
The Time Stopper Rampages

Sam, an antisocial man, despises everything about society and anyone involved in its construction. He suffers a harsh verdict on his freedom from the society's pre-drawn life path for him. He had tried to grab as much power in society as he can, but he failed miserably. He's just hitting a wall. Life leads him to a field he detests, to a job that he feels a profound sense of disgust towards. When he finally decides to put an end to it all with a mercy bullet to his brain, time suddenly hits the brakes...

Cthoanut · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Sam felt an endless spectrum of emotions flooding through his body. Anger, sadness, despair, and disgust.

He looked at Angela and saw her unusually subdued demeanor. He noticed a trace of sadness, a shattered quality in her presence.

"I... don't remember much from the past few weeks." Sam said hesitantly.

His past days leading up to the promised day were like feverish dreams that refused to end. They sped by, violently and rapidly, yet unwilling to conclude.

Angela gently approached him and softly said, "It's alright. Trust me and just believe. I promise you, life will get better. Great days are ahead of us, Sam."

Sam didn't respond to her, still trying to remember his days, but to no avail. He couldn't recall a single thing.

Angela noticed that and gently took his hand, leading him towards the store.

Amidst his chaotic thoughts, the setting sun, the tired crowds, and the honking cars offered a momentary respite. The random thoughts were cleared from his mind, and he focused on Angela as she held his hand and led him to the store.

They didn't say anything on the way. What were words and eloquence in the presence of such magnificence scene? Nothing. Sam and Angela observed the scene, respected it, and let the silence stretch between them until they found themselves in front of the "Rare Gem" store. It was devoid of customers, only the store owner was present.

Angela tightened her grip on Sam's hand, pushed the door open, and cast a quick glance at the owner, who was engrossed in a soccer match on TV.

Angela let go of Sam's hand and coughed lightly before the owner turned towards them.

"Hello, hello! How may I assist you?" The owner's tone oozed excessive enthusiasm.

"I don't know. My husband brought me here and said he'd pick a wonderful ring for me." Angela said, smiling wonderfully at Sam before moving closer to him and hugging his arm.

Sam was momentarily flustered but understood somewhat what Angela was trying to do, so he played along.

"Do you have any beautiful ring that would suit my beautiful wife? It's our fifth wedding anniversary, and I'd like to commemorate it with a fitting ring." Sam said, looking lovingly at Angela and embracing her more.

The owner looked bewildered for a moment, then regained his composure and said, "What a wonderful couple you are! I truly envy you both. Of course, I have exquisite rings. I also have a splendid 24-carat gold necklace you may like."

"Please show us what you have." Sam said, taking Angela in his arms and approaching the counter.

Sam saw beautiful varieties of rings – silver ones with red rubies, golden ones with green emeralds. All the gemstones were captivating. Sam felt enchanted, especially by a black marble ring with a blue sapphire that radiated an inexhaustible beauty.

"Sir, I think I want this one." Sam pointed to the captivating blue sapphire.

The owner glanced at it and said, "Excellent choice, sir! You truly have an eye for a woman's taste and the ring!" The shopkeeper laughed playfully, then took the ring and Angela come closer to have a better look.

"She's even more beautiful up close." Sam was immersed in the beauty of the ring.

"Then, how much do you offer for this ring?" Sam was awakened from his astonishment and asked.

"$499, sir." the shopkeeper replied boldly before adding, "But since you've both brightened my day, I'll bring down the price to $450!"

Sam looked at Angela, and Angela looked at him. They exchanged several conversations through their eyes, then Sam said, "Of course, sir. Please give it to me." He took the money he received from Angela.

The shopkeeper's eyes glistened, and he quickly prepared the ring almost inhumanly. When he finished, Sam had already placed $450 on the counter.

"Take good care of her, sir! She's worth much more than the ring itself." The shopkeeper took the money and thanked them swiftly.

"Absolutely. Have a nice day." Sam said as he hugged Angela and left the store, the ring now in their possession.

They walked a little. And shortly after, Angela pushed Sam slightly towards a small, slightly dark alley.

"You played it well. Sure thing you have impress me." Angela said, glancing back to make sure no one was watching.

"You've participated in several plays before, haven't you?" Sam said with a sardonic smile before continuing, "So, my dear and beloved wife, what's the point of buying the ring? Can't we just wander around and say we found nothing we liked?"

Angela looked back at him, and they exchanged a look through their eyes before Angela said, "Imagine with me that you're a shop owner, like that miserable clown. Two customers come by, where customers are rare. They cast a glance at your store and then say they found nothing. And then, after a few hours, you discover a missing gem. Wouldn't you suspect them?"

"Well, there's logic in that. But I still object to the idea of going all the way. Now I need to find a way to sneak in without being seen." Sam said with a frown.

Angela smiled and said, "The shop owner isn't as cautious as you might think. When he closes the store, he goes to a room on the right side of the counter for a few moments. He probably brings his keys with him. When he leaves, quickly pounce on the store and snatch the gem."

"So, I have to wait close to the store until I see him move?" Sam said with a growing pout.

"Exactly. Yes." Angela confirmed.

"Cursed nonsense." Sam muttered and quickly retrieved a cigarette before placing it on his mouth.

"And the money? As you know, I've paid what I had," Sam said, searching for his lighter.

Angela looked at him oddly and asked, "Would you actually make a lady pay you?"

Sam looked at her coldly and replied, "Yes."

Angela smiled lightly and pulled out $500 from her bag as if it were lip balm or lipstick.

'How much money does she carry, for heaven's sake!' Sam was shocked when he saw her pull out the money before she handed it to him.

"As for the ring, you can do whatever you want with it. Frankly, I didn't like it." Angela said after giving Sam the money.

Sam quickly pocketed the money and looked at the ring.

'Maybe I should give it to Christina? But isn't that too much? I guess she might suspect that I'm some sort of criminal. Surely, when she folded my clothes, she noticed the knife that was in my coat pocket. Bringing an expensive gift now would just raise red flags in her mind.' Sam quickly concluded.

"Take it. It was already yours, my dear wife." Sam said sarcastically.

"A woman can't accept a gift meant for another woman." Angela replied with a smile.

Sam froze for a moment. He genuinely wondered, was it that obvious?

"Hahahaha." Angela burst into laughter in the alley.

"Oh my, that look on your face, hahahaha." Angela continued laughing at Sam.

'Nonsense...' Sam felt embarrassed as he looks at him.

Angela composed herself, regained her composure and elegance, and said, "Alright then. I must go now. You need to prepare for the operation by 4 PM. Believe me, this is negligence on our part, but it seems the shop owner is even more foolish than I thought."

Sam nonchalantly nodded his agreement, and that's when he saw Angela bidding him farewell and swiftly leaving the alley.

Sighing deeply, Sam decided to check his phone and saw that it was 1 PM.

Sam sighed heavily and leaned against the alley wall.

'Oh, the lighter.' Sam remembered that he put the cigarette in his mouth without lighting it, so he took it out and lit it.

Sam relaxed as he watched the crowds pass by the narrow street.

He finished his cigarette quickly and stamped it out.

He decided to head to his apartment to get his gun and bullets.

Just in case things went south, of course.