

There once lived a boy named William .he loved to steal. He could steal yet he never got caught it was as if it was his talent.He was very cunning and good at it. He was so good at it that you can just be standing and he will pass beside you, before you realize anything he has stolen all your valuables and properties .He once stole some ones shorts at school without him noticing. He was a big nuisance to the school. All the teachers did not like his behavior they wanted him to be sacked from the school,but William was a very brilliant that he was able to cover up his crimes so easily .He won quizzes for the school despite his devious character. He was from a very wealthy home. One would wonder why he even stole,he stole because he took pleasure in it . His biggest dream was to become the greatest thief of all to ever . Little did he know that his dreat will come true. As he was growing up he improved in his skills,he started to steal from shops super markers and others . He had a friend named Edward. He had similar skills compared to William , William never made mistaks and was very smart whilst Edward wasn't too smart he made mistake which could cost them if William did not step in . One time when they were robbing a super markert, Edward mistakenly triggered the alarm ⏰,which automatically puts the whole super markert on lockdown,it took the brain 🧠 of William before they were able to escape.if it were not for William. They could have gotten arrested and put in east California prison which was worse than hell . There was one criminal organization known as the HAYENS , which took in small,weak and talented people to train them so they will work for them, but before they take you, you will need to go through a training course William was invited, but his mission and aim was to become the greatest theif in the world but he did not want to work for anyone,his cunning mind told him to go through the entire training course so he could acquire new skills and also meet people he can team up with. During the training course,he noticed a black American named sethornam yeboah. He was jus as brilliant and cunning as William . He had the ability to steal very fast. There was also a girl named Elsa. She was from France and spoke like a french, William was very happy when they were asked to show case their talents , because he got the opportunity to see other people's talents . He noticed at the end that there ere over there thousand participants going through the course who had similar talents. At the end of the session the leaders of the organization noticed that William was very special and that if they left him he might be scouted by another criminal organization which could be very dangerous. They asked him to join but he told them he was not ready and that if he was ready he will give them a call. One scientist named Einstein was coming up with a theory on time travel . He believed that in the future human beings will beat able to time travel, but he wanted to be the one to invent it .one day William William went to Einstein's office he had decided that he might have some equipment's which would help him travel back in time because he was focused on stealing ancient treasures . He thought that Einstein might be able to create a time machine which could help him travel back in time to steal the ancient treasures like the monalisa and the water moon guanyen and become the greatest theif to ever live I the whole galaxy,he would become people's role models,he would be very famous . He returned back from his daydream and asked Einstein whether he had a device which could transport him back in time. Einstein knew that if he gave it to him it would be a big mistake because he would abuse it's power which would then cause imbalance in the time stream and send the time protection agency after him ,so he told William he was still in the the process of making a time machine and he was sure I would not work because he did not want to be rude because they were very great friends , so William went home disappointed, but he knew his friend was lying and could actually make one he hatched a plan to sneak in to Einstein's office and area anything which ressambles a time machine ,he gathered his teammates Elsa, sethornam yeboah,and Edward ,since Elsa was good with computers she would be in charge of the tech aspect sethornam yeboah was to be their getaway driver because he drove like he was mad and Edward was to make sure that no one would enter because he was physically strong Elsa was so good she tried to hack into the security system it took several hours before she finally got access she froze the movement of all security include the the cameras and laser sensors for three minutes,so William had to work with time and if he failed to steal the time machine the security systems would get him and this time there was no way he could escape because Einstein was smarter and brilliant than him. Because of his experience he was able to enter Einsteins laboratory and took every gadget which looked like a time machine luckily for him he took the time machine and other useful gadgets. He got back to their base within few seconds and they decided to test the machines ,there was a signal disrupter,if there was any signal and the machine was put on it will block the signal this gadget was given to Elsa. There was a gadget which was like a glove but it was able to destroy anything it hits this gadget was given to Edward. They gave sethornam yeboah an invisibility cy and William took the time machine so the put on their gadgets and see out in time

Thank you for reading this chapter , watch out for chapter 2 which would be very trailing and interesting

kataalicreators' thoughts