
The Ties that Bind

"Nature is unkind: It treats all things impartially." Well so does the Devil. Abnormals, beings that came about by way of nuclear radiation after the attempted eradication of the human race, are divided into Classes and Types. Types are what abilities the Abnormal possesses. Classes are how powerful an Abnormal is. The most docile powers belonging to Class 1 and the most extreme claimed by 10. Despite being the son of the Great Devil King Lucifer, Kaiser, an Abnormal, was locked in a high security institution from birth, suffering experiment after experiment. Life was a fight from the moment he began breathing. Other Abnormals are locked away in the institution as well, suffering demented torture and extreme brutality. Kaiser learns about his condition through a scientist named Maria, he conspires to escape with the friends he was allowed to make for observational purposes. Will Kaiser be able to make it out alive? And if he does... What's waiting for him out in the radiation soaked world? "Even in the darkest hour, I shall be there for you, by your side." How far will a person go for the ties that bind?

Draven_Nyx · Action
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28 Chs

Chapter 11: Killer Instinct Part 1

When I came to I was strapped to a cold metal chair, barbarous bright lights lacerated my eyes.

"My son. It has come to my attention that you are planning to escape. But you've went and done it."He smiled at me. "I'm so proud of you! Take those restraints off at once!"

"What?"I was confused as I stood up from the chair.

"You've finally embraced your Devil nature my boy!"He threw his arm around me with a big grin.

"What are you talking about?"I looked down at my hands, they were covered with blood...black blood.

No...It can't be.

"Oh but it is."He answered, but I don't even remember saying anything out loud.

"You've killed all of them!"He threw his arms up in the air as if rejoicing.

"I've finally brought you over to the Darkness. Now we can begin phase 3!"

I ran to the window and saw all my friends. Slaughtered. Fenrir... Stella... Shira... Phoebe... Titan... Alistair... All in pools of black blood. Then I turned and there stood Ambrosia next to my father unrestrained, awake. I ran up to her and hugged her. "What have I done..."I bit my lip, holding back my tears.

"You've done what was necessary."She smiled, wrapping her arms around me.

No...That's not...This can't be real.

"Oh I assure you it is. After we placed you in The Mirror Room you went berserk and killed every single one of the Abnormals and all of the staff here. Everything that moved was destroyed by you."My father smiled. "Well almost everything...But we've done it. Now we can bring her back."

Ambrosia's normally shimmering eyes were dull. No life in them, like she was being controlled.

"It's not enough sir."I heard a female voice.

"Then have her kill herself."My father's voice was impatient, it was his voice but his mouth didn't move.

Ambrosia looked down at me in her arms, then releasing me she stepped back and plunged her hand into her chest and ripping out her heart.

"No!"I grabbed her as she fell down. Her black blood stained the floor.

"Ambrosia!!"I screamed, I couldn't hold back the tears and they began flowing down my cheeks. I turned to my father, seething with intense rage. I set Ambrosia down and lunged at my father. I wrapped my legs around his neck and pushed my fingers into his eyes until they bled. He screamed in agony. I shoved my hands into his mouth, then tore off his jaw. I made sure to brutally murder him.

"What's he doing?"My father's voice was somewhere high above me. "Shut it down!"He ordered and everything went black.

I opened my eyes and I was strapped to a long chair, black bloody tears streaming down my face.

"Wha..."I looked around disoriented.

"I thought we'd finally done it...It looks like he is just too strong and we'll need something stronger.."My father sounded irritated.

"You were in a simulation son."He glared down at me, he looked pissed.

"Argh!"I growled, jostling, trying to get loose.

"Take him away. I want him out of my sight..."My father said bitterly.

I was taken away kicking and screaming at him. I cursed him for putting me through that. But I had no idea just how many times he had done that to me. He tried that sim 565 times with the same outcome all in one go. All the times had blurred together, but they were slowly separating. He was willing to do anything to achieve his end and I despised him.

I was pushed into my cell room and I landed on the ground, I guess they used a paralysis on me. I laid on the ground, hoping that Ambrosia was ok. I felt her presence so I knew she was in the room. I couldn't help but have a small smile on my face. Even though she wasn't awake, just her presence was enough to calm me down and comfort me.

I wondered if he really knew that I was trying to escape. As long as he didn't make Ambrosia go through any experiments I was fine taking on anything that bastard could and would throw at me.

I was going to get us out of here. Me, Ambrosia...And all of my friends.