
The Time We Were Reincarnated As The Hero's

Two high school boys were killed trying to save their classmate from a fire but then given a second chance in a new world of swords and magic. Why don't you find out how things turned out for those two? (new writer feedback would greatly be appreciated. ^^)

loe_v · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Aftermath

TW: Mental Stress, Gore-ish 

Goddess: Welcome, brave souls. I am Rita, the goddess of this realm. You have shown great courage, sacrificing yourselves to save your classmates.

Kenji: (whispering to Saiko) Is this... heaven?

Saiko: (whispering back) I think we're in some divine waiting room.

Rita: Fear not, dear ones. Your bravery has not gone unnoticed. I've chosen you to embark on a crucial quest.

Kenji: Quest? What are we supposed to do?

Rita: A great darkness looms over the lands. The demon lord threatens to engulf this world in chaos. But with your strength, I believe you can defeat him.

Saiko: (grinning) You're giving us a chance to kick demon butt? Count us in.

Rita: Before you venture forth, I shall bestow upon you gifts. Kenji Onimaru, from this day forth, you shall be known as Ghost. Embrace the ethereal powers that now reside within you.

Kenji: Ghost... I like the sound of that.

Rita: Saiko Kuroda, your spirit is as elusive as a shadow. Henceforth, you shall be known as Shadow. Channel the shadows to your advantage and become the unseen force that strikes fear into the hearts of your enemies.

Saiko: (nodding) Shadow it is. Thanks, goddess.

Rita: Together, Ghost and Shadow, you shall be the saviors of this realm. Now, go forth, and may your journey be guided by the light within your hearts.

Kenji: We won't let you down, Amaterasu.

Saiko: Get ready, demon lord. Ghost and Shadow are coming for you.

Kenji: (clutching his head) Whoa, what's happening?

Saiko: (grimacing) It's like... like a thousand thoughts all at once.

Images flash in their minds, revealing landscapes, creatures, and the essence of Harmanyia.

Kenji: (squinting) I see forests, mountains, magical creatures...

Saiko: (nodding) And the people. Their way of life, their customs. It's all pouring into my head.

The flood of knowledge slowly subsides.

Kenji: That was intense. I feel like I know this place, but it's not Earth.

Saiko: (looking around) Welcome to Harmanyia, Ghost. Looks like we're not in Japan anymore.

Kenji: More like we're not in Tokyo.

Saiko: (smirking) True. But I think we can handle this. We've got the powers, the knowledge... and each other.

Kenji: (grinning) Ghost and Shadow, ready for whatever Harmanyia throws at us.

They turn towards the distant town on the horizon, determined to explore this new world.

Ghost and Shadow stood on the unfamiliar shores of Harmanyia, their surroundings bathed in the soft glow of a foreign sun. The land stretched before them, a canvas of mystery waiting to be explored. Armed with the dual Soul katanas and Nebula scythe bestowed upon them, the duo shared a determined gaze and set forth on their journey toward the distant kingdom.The initial steps took them through dense forests, the vibrant foliage casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The air was thick with an unfamiliar scent, and the sounds of exotic creatures echoed through the trees. As they navigated the thick underbrush, Ghost and Shadow faced their first challenge - a pack of formidable creatures with scales as tough as armor.With a seamless synchronization, Ghost unsheathed his Soul katanas, their ethereal glow lighting up the shadows. Shadow swung his Nebula scythe in sweeping arcs, harnessing its cosmic energy to cut through the creatures with ease. It was a dance of blades and magic, a testament to the newfound synergy between the two.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of Harmanyia, they encountered bands of bandits seeking to exploit the realm's treasures. Ghost and Shadow honed their combat skills, perfecting their coordination in the face of cunning adversaries. The Soul Katanas and Nebula scythe became extensions of their beings, their strikes fluid and deadly.With each encounter, Ghost could feel the power coursing through him. The dual Soul katanas responded to his command effortlessly, their blades singing in harmony with his every move. Yet, as the battles unfolded, a subtle change began to take root within Ghost. The once stoic and detached warrior found himself becoming more attuned to the world around him.

The landscape shifted from dense forests to open plains, and Ghost, once aloof, began to appreciate the beauty of Harmanyia. The vibrant colors of the wildflowers, the gentle rustle of the breeze, and the distant call of unknown creatures all started to weave a tapestry of emotions within him. The world, it seemed, was awakening something long dormant within his soul.One night, as they camped under a sky filled with unfamiliar constellations, Ghost shared his revelation with Shadow. "This world is changing me," he confessed. "I can feel it in my core. The power of these Soul katanas is not just in their blades but in their connection to the essence of Harmanyia."Shadow, ever the enigmatic companion, nodded in understanding. "Change is inevitable, Ghost. Embrace it, for it is the key to unlocking the full potential of our newfound abilities."As they neared the kingdom on the horizon, Ghost and Shadow had become a force to be reckoned with. The journey had not only strengthened their combat prowess but had also forged a bond between them and the mystical world of Harmanyia. The destiny that awaited them in the kingdom was uncertain, but the transformation within Ghost hinted at a deeper connection to the realm they now called home.