
Augmented chapter for understanding

A buffy the vampire slayer AU. Starts at the end of season 1 and the beginning of season 2 for the first chapter and will follow the basic BtVS storyline on most things may at some junctures split from canon but most will continue as usual. All references to other shows and cameos are not owned by me, they each have their own respective owners.

I'm going to start releasing only two chapters every other day.

I Do Not Own the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Or Angel tv series both shows are owned by Joss Whedon David Greenwalt Marti Noxon Fran Rubel Kuzui Kaz Kuzui as far as I'm aware! I do not own any music mentioned in this fanfic all are owned by there respective studios. IT's OFFICIAL! I DECIDED TO MAKE THIS AND ADULT FANFIC! CHILDREN NOT ALLOWED! PARENTS BEWARE!

I only own my own thoughts until I'm done sharing them with the world then you can have them 🙃. The character in this fanfic while sharing the same name is not in any way related to my other novels.