
The Ties that Bind

"Nature is unkind: It treats all things impartially." Well so does the Devil. Abnormals, beings that came about by way of nuclear radiation after the attempted eradication of the human race, are divided into Classes and Types. Types are what abilities the Abnormal possesses. Classes are how powerful an Abnormal is. The most docile powers belonging to Class 1 and the most extreme claimed by 10. Despite being the son of the Great Devil King Lucifer, Kaiser, an Abnormal, was locked in a high security institution from birth, suffering experiment after experiment. Life was a fight from the moment he began breathing. Other Abnormals are locked away in the institution as well, suffering demented torture and extreme brutality. Kaiser learns about his condition through a scientist named Maria, he conspires to escape with the friends he was allowed to make for observational purposes. Will Kaiser be able to make it out alive? And if he does... What's waiting for him out in the radiation soaked world? "Even in the darkest hour, I shall be there for you, by your side." How far will a person go for the ties that bind?

Draven_Nyx · Action
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28 Chs

Chapter 3: The Father, The Son, The Alpha

"My son."

"Take that muzzle off of him at once!"He rushed, he had his hands on my shoulders, he was about an inch shorter than me.

The soldiers scrambled towards me, undoing the muzzle.

"Son?"I was bewildered by that word.

"He even has the fangs.."He took in a breath, staring at my defined K-9's.

I was stiff and still, watching his every move.

"You can relax son."His eyes were now gentle, nothing like the man who had grabbed me by my hair.

I gulped, just staring at him. I didn't know what to say. They had taught us about families and what each person was called and what it meant. But we never grew up with parents. Only shadows that loomed over us, guiding and disciplining and watching our every move.

"Kaiser."He said gingerly, removing his hands from my shoulders.

I stared into his blood red eyes.

"Say something."His eyes were desperate.

"I have waited a long time to see you and you say nothing.."He looked hurt.

I couldn't tell if he really was or not, but he made my hair stand up on end and every inch of my body screamed at me to be carful around him.

"I.."I took in his features for the first time. He was muscular and lean. With jet black hair and fangs. He was dressed in dark red and black now. He was darker than me, he was tan.

"You look so much like your mother in the face, but you have my build and stature."He took in another breath.

"You have her eyes."He said quietly, as though he was reminiscing.

"I'm sorry you had to endure what you had to endure."He said solemnly, I had a feeling he was just saying that, for his eyes were now wild with hunger.

"Have you found your Sublime?"I knew he would know if I had found a Sublime, and I don't think he really cared.

I shook my head.

"Well I'm sure you'll find them."I had a feeling he knew something I didn't.

"I have someone I want you to meet."He looked disappointed in my lack of speaking. "Her name is Ambrosia."He said slowly, looking at my face, he seemed to savor every detail.

"Immortal.."I spoke out loud.

"Her name means immortal."He said, pleased with my observation.

"I'm sure you are wondering why you are meeting her."He sat on his large, black mahogany desk.

"You are hoping she is my Sublime?"

"Yes son that is exactly what we are hoping for."He looked pleased again.

"Because when an Abnormal finds their Sublime, their power is increased."I said bitterly. I didn't like the idea of trying to be paired off with someone I did not know.

"Ambrosia is a Deadman too."

"Sir..I don't think you should be telling him all of this."The woman named Elaine urged.

"He is my son and he deserves to know after everything he has been through."He glared past me to her. She kept quiet after that but not for long.

"What class is she?"I asked, going out on a limb wondering what this Ambrosia could look like.

"Sir."She pleaded.

"Class 10 Alpha."He looked at me blankly.

"So the rumors are true."I said to myself.

He nodded.

"How do you controll her?"I was genuinely astonished.

"Same way we control you."The devilish gleam was back in his eyes and a smirk tugged at his lips.

"As you know, Abnormals have unique abilities."he began slowly. "What is your ability son?"

"You know you know so why ask me?"I asked bitterly.

"Do not question me. Be obedient."He glared at me through those blood red orbs.

"Elementokinesis"I spoke slowly.

"The ability to manipulate the four elements."He didn't seem impressed. "Anything else?"

"I can control dark matter."

"Control or...create?"He pried.


"What else?"He continued to try and ring me dry of all of my abilities. This aggravated me because I knew he knew them all. I didn't want to say my last abilities because I knew what it made me. It made me dangerous and deadly. It made me an abnormality among the Abnormals on top of being a rare Class 7 type Tank.

"I control the flames of Hell."I hated myself and I felt guilty for being alive.

"Is that all?"His eyes were ravenously hungry for an answer.

"Infernakinesis."my voice cracked.

"You can control demonic energy."He smiled, "Just like your old pops eh?"He laughed.

I stood in silence, as the dots connected. "Are you..."I paused, unsure I could bring myself to ask this question. I knew it would sound foolish the minute I asked. "Are you Satan?"

His smile faded quickly, seriousness overtook his face. "I prefer Lucifer."He snapped, adjusting his collar.

All the guilt I had been holding back, flooded my entire being. I hated myself. I hated everything I was....The son of The Devil himself.

"You should be proud. You may not be a thorough bred, but your ancestors were mated with the strongest, that went on for generations and now...We have you."aHe smiled again.

"Thorough bred?"I blinked, I wasn't following too well as my emotions took me over.

"That's a story for another time."He looked pained and he seemed to be staring right through me. To my mother.

"I want you to find your Sublime and I want you to be happy son."

"No...You want me for whatever you have planned."I glared at him.

"Son...I do need you for a plan, but I want you to be happy as well..."He looked away from me as if to hide his emotions from me. "No one should have their love taken away from them."I could have sworn he broke when he said that sentence. "I have several plans for you, my dear boy."

"And what if I refuse to help you?"

"You won't."

"How would you know?"

As if on cue, the door opened. I turned around and I held my breath. It was as if nothing else mattered now but her. When her eyes met mine, I felt as if nothing could ever separate us. It was as if I'd known her for the entirety of my soul's life. She was my everything and nothing tethered me to this world but her. She was my gravity. She was my glimpse of God. Now I knew the ties that bind.