
Chapter 4

Emily's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the pale light from her flashing.

She yawned, stretching her arms lazily, only to realize that her fingertips met empty air.

Confusion furrowed her brow as she sat up, the realization slowly dawning upon her – the room was empty, her friends were gone.

A sense of unease settled over her, intensifying into full-blown dread as she heard the creaking of the floorboards beneath her.

Instinctively, she backed away, her eyes widening in terror.

The floor seemed to groan in protest, and with a sickening snap, a section of the floor collapsed, revealing a deep, dark abyss beneath.

Her heart raced as she peered into the hole, her worst fear coming to life before her eyes – heights.

The pit seemed bottomless, a chasm that threatened to swallow her whole.

A cold wind blew from the depths, sending a shiver down her spine.

As she stepped back, a powerful force seemed to push against her, urging her closer to the edge.

Panicked, Emily planted her feet firmly, her hands gripping the door frame for dear life.

It felt as though an unseen hand was trying to pull her into the gaping void.

"Help! Someone, please help me!" Emily's scream pierced the air, her voice laced with terror.

She desperately called for her friends, but her cries were met only with the chilling silence of the haunted mansion.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she clung to the doorway, her knuckles turning white from the intensity of her grip.

The realization sank in – she was alone, trapped on the precipice of her deepest fear, with nothing but the void below and the deafening silence around her.