
The Timers End

depictions of Time, and there never-ending dreams

Isabelle_Langford · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Day 1

"They call me Time" Time speaks nonchalantly "But who is They" Moekay asks. "Well Moe, that's a long story, you see I am the bearer of Time, but I was never given a name just as They were never named" Time pauses and let's Moekay ponder on what Time has told her. " But wait! Time what would happen if you were given a name? What if I gave you a name? would you like that?" Time sighs that was definitely not what he expected her to say but it did bring him warmth that she was concerned for his no named self. "Mrs. Moe, I do not need a name I am referred as a clock or a wristwatch, I am nothing but an everflowing being I possess nothing and I need nothing, I give and I take without even taking a breath, what good would a name do for me now?" Moe looks down at her small feet dipping into the water " All of my friends have names Time, don't you want to be my friend?" Time gives a giggle "Moe don't you remember what I did to you? I took you away from all of your friends, away from your family, you will never see them again, and it's all my doing, usually people like you shout and yell and cry and tell me to bring them back, but there you are a spectacal among the humans asking for friendship, I truly do not understand you" Moe smiles "Even a being such as yourself must get lonely, even I get lonely Even though I was always surrounded by people who loved me, I know hidden beneath your exterior you must be lonely" Time stands to his feet and reaches for Moekays hand "come now your time is up let me lead you to your chambers where you will be staying, remember the rules, do not speak to anyone even if you recongize someone, this place shall hold you untill you melt into a puddle of nothingness, though I will say you are one of the most interesting individuals I have ever met, I shall remember your face, hard times are ahead of you, don't let them break you yet, you are strong and if anyone can make it, I'm sure you can" Moe takes Times hand and rises gently "Time I wish we could talk more but I suppose this is the end I shall remember your face as well or if that is even your true face" Time leads her into the home that appears as a small peaceful cottage but when you enter it unfolds into a cold prison like castle.