
the time I got reincarnated as the god of system

Mohit_Kumar_0103 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

9.making new friends.

so after literally 46 seconds of running I arrived at the school and what you expect me to see obviously student but the corridor was empty and the the was as big a as a solar system but it was all for only class.

I mean like in here normally there's only 30-40 students per decades and after 13 minutes and 22 seconds of running later I arrived in front of my classroom I mean like what you even expect from a school as big as a solar system.

after so much hard work I am still not tired because first of being a God even though I haven't even developed my godly energy I am still much more than human imagination I can run at the speed of 3000 kmph per second while I was just born and after that I haven't calculated but I am sure after so many years of training with a God and as a God I should be at least more than 99999999999 kmph per second.

and about my strength it must be above my all stats because I focused more on and I was able to lift things weighing about 67700 tons and by that I mean just a cup of tea in the world of God's cause here everyday objects like a desk or even chair weigh more than a street in the human world it's because the objects here are so dense and powerful and also very durable it's so that the gods can use it or any item will break just by the gods touching.

so the God of God's contacted my father for this problem and he made all the object and made them so dense that they won't at least break from the gods touching them.

so I almost forgot I was telling you about my strength so I am now able to lift my whole house easily with just one hand so maybe I will be able to lift the whole earth to.

and so the thinking explanation is over I won't just reveal every aspect in one chapter so I enter the class and be amazed by its size because it covered 60% of the school ND it took me 13 minutes and 22 second to just cross the corridor which covered 35% of the school area so just imagine a classroom this big you must be thinking why such. big classroom there are only 30-40 students at the most it's to protect them from each and a it's a all purpose classroom cause you know there are some arrogant kiddos who like to mess with each other in the gods realm they have no name but in our human world call them bullies.

and ya every decade there is a batch and that's because the God of God's make baby God for all the gods the gods who want babies give there genes in the form of energy to the God of destruction and he gives them there babies in a decade it's like cycle.

so after I got inside I met a guy who was named gatsuv and I introduced to him.

but just as I was about to say something he jump replied to it before I even say something and said that

gatsuv - hi and nice to meet you and i know you are going to ask my name now so it is gatsuv and after it you are going to ask what my age so let me tell you it is the same as you because we were born in the same batch and now I know you are also gonaa ask me that how do I know what you are going to ask out of confusion so let me tell you that there are some gods that get a bit of there powers before awakening there godly energy and these type of children are called the lucky baby gods and ya you are gonna ask that why all the godly things are named so straightforward well it's because the god's prefer straightforward names that actually explain almost all the meaning by Just the name of the concept and not making you understand it all in just name cause there has be balance in words between difficulty so that the development of the god of words power stays stable and the god of stability need stability to maintain the barrier between the normal universe and the god's divine world so that's why most of the words in the god's world are so straightforward and stable between difficulty.

me - oh well you say a lot and the god of gods and the god of reality thought a lot before creating the world of gods and if you are gonna give me so much information let me tell you some to so you know my dad told me that

gatsuv - ( while interrupting what I was saying) i know what you are gonna say (me interrupts him while he was saying)

me - wait wait don't speak what I am gonna say atleast let me say please so I was saying that my dad me that there are also levels in gods and also that there was never a god who was able to upgrade his level cause the higher the god the better and to be precise suppose a god of poison is level 10 so the level 11 god of poison will be a 1000 X god than the level 10 and every low level gods are created by the ones higher than them and they don't know about the higher level ones but we were created by the god of reality of our same level so we can assume that we are the last leveled ones and please don't interrupt my speech I have not completed it so I was saying even though the god of reality is of the same level as us but still not even all the god's combined can beat him cause he is the only god that is beyond infinity and ranking both at the same time.

gatsuv - well i didn't understand the 50% of it but still it's ok and would you like to be my friend.

me - ok let's be friends well actually you are my first friend here.