
The Ties that Bind

"Nature is unkind: It treats all things impartially." Well so does the Devil. Abnormals, beings that came about by way of nuclear radiation after the attempted eradication of the human race, are divided into Classes and Types. Types are what abilities the Abnormal possesses. Classes are how powerful an Abnormal is. The most docile powers belonging to Class 1 and the most extreme claimed by 10. Despite being the son of the Great Devil King Lucifer, Kaiser, an Abnormal, was locked in a high security institution from birth, suffering experiment after experiment. Life was a fight from the moment he began breathing. Other Abnormals are locked away in the institution as well, suffering demented torture and extreme brutality. Kaiser learns about his condition through a scientist named Maria, he conspires to escape with the friends he was allowed to make for observational purposes. Will Kaiser be able to make it out alive? And if he does... What's waiting for him out in the radiation soaked world? "Even in the darkest hour, I shall be there for you, by your side." How far will a person go for the ties that bind?

Draven_Nyx · Action
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28 Chs

Chapter 28: The Love Between Them Part 1

I felt Asher's glare burn into me.

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore."She swallowed her whimpers, refusing to shed even a tear.

"What are you looking at?"I said venomously, shooting a dirty look at Asher.

"An abomination."He glared even harder at me.

I held her in my arms. I had so many questions. If we'd known each other from before and I wasn't really an Abnormal, how was it that she was my Sublime? Many questions like that flooded my mind as I held Ambrosia close.

Asher struggled to his feet and began walking towards us.

"Asher not now. Please don't do this right now."Ambrosia said quietly, from her place in my arms.

"Oh we're doing this right now. You need to rid yourself of your feelings for that thing and join me in your rightful place in Heaven. You belong with me."He took several steps towards us. "It's not too late, your father may show mercy upon you if you cast away your feelings for this beast."

"Cast away my feelings?"She sniffled, turning her head to look at him, her hands clung to my shirt.

"Yes, we can finally be together after 10,000 years of waiting and you'll be welcomed back into Heaven."He had a kind of demented smile on his face. "All you have to do is kill the beast."

"Kill him?"She detached herself from me, and stepped closer to Asher.

"Yes."Asher and Ambrosia were a foot apart."Don't you see?"He looked over at me, "She wants to be with m-"

"How could I ever kill him?"Ambrosia gave a weak smile.

The grandeur of the surrounding seemed otherworldly.

"Why would I want to go back to a place where I was cast out for truly loving someone and be by the side of of someone I am not in love with?"Ambrosia looked up at Asher.

Asher looked down at her disgusted. His eyes were hateful.

"How could I betray the one I love on purpose?"

I held my breath as these words spilled from her lips as if it were as easy as breathing.

"I'd never leave his side willingly."She grabbed his bloody shirt, "What makes you think I want to be with you?"

"Because I love you."

"And that's suppose to make me want to be with you?"She looked a bit taken aback. "That's not enough Asher."

Asher's expression turned darker by the moment. "It's because of that thing!"He turned his attention to me. "He has poisoned your mind!"He lunged at me, but Ambrosia grabbed his arm, preventing him from moving.

"Let go Ambrosia."He glared.

"He hasn't poisoned me."She said with a look full of emotion. "He has built me up, shown me I'm more than just a vessel or a back up plan. He's shown me the light when I was drowning in darkness."She had a small smile on her face, she looked as though she was revisiting memories. "He showed me how to live when I was barely surviving."

She definitely was lost in a sea of memories that we'd experienced together. It was painful to think of how many memories we'd shared that I could not remember.

"He was there for me even when I didn't understand myself."

"Blah, blah, blah. Enough with the sappy love bullshit."Asher pretended to retch.

Her grip immediately tightened on his wrist.

"Oh, Ambrosia let go that hurts."Asher tried to tug away from her.

She glared right into his eyes. "If you really loved me, you'd be happy for me."

"You're just brainwashed. That thing is-"He was in denial.

She gripped him harder, he winced out in pain.

"I won't tolerate your shit anymore. You WILL address him as Kaiser, I don't care what you say about me. But don't ever disrespect him again."Her eyes were getting darker and darker by the second.

I ran over, placing my hand on her shoulder, her eyes suddenly returned to their original brightness.

"We will find our family. That's all I want now."Ambrosia finally released her words. I savored every second of her voice.

"Yeah."I said softly, I was worried about Ambrosia. She remembered every moment of our time together. All those precious memories I must have held so dear, now unable to be remembered.

What must be going through her mind I couldn't begin to imagine. What did she see every time she looked at me? What were the feelings forged by time and devotion that I couldn't remember? All I knew was that from the moment I first saw her in this life, my soul yearned for her, it was as if I'd known her for all my soul's life. It was as though we were meant for each other.

I looked down at the woman in my arms. She looked fine on the outside, but I could see past her mask. I may not understand her, but I want to. Her eyes were quiet, but I felt her heart was a sea.

I gently lifted her chin so that she was looking at me. "Ambrosia."I felt so drawn to her. We were like magnets. The chemistry between us was insane. She was my gravity. I slowly leaned it, she froze.

"I can't."She whispered, those words seemed to hurt her. "Remember?"

I remembered that if we kissed, I'd have 7 days before I died, only for the cycle to be repeated and me be reincarnated.

"This is so cruel."I felt like my heart was being squeezed.

"I can give her so much more than you can. I can give her love in ways you can't, half-breed."Asher had a wicked smile on his lips.

I wanted her to be happy, even if it wasn't with me. "I want her to be happy, and if that's with you, then so be it. But she's made it crystal clear that she doesn't love you the way she loves me."

"I don't know you, but it's clear she doesn't want you. Get over yourself."For Shira to say that her fuse must be close to being lit.

Asher whipped around to face Shira."How dare you speak to me like that you filthy-"

Shira shot him her signature look and he stopped dead in his tracks. He was clearly disturbed by what he saw.

"Medusa."He trembled.

"Huh?"Shira blinked, raising her eyebrow. "What did you say? Medusa?"

"You are a descendant of her are you not?"Asher tried to shake off his visible goosebumps.

"Not that I know of."

"You have to be. That's the petrifying look of Medusa for sure, it may be watered down by lack of know-how, but it's definitely Medusa's."Asher finally composed himself."If you practice I'm sure you power could even surpass hers."

Shira's ruby eyes seemed soft as she looked into Asher's sapphire blue ones. I wondered why that was.

Ambrosia pushed herself away from me and walked up the white marble steps, disappearing from my view. I wanted to follow her, every inch of my being wanted to be in her presence. I couldn't resist the urge, I ran up the steps after her.

"Like a lost mutt."Asher muttered bitterly.