don't you know how to knock?"

The scoobies looked embarrassed. Xander spoke up." We thought Glory was attacking when his clone disappeared. We armed everyone and headed over, I did not expect this though!"

Buffy yelled. " Outside! Now! We'll be out in a minute."

Ryan shook his head." My Magic's failing faster then I thought, creating a portal and a clone must have pushed it to accelerate. I've got maybe a week left at most. Let's hope she takes the bate sooner rather than later. I need to rest, can you deal with this or do you want me to send them away?"

Buffy shook her head."Get some rest, I'll deal with them."

Buffy went downstairs to meet her friends. She was greeted by Giles saying." Are you sure it wise to be sleeping with someone who just got back in town after such an event?"

Buffy shook her head. Xander was next." Did he trick you into this?"

Another shake. Willow and Tara looked concerned but stayed quiet, except to ask. "Are you alright Buffy?"

Xander answered for her." Of course, she's not alright, she just went through a very traumatic event and he's taking advantage of her."

The girls looked at him like he was an idiot. Tara asked." How bad is he right now?"

Buffy sighed, finally a decent question. "It's bad, he doesn't have more than a week if he doesn't use any more magic. He gave up his last chance to slow it down because of our call. The portal he used and the clone were more than he thought. He's deteriorating at a faster pace because of it. He waited two months so that Angel could have a chance to be happy and then we interrupted the trance at the last moment. There's no stopping it now. By this time next week he'll be functionally dead to the world. He came up with a plan that he wants to pull off as a last hurrah, to give us time. He wants us to spread word around town that I have a new person in my life and hint that he might be the key. Dawn will stay at the frat house, he said the wards would hide her better than any magic or running. So long as no one knows she's there they can't find her. He's going to use the last of his power to wound Glory and hopefully scare her some. He said he can do one full-powered strike, then he'll be done. His brain will shut down and he'll be essentially stuck inside his own mind. Glory won't be able to hurt him and unless she wants to fight me while wounded, she'll flee."

Everyone took this in. Only now do they realize how injured he was. Whatever happened with the ritual was essentially killing him. Giles took off his glasses and asked." Is there anything we can do?"

Buffy shook her head." Just let him rest and spread the word that he's the key."

Xander scratched his head." Wait, if he was this weak, how was he planning to bring Joyce back?"

Willow answered. " I think he was going to use himself as the sacrifice and the last of his power to fuel the spell. Something like the last Titan would've made a hell of a sacrifice. Besides, he said he'd have to pay a price to apologize to the beings there if he wanted to pull it off. He was going to trade his life to bring her back."

Buffy's eyes popped open at that. -Damn, I really should make these next few days memorable.-

After that, they all left to get some sleep for the coming days' events. Buffy went back upstairs and curled up on the human sided pillow.

When they woke up in the morning, Buffy was wrapped around him lick a python. Her legs were around one of his and her body was laying over him with her head laying across his chest.

He murmured." You'll have to get up eventually, today is going to have to start whether you like it or not."

She hugged him closer." Doesn't mean I can't let it pass me by."

Ryan continued." You wouldn't do that! Not today anyway. We have to get showered and get everything ready. If you're quick to rise we can have some time in the shower together."

Buffy popped off him." I'm up! You said something about a shower?"

Chuckling he got up to join her." We've got an hour and a half to get ready. So, if you're up to it, that's an hour in the shower and a half hour to eat and leave. Giles and the gang are going to meet us there. Before my clone dissipated it brought Dawns clothes to her."

Buffy lead him to the bathroom for some shower time. Buffy the time they finished, there were shower tiles all over the place and they both walked with a limp. They made it out with only enough time for a cereal bar.

The trip there, they were both silent and solemn until Buffy spoke." I know what you were willing to do to bring her back, so I wanted to say thanks."

Ryan shook his head." I wasn't going to do it for thanks, Buffy. Your mom was a kind and strong women and I thought, if you were both willing then it would be worth it to do one last good thing. If I were at full strength, I would've done it regardless, the world needs more people like Joyce. She was kind to everyone and very understanding. Hell, she didn't even give me crap for doing an insanely dangerous ritual with her naked daughter and a group of her naked friends. For all she knew we were having an orgy. She had every right to shoot me and that's not even including the fact that your little sister was upstairs."

Buffy laughed at the visual of her mom shooting Ryan in the ass." You know, she let everyone slide on that because she thought we were doing it to save lives."

Ryan chuckled." That remains to be seen, but I think I would still do it, even with what it cost me. I don't know why though."

Buffy smiles. " Was it because of a certain naked slayer in the room?"

Ryan smirked." Sineya wasn't naked!"

Buffy puffed up her cheeks." I was talking about me you ass."

Ryan chuckled." I know, but if you remember right, that wasn't the first time I've seen you naked."

Blushing now Buffy tried to change the subject." How are you feeling right now?"

Sighing Ryan told her." Like I have six more days left. If she doesn't fall for the trap, It'll happen over the course of the last day. In the morning it's goodbye magic, noon I'll have lost my telepathy, evening, I'll be unable to move, and by nightfall, it'll be done."

Buffy nodded sadly, she understood why he was telling her this. To prepare for a possible slow and agonizing end. They arrived at the funeral home in time to do a little small talk with her mother's friends.

Faith, Wesley, and Cordelia showed up with Lyndsey. When he caught sight of Ryan, he paled considerably, knowing the explications. Ryan walked over to meet him." I need a favor from you, my friend. I want you to do a small ritual in my stead. Nothing of significance power-wise, but the meaning behind it would help them move on. Take it from my thoughts please."

Lyndsey nodded, reaching in and getting the details. He smiled and told him." I'll take care of it after the priest leaves the grounds."

The funeral service was beautiful and perfect as far as they go. When it was over and only the scoobies and Angels crew remained Lyndsey spoke."Ryan here wants me to do something for you all that should help with the grief when you understand it all so bear with me."

He hummed in a deep vibrating voice that shook the air, after a few minutes he spoke in lyrical light language that reminded most of the ritual they did a while back. When Lyndsey finally went silent, a young tree sprouted from the fresh grave and grew to ten feet tall.

Lyndsey spoke when it was done growing." This is called an elder tree, it's only made by a certain ritual his people used to symbolize someone of supreme status and wise council. Hence the name. I did it because if he did it right now, he would be joining her now instead of a little later. Consider it a gift from both of us. So long as this tree stands, no evil or wicked beings may disturb the grave. It blooms once every million years and they last until their destroyed."

Buffy and Dawn blinked back tears and told him 'thank you.' After that everyone left, heading to their own homes to prepare for the coming storm. Angels team offered to stay but Cordy got a vision not long after that, so they were forced to leave. Lyndsey's parting words to Ryan were." Goodbye teacher."

Ryan shook his head saying." I haven't been your teacher for a while now. I'm no longer fit and able and you've learned all I can teach you. It's time I treated you as an equal."

He held out his hand for a minute and Lyndsey ignored it and gave him a hug saying. "You taught me so much and gave me even more, there's no way I'll ever be able to repay that. Thank you, teacher."

Ryan sighed." You already have my stubborn apprentice, its time for you to go forth and let the world know you were once and always my greatest achievement. My only regret is that I cannot give you more than some parting words. I once saw a man who was tied to an old friend of mine by destiny. Should the god-king be reborn in your era, let it know who you are and what you represent. Now it truly is time for you to go."

They said their goodbyes and parted ways. Buffy made dinner and helped herself to the Titan desert. She surprised him with a gift when he was about to head to bed.

She was dressed in a power girl outfit he remembered from years ago. He took his time peeling it off of her and giving her a massage for her efforts. They wore each other out for the rest of the night. By morning Buffy was dead to the world.

Ryan decided to help her plans to move forward. He notified the school and had all her professors sign half credit for this semester. Then he made sure that Dawn's school was made aware of events and had her pulled from class for the rest of the week.

He also went over to the frat house and gave Dawn all his high school-level knowledge and helped her organize her mind. After that, he got to reading all the texts in the magic shop.

After finding some things that might help he made a list of useful information they might need to use, in case of an emergency. He made some pre-arranged spells that could be activated with the right words.

Since he didn't actually use any magic, he was saved some time. He made a note about the troll hammer being a god's weapon and left it for Giles and Buffy on a list that said 'read me' in big bold colorful letters then placed a copy practically everywhere, he figured that with their penchant for losing important things, he might as well take precautions.

He read what they have on Glory and made note of the insane people being used as mindless drones. He referenced a spell that may reverse the damage and left the magic shop. He put all of his current funds into a trust for Dawn and a savings for Buffy.

It should be enough for them to wage several wars with. Or build a palace of gold and jewels and live there forever. Almost 10 billion altogether. He figured he wouldn't need it anyway, and he already gave Willow and Tara the bulk of his wealth. He left Lyndsey a message telling him to notify the girls when it happens.

With that, he went back to Buffy's house and made her breakfast. He woke her up after he was done cooking and told her most of what he'd done, and that should anyone ever try to take away Dawn, to call Lyndsey ASAP.

He was rewarded with a test of her slayer recovery abilities. By the time they were done, she had to go meet Giles for slayer business. That evening she told him she was going into the desert to greet the first slayer and learn more about her abilities and why she was finding it hard to love.

Ryan stayed at the house waiting for Glory to show up. He got word that Buffy was in the graveyard sleeping with Spike. When he heard this he laughed and told Xander." She's with Giles in the desert right now. I don't know what blow-up doll he has but it isn't Buffy. Maybe it's another robot, because I doubt even her dirtiest twin would screw Spike. A quick poke or pinch would tell. Hell spray her down with water."

Ryan laughed himself to sleep. He was woken up sometime later the real Buffy calling him to let him know that spike was kidnapped and Robo Buffy showed up looking for him.

He met them at a hotel that had demons crawling all over it. When he looked at the building, he felt the hell god and smiled. Seeing this Buffy got scared for a minute and made him swear they were just here for Spike.

When he agreed, her mood lightened considerably. They stormed the place and best the demons that came down. Spike was in the elevator at the bottom floor when they arrived they grabbed him and left. Unfortunately for Spike, Buffy bot was fried in the process.

Spike told them why he didn't say anything and Buffy thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. He tried for more but she refused and left him in the crypt.

Ryan practically spent the next two days in bed with Buffy, everything seemed to be quiet around. On the fourth day, everything went to shit. Glory thought Tara was the key and when she found her at the fairgrounds she hurt her then brain sucked her.

Seeing he had to do something, Ryan kissed Buffy one last time then went to find Willow. He found her consuming dark magic spells. When she was done all he said was to bring Tara with her. They left in a rush, grabbed Tara and headed to the hell goddesses home. Willow held her off long enough for him to reverse Tara's problem then he yelled." Take her and leave. This place won't be standing in a few minutes, 'Run fast and far, fleet of foot set the bar!"

With that, he cast his last spell. Willow blurred, she and Tara were gone in a flash. Ryan faced off with the hell goddess. They traded blows back and forth. In mere moments the building was no more.

He started tiring and she pressed the advantage. Just when she was at her best, he used his trump card. Pooling all his power he equaled his peak physical power in a second.

He ripped off one of her arms and punched her in the gut as the power was fading. She flew backward at the speed of sound into the old factory district. His body dropped almost instantly.

After moments he drew his last shuddering breath. The Titan was no more. His body lay there for hours until the Scooby gang found it amongst the rubble. Buffy dragged him out and to Xander's truck, when they got him home, they put him in the basement of the frat house, where they did the ritual before.

He was hot to the touch, and stayed that way even after death. Buffy was pissed at Willow but she also understood the desire for revenge. " He did what he could and weakened her more than we could've hoped for. He tore off her left arm and from the damage and direction of the final scene, he either punched or threw her several miles into an abandoned metal factory. We know one thing for certain, right now she's weak and vulnerable. I for one aim to finish the bitch off. He saved Tara and Willow so that they could be the catalyst to doing so. He told me there was a spell to reverse the brain damage she did to all those people. It's a stronger version of what he did for Tara. Can you both Work the spell together? It should weaken her to kill with the troll hammer."

Willow answered." We can do it but we're going to need time an preparation. It's a high-level spell."

Giles spoke up." We got a day or two max before she heals enough that it won't matter anymore. Has anyone seen Dawn?"

Anya spoke up." Oh! I know this one. She said she was going to the Magic shop to get the stuff we used on Ryan the first time he healed. Sh-"

Buffy stood up." Why the hell didn't you say something earlier? She could be in trouble! Glories people could have her!"

They grabbed their weapons and headed to the magic shop. When they arrived it was trashed, someone had broken in and stolen several healing artifacts and left with Dawn. Her backpack was still sitting on the front counter.

Giles searched the inventory for any clue what was missing. "Were missing almost all of our healing amulets and herbs. There are several books on healing and regrowing limbs gone as well."

Xander told them." Well, there is a bright side to all this!"

Giles looked at him as if he were a fool." And what exactly is the bright side to Glory about to heal herself and taking Dawn with her?"

Xander scratched his head at that." That? Nothing! But our boy Ryan filled in the blanks on Glory for us. He left us a note and a list of things he felt made sense. Glory apparently has a human form, and she's forced to feed off the brain's synaptic energy field of others to stay in control, those she feeds on become worker slaves, though he doesn't know what for. He apparently tried looking for the human she's possessing and kept being stopped by a spell that makes everyone forget the form of her human half. He says she can be beaten if you undo her brain-sucking, Will. And someone beats her with the troll god's hammer. He did some extensive research from what I can see. He also said in case of dire emergency call Lyndsey and tell him 'green'."

The battle went down near five o'clock the next morning. Willow and Tara started the spell to mentally zap Glory of all the juice they could. When she went after Buffy, she was swallowed whole by the spell and the spell covered almost the whole construction yard, zapping all the crazy people in one moment. Everyone was restored and Glory was left a crazy mess.

She fought Buffy while minions used the confused people as shields. Seeing this, Willow and Tara did on more spell to knock everyone on their asses. Spike ran through before all the demons were able to regroup. Ten minutes later he fell to the earth below.

Buffy was able to subdue Glory with the troll hammer and she shifted into a one and a half armed Ben. A resident who Buffy met when she visited the hospital with her mother and Riley before. When she saw this she demanded for Glory to leave her friends and family alone then ran up the tower after he consented.

Buffy got to the top too late, a demon had cut Dawn in a few shallow cuts and she already bled as the sun started to rise. She shoved him off and walked towards the bleeding form of Dawn. Seeing this, she had a moment of clarity of her own. She remembered something hanging at the edge of her mind.

She told Dawn that death was her gift and she loved her after a second she whispered something in her ear and ran, jumping off the tower into the plasma-like portal that was opening up.

Her body fell to the ground below, dead. Dawn walked down the tower with a straight face. She saw the scoobies gathering around the body and told them." Carry her to the truck, we have move fast."

They ignored her until she repeated herself." I said to carry her to the damn truck, we have to move fast!"

Everyone looked at her as if she was insane." Buffy's dead Dawn!" Willow told her.

Dawn took a taller pose." I know that and before she jumped, she told me something important now do what I said quickly, move your asses people!"

They started to move now. Dawn grabbed Xander's phone and made a call. As soon as the other line picked up she said." Green." And hung up.

Hearing this everyone started to look alive knowing this was somehow related to Ryan's backup plans. Spike carried Buffy's body to the truck and everyone hopped in. Once they were on the road she told them." Buffy said this was all prophesied by someone a while back and it relates to why Ryan is sick. He's not truly gone, only dormant. She wasn't able to remember because of something he did. She said she agreed to this to stop an apocalypse and save everyone, including him. He set a series of trigger words in certain people so that only in certain preordained moments could their memories be returned to them, and not to go looking or it'll be the end of us all."

Giles took off his glasses and asked." And whose bloody stupid idea was that?"

Dawn continued. "Yours actually, everyone has something, even Spike. We all agreed to it at the time to protect the world. Willow I'm supposed to tell you and Tara to use the black goo on Buffy's body."

They heard this and remembered something." We are going to do a resurrection spell on Buffy in a few months. The goo will heal her body and preserve it." They said together automatically.

Tara turned to Giles and told him." Don't you miss England?"

Giles took off his glasses and told the group. "Bloody hell! It appears I'm moving in a few days with Jenny. And I'm supposed to scowl or something at the idea of bringing Buffy back."

Everyone looked gobsmacked at this. When they got to the house, they brought Buffy to the basement where Lyndsey and Faith were waiting. They had a casket ready and the goo out. They took Buffy and stripped her, applying goo to every part of her then putting her in the casket. They set it in a corner and put a timed-release spell on it.

The told them." The resurrection ritual and supplies are in a lockbox at the first Sunnydale national back. It's in Tara's name. Only she knows when to get everything, good luck we can't stay."

With that, Lyndsey made a portal and both of them stepped through it. When they were gone Spike spoke up. " Bloody hell! Willow I'm supposed to tell you, to fix the Buffy bot and reprogram it to replace her to confuse the demons into thinking it is Buffy. The next few months are going to suck people. Get used to it!"

With that, he took off and everyone got to work doing things. Xander remembered to start building and buying safe houses throughout the world. Giles was going to help him do so abroad and Giles would contact his friends to do the protection spell work in all places.

Anya was to look after the magic shop and start collecting dark magic books without everyone else's knowledge. She was going to start a mass of the world's magic books good and evil.

Dawn was reminded to do her school work and start physical combat training with the group and magic studies with Tara. Willow was not to teach her anything yet. Spike started doing hi own patrolling occasionally stopping by and helping the group.

Lyndsey reminded everyone that Ryan left them filthy rich and to not abuse it because it was needed down the line. Like this, several months passed until one day Tara announced." Its time to bring back Buffy. Willow, you're doing the spell. We have to bury the casket in a certain place in the cemetery before we begin."

Everyone got to work like their lives depended on it.after everything was ready they began. Willow began." Osiris, keeper of the gate, master of all fate, hear us!

Before time and after, before knowing and nothing

Accept our offering, know our prayer.

Osiris, here lies the warrior of the people,

Let her cross over.

Osiris, let her cross over

Release her."

Almost completed, a demon biker gang road through the cemetery interrupting it. When the urn of Osiris broke, Spike leaped into motion and fought off the bikers with the scoobies. Tara told them." Dig up the casket as fast as possible, she will be back soon and we don't want her waking up to dig out of her own grave!"

No sooner had they finished, Buffy sat up in her coffin, lid open and looked around." Not real, not real, not real."

Willow and Tara helped her out and gave Dawn gave her a hug saying." Your right! That wasn't heaven Buffy, that was an illusion. Ryan told me to remind you that you're almost done and when he can, he will reach across the dimensions and destroy that one. It's a false heaven, one of many that are used to house and trade souls with powerful entities. He placed a mark on your soul that ensured it wouldn't be used for anything while you were there."

Hearing this Buffy calmed down instantly. She hugged Dawn back and told them." I need some time to gather myself and I want to see him for a bit, even if he can't talk right now, it will help."

Willow smiled."Buffy, it's great to see you and all. You can come back to school with us next semester and audit classes until then to catch up!"

Xander asked." Is it just me or is everyone else still weirded out by all this? I mean one day back and you've talked about school and- "

Spike yelled out." Son of a buggering whore."

They looked at him confused for a minute until he answered." He left another one to be triggered when Harris opened his mouth. It's a warning of a sort."

They continued to look at him until Dawn asked." What was the warning?"

Spike tried to downplay it." Nothing you need to concern yourself with, niblet."

When he finished, she laughed." I got one that says your lying, it was a warning that if you go after Buffy without her consent when he gets back he's going to cut off your-"

Buffy cut off her words by covering her mouth and finishing." It's ok, what Ryan and I had was more of a comforting solace than a real relationship, hell we both knew it wouldn't last. Besides, we're talking about Spike here. He couldn't hurt a warm corpse."

She turned back to Spike and told him." I'm pretty sure I could take you anyway. Not like it matters though. You and me would never happen anyway. Sorry, I mean you're nice and all but it would never work."

Spike nodded. "Right, keep telling yourself that, love. I'm headed for LA anyway. I've really got to meet this Lorne fellow."

Everyone nodded at this. They all had a vague impression of a green demon with the voice of an Angel for some reason. At hearing this Xander pulled out his phone and made a call. Moments later, the phone was on speaker.

" This is Giles and Jenny, may I ask whose calling?"

Buffy answered." It's me, I'm back. You're to continue what you're doing for now and he told me to remind you. Prepare for the worst. Now that, that's out of the way it really is good to hear from you again, even if we can't meet yet Giles, Jenny."

"Buffy, it's good to hear your voice again. How was your trip to the other side? I'll be coming to see you in person soon enough I think, so if you don't want to tell me I'd understand."

Buffy shuddered." It's okay Giles, It was the price I paid for a better future. It felt real, and it still kind of does. I feel like I was just pulled from heaven. Anyway, I'll call you sometime tomorrow."

" Yes, quite right. We'll talk tomorrow, I'm sure you're tired right now. Goodnight." Click.