
The Time We Were Reincarnated As The Hero's

Two high school boys were killed trying to save their classmate from a fire but then given a second chance in a new world of swords and magic. Why don't you find out how things turned out for those two? (new writer feedback would greatly be appreciated. ^^)

loe_v · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Kingdom of Elysium

As Kenji and Saiko approached the gates of the Kingdom of Elysium, a familiar figure strolled toward them. Akari, the renowned Guild Master, intercepted the duo with her confident stride and mischievous grin.

Akari: (smirking) Well, if it isn't the dynamic duo making a grand entrance. What brings you two troublemakers to my neck of the woods?

Kenji: (grinning) We heard Elysium is the place to be, Aki. I figured we'd check it out.

Saiko: (nodding) explore, maybe find a cozy spot to call home.

Akari: (raising an eyebrow) Cozy spot? You boys have a way with words. (She glances toward the gates.) Trying to get in, huh? Leave it to me.

As they approached the gates, the guards recognized Akari and nodded in acknowledgment.

Guard Captain: Guild Master Akari, what brings you back?

Akari: (waving casually) Business as usual. Oh, and I've got these two troublemakers with me. (She nudges Kenji and Saiko playfully.) They're looking for a bit of excitement in Elysium.

Guard Captain: (smirking) Trouble seems to follow you, Guild Master. You vouch for them?

Akari: (grinning) Oh, absolutely. They're harmless, mostly. Just looking for a good time.

The gates swung open, revealing the vibrant streets of Elysium. Akari led Kenji and Saiko inside, the trio exchanging banter and laughter. The kingdom embraced them, and as they strolled deeper into Elysium, the air buzzed with anticipation for the adventures that awaited the high school duo in their newfound home. 

Akari caught up with Kenji and Saiko as they strolled through the lively streets of Elysium, the vibrant atmosphere matching the twinkle in her eyes.

Akari: (grinning) Enjoying the sights, boys?

Kenji: (nodding) Definitely. Elysium has a different vibe from what we're used to.

Saiko: (smirking) And by "different," he means amazing.

Akari: (laughing) Glad you think so. Say, how about adding a bit more excitement to your lives?

Kenji: (raising an eyebrow) Excitement? What do you have in mind?

Akari: (leaning in) Ever thought about becoming adventurers? Joining my guild?

Saiko: (intrigued) Adventurers? Like, real quests and stuff?

Akari: (nodding) Exactly. The Guild of the Silver Crescent is always on the lookout for fresh blood. You two seem like you'd fit right in.

Kenji: (smirking) Adventurers, huh? Sounds interesting. What's the catch?

Akari: (smiling) No catch, just opportunity. I'll start you off at D rank. Not the lowest, not the highest.

Saiko: (raising an eyebrow) Why not the lowest?

Akari: (explaining) Because you two have potential. The lowest rank is for those who are still figuring out which end of the sword to hold. I've got a feeling you boys know your way around a battle.

Kenji: (grinning) You've got a sharp eye, Guild Master.

Akari: (winking) Call me Akari. So, what do you say? Ready to embark on a new adventure as members of the Guild of the Silver Crescent?

Kenji and Saiko exchanged glances, the excitement in the air contagious. With simultaneous nods, they accepted Akari's offer, ready to embrace the challenges and mysteries that awaited them as adventurers in Elysium.

The sun dipped low on the horizon as Akiari led Kenji and Saiko through the enchanting streets of Elysium. Their destination: the Guild of the Silver Crescent. Akiari's guild, a place where adventurers forged their destinies. The guild hall, a structure of grandeur, stood proudly against the backdrop of the setting sun.

As they entered, the guild buzzed with activity. Adventurers of various ranks prepared for quests, shared tales of their exploits, and exchanged banter. The atmosphere crackled with the promise of adventure.

Akiari: (smirking) Welcome to your new home, boys.

The trio approached the guild reception, where a seasoned guild official awaited.

Guild Official: Guild Master Akari, always a pleasure. And these must be the fresh faces?

Akiari: (nodding) That's right. Kenji and Saiko, meet Yuuna. She'll get you started.

Yuuna handed them two shiny guild cards, the emblem of the Silver Crescent gleaming on each.

Yuuna: (smiling) These are your guild cards. Keep them close; they're your lifelines. Your ranks: D. Standard for newcomers.

Kenji: (grinning) D it is, then.

Saiko: (examining the card) What's next?

Akiari: (leaning in) Next, you need an adventuring name. Something that represents you.

Kenji: (thinking) How about Ghost? Got a nice ring to it.

Saiko: (nodding) And I'll go with Shadow. Matches our style.

Akiari: (approving) Ghost and Shadow it is. Now, your first quest awaits.

The trio delved into the mission board, where a parchment caught Akiari's attention. She retrieved it, her expression shifting subtly.

Akiari: (serious) This one is special. A direct request from the princess herself.

Kenji: (intrigued) What's the task?

Akiari: (grim) Slave traders have infiltrated the kingdom. The princess wants them eradicated discreetly. It's a dangerous task, but if anyone can handle it, it's Ghost and Shadow.

Saiko: (determined) We'll handle it.

Akiari: (nodding) Remember, this is Elysium's secret. Keep it quiet. Good luck, boys.

As Akiari parted ways, Ghost and Shadow absorbed the weight of their first mission. The moon hung high as they ventured into the kingdom's shadows, their guild cards clutched in hand.

The air in the dimly lit warehouse hung heavy with tension as Ghost and Shadow stepped into the heart of the slave traders' den. The flickering lanterns cast eerie shadows on the figures huddled in the corners, shackled and helpless.

Ghost: (whispering) We need to move quietly, take them by surprise.

Shadow: (nodding) Agreed.

The duo melted into the shadows, their forms becoming one with the darkness. Suddenly, a door creaked open, revealing two burly guards making their rounds.

Guard 1: (gruff voice) Keep an eye on these scum. We don't want any trouble.

Guard 2: (chuckles) Trouble? They can barely lift a finger.

Ghost and Shadow exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. With a swift nod, they leaped from the shadows, their blades gleaming in the dim light.

Ghost: (with precision) I'll take the one on the left.

Shadow: (grinning) Right, the one on the right is all mine.

The guards barely had time to react before Ghost and Shadow unleashed a flurry of strikes. The clash of steel echoed through the warehouse as the guards desperately tried to defend themselves.

Ghost's dual Soul katanas danced with unparalleled grace, each strike a symphony of deadly precision. The guard on the left found himself overwhelmed, unable to match Ghost's speed and skill.

Shadow, wielding the Nebula scythe, weaved through the shadows like a phantom. His strikes were deliberate, each swing carving arcs of cosmic energy through the air. The guard on the right struggled to anticipate Shadow's unpredictable movements.

As the battle unfolded, Ghost and Shadow's synergy became evident. They moved in perfect harmony, their attacks complementing each other. With a final, synchronized maneuver, they disarmed the guards and incapacitated them without causing fatal harm.

Ghost: (looking around at the prisoners, clutching their guild cards) We need to free them.

Shadow: (nodding) Let's get them out of here.

The duo swiftly worked to unlock the shackles, the clinks of chains giving way to sighs of relief. The rescued captives, though weakened, expressed gratitude through tearful eyes.

Ghost: (softly) We're here to help. Stay quiet and follow us.

Shadow: (smirking) Ghost, and I will guide you to safety.

The mission weighed heavy on their minds as they led the freed prisoners out of the warehouse. Ghost and Shadow had faced the darkness within Elysium, but the true journey had just begun. The Guild of the Silver Crescent and the kingdom they now called home awaited the tales of their exploits. The clandestine fight against injustice had marked their initiation into the world of adventurers. Ghost and Shadow, their names whispered in gratitude, stepped into the moonlit night with newfound purpose, their guild cards clutched in hand.