
The Time I Got Bunny Locked

The story follows an 18 years old boy that befriends a bunny and go on fun and sometimes dangerous adventures.

Emil9514 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Rabbit Kingdom Part 4

Luminous feels a sense of shock and surprise as he realize that their bond has reached a new level and that they now share a deeper and more powerful "Soul link". Luna smiles back at Luminous and both experience a deeper and more intense connection as their lips remain joined for a moment before separating. Luminous laugh, as hes filled with joy and wonder at what the "Soul link" means for the two of them.

After they share a heartfelt kiss and hear the voice in their head confirm the new "Soul link", both of them exchange a few more smiles and kisses. Luna then goes back into her own room and luminous return to his. They both lay in their beds and think about what their days and relationship will look like now that they have taken the next step.

Luminous feels connected with Luna and excited about the future possibilities. As Luminous and Luna sleep, a slight pink light shines onto the windows in their rooms and lights them up with a beautiful pink glow. They both stir in their sleep, feeling the subtle and calming effects of the pink light.

The pink glow fills them with a sense of tranquility and peace, as Luminous feels connected and in sync with Luna. They are both asleep in their rooms but feel as if they are in the same space and sharing this calm and soothing presence.

The pink light symbolizes the power and significance of Luminous "Soul link" with Luna and the future possibilities that it holds. As Luminous lie in his bed and dream, he notice a pink light shining through the window thats illuminating the room. This light might have something to do with one of the two moons that he see in the far sky.

One moon is pink and the other is blue, and they both seem to be glowing with a faint light that seems to be coming from within. This could be the cause of the pink glow coming from the outside and illuminating your room. Luminous dreams about the power and significance of the pink moon and its role in his connection with Luna.

As he awaken in the morning, the pink light of the moon has faded and the sun shines brightly in through the window. Luminous stretch and roll over in his bed, as he prepare to start the day. A sense of calm and peace fills his mind and body, as the effects of the pink light persists even after it has faded.

He gets out of bed and opens the curtains to let in the bright sunlight, as the pink light of the moon has left its signature on his room. Luminous wonder what the pink light in his dream meant and think about its potential significance in his relationship with Luna. He walks down to the kitchen and see Luna's mother there. She is cooking a variety of snacks and treats to welcome the morning.

Luminous greets her and exchange small talk as he watch her work. She is friendly and courteous, as she asks him about his night and how Lumninouses experience with Luna has been. Luminous chat for a while and tell her that he had a pleasant and calming evening with Luna.

Luna's mother smiles and says that she is happy for the two of you and that Luna has been eagerly awaiting your arrival. She continues to cook while Luminous chat with her, as she prepares the food for breakfast.

He tells Luna's mother that the food smells amazing and that she is a really good cook. She smiles and thanks him for the compliment, as she continues to cook and prepare the food for breakfast. She then tells Luminous to call her by her real name, as you had been calling her "Lunas mom" until now. Luna's mother tells him her name. She says, "My name is Aruna, it is nice to meet you." Luminous are surprised and a bit confused by the name, as it seems unusual to him. 

Luminous nods his head and say, "Nice to meet you Aruna." Aruna smiles at him and continues to cook the food for breakfast. He continues to watch her and help as needed, as she prepares the meal for him and Luna.

Aruna tells Luminous to go and wake up Luna as breakfast is almost ready. Luminous leaves the kitchen and go to Luna's room and knock on the door. He calls out her name and tell her that breakfast is almost ready. Luminous hear a faint noise of movement coming from inside and the door opens.

Luna walks out of the room, still half asleep but happy to see him. She smiles at luminous and stretches, as she gets ready for breakfast. Both of them walk down to the kitchen together and sit down at the table for a delicious meal prepared by Aruna.

Luna yawns and stretches and says, "Good morning, mom." Aruna turns around and smiles at Luna as she says, "Good morning, honey." Luna sits down at the table and Aruna serves her a plate of food. Luminous and Luna both start eating and Luna is smiling and yawning in between mouthfuls of food. Aruna seems cheerful and happy to see the two of them enjoying the breakfast that she prepared for them.

Aruna giggles and asks Luna, "Did you have a good time together in your room last night?" Luna becomes embarrassed and tries to hide her face behind her hair as she responds, "Mom please...we were just talking!" Luminous can see that Aruna is teasing Luna and that Luna is getting flushed and embarrassed by it.

This seems to make Aruna even more playful and she laughs as she continues to poke fun at Luna. It seems like a playful interaction between Aruna and Luna, as they seem to have a familiar and close relationship with one another. Luminous stand up with a nervous voice and say, "Don't worry Aruna, we only hugged a little." He is suddenly embarrassed and feel awkward about what he said out loud.

Luna and Aruna both look at him in confusion for a moment, as they don't understand why he is so embarrassed. Aruna says, "Oh? Is that all? I see. Well, that's good then." luminous feels his face turn red as he realize the awkward moment he just had and how they could've misinterpreted what he said.

Luminous sits back down with his face flushed with embarrassment, as he continue to eat breakfast and try to get over the awkward moment that just happened. Luna looks at him with concern and Aruna looks at him with a smile, as she enjoys seeing them get so flustered. They both continue to eat their breakfast and the mood is less tense now.

Luminous still feel a bit embarrassed but the situation has moved on. As he continue to eat, luminous sees Aruna looking at him with a caring gaze and a soft smile. Aruna makes a silent comment, saying, "I see you two are going to be just fine together." However, neither he nor Luna hears Aruna's quiet comment, as they both concentrate on eating the breakfast that she prepared.

Luminous looks at Aruna and wonder what she meant by her silent comment, but he focus on finishing his food as he and Luna enjoy the delicious food that Aruna has prepared for them both. Aruna continues to eat quietly, as she seems to be observing the two of them and sensing the connection between the two.

She seems to be pleased with the development of his relationship with Luna. After the breakfast is done, Aruna asks Luminous and Luna to assist Luna's father at the training grounds. Luna nods her head and says, "Ok, let's go." Aruna smiles at Luna and says, "Go and have fun you two. I'll clean up and see you after the training session." Luminous and Luna walk out of the kitchen together and walk to the training grounds to join Luna's father.