
The Thrill

Kayla wakes up one morning in a hospital bed and with severe memory loss. They tell her she was in an ‘accident’ and almost all her family members are dead. Her brother, the only survivor who is barely hanging onto a thread is in a coma. She needs a large sum to get the surgery her brother needs. But where will she get the money from? She is trying her best to navigate through life in this messed up society. But will this eventually get to her and the boy she cares about? Can the thrill save her?

I_Rita · Urban
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15 Chs

: Kayla

The ride to Brooks diner was almost blissful, though the thought of Aziel's words about what my parents seemed as if it would always torment me, right at the back of my mind and taking root like a nasty weed. But I didn't necessarily want to forget. No. I needed to remember to fuel my anger, to get the revenge I desired for my family. As we stepped into the diner the sound of jazz music enticed the whole room. It was a new song I hadn't heard before. As we walked over to the seats Aziel broke the silence.

"Are you okay." He touched my shoulder gently, he truly cared me. I could clearly see that now.

"What do you think." As if it wasn't obvious enough how distraught I felt. The pain bled through my face while Aziel's concern was obvious through his.

"I figured we need a plan." He said as we finally sat down right across from one another. I couldn't help but watch him as he ran his hands through his thick black hair. His full lips pouting in frustration as he tried his best to talk to me.

"We?" I don't can't comprehend his words. My hands shift under shin now and again.

"Yeah, were gonna work together to fix this." This angered me in a way that just sit right with me and a light out that a little when I spoke.

"There's no fixing it Aziel, there gone and this is my battle and I don't need your help, okay!" But Aziel wasn't fazed he held my gaze a didn't keep his eyes of me for a moment. At this point my hands fell on the table and he reached out to touch the tips of my fingers. His touch tingled my senses a distant heat started to rise inside, was it butterflies? My stomach churned I truly didn't want to think about how handsome he was or how may heart raced whenever he touched me.

"Kayla, I'll have access to all the files on my Dad's computer we can hopefully find more evidence and -"

"And then what send him to prison?" My thoughts shift and frustration grows. "Are you sure you have it in you to send your own father to prison?" In that moment he looks down as if I had finally defeated. But to my surprise he stands up, walks over to my side and reaches out his hand.

"Come with me." Was he joking? Is he never going to give up or was he just taking me home?

"To where?" I ask hysterically not sure if he was messing with me. I stare at the palm of his hand, much wider compared to my small, dainty hands.

"Just trust me." I wasn't sure if I could completely trust Aziel but I know he would never hurt me so I decided to take his hand.

"Fine." A huge grin developed on his face as soon a I took his hand his smile lightened his exterior. I got a instant fuzzy feeling inside.

"You won't regret it."

When we got on the motorcycle Aziel told me he was taking me somewhere I had never been before. I found that a little bit hard to believe because Trina had made it her mission to take me on little adventures with her to all the landmarks in Venstead. At this time it was all ready a dark, cold night and I only had a few hours until Curfew. But I reminded Aziel about that anyway. We arrived at a place with a lot of pebbles and stones building up a pathway to something but the darkness made it hard to see. There was this thick smoke dancing around me. It moved in a way that made me feel faint.

"Follow me." Aziel said. He moved quickly as if he could see perfectly in the dark the pebbles and stones crunched and crumbled under our feet, the sound of crickets echoed in the background. Suddenly, we reach a wooden gate engraved with an E. It was surrounded by bushes upon bushes but as soon as Aziel unlocked the gate with a key from his pocket I instantly stepped into another room world. A different place. It was beautiful white lights sparkled every which way. Bringing the atmosphere to life. In the far distance there was a photo, stood on a art easel. I slowly walk over there to get a closer inspection. The girl is smiling her pearly white teeth emphasising her beauty. But even around her picture the smoke still danced enticing my senses and intoxicating my head. Aziel noticed and stood right beside me incase I might fall. The girl looked familiar, had I seen her a Primrose academy?

"That's my sister." Aziel said calmly. "She's been missing for two years now, the police have presumed her dead."

"I'm so sorry to hear that." I said not keeping my eyes off the picture, I couldn't believe she was dead but there is the possibility she is alive. Aziel nodded his head.

"My mom and dad created this place for her after the police closed the case and these days I'm the only one that still visits.

"Thats a shame." I said frowning. "What was her name?" I ask him gently.

"Elyse." In an instant, the smoke had finally taken root inside me and I fainted.

In a nut shell, Aziel took me home, he knew the effects the smoke had on some people so he wasn't too worried. After I awoke he left and I spent the rest of my day watching the game and cooking channel with my foster parents.

"Did anything interesting happen today?" Anne asked. I sighed. Sitting comfortably on the sofa the ends of her feet on the edge of the coffee table. I was sat beside her, my eyes focused on the tv screen.

"You wouldn't understand." I replied rubbing my temples, trying to ease the thoughts of death from my mind.

"Try me, you might be surprised." I truly did think about telling her everything, everything Aziel revealed and about how I want justice for my family but I realised, what good would it do? What good would it do to me, my parents, my siblings she couldn't bring them back and I wouldn't expect it from her anyway so I just smiled and said.

"Don't worry about it." And we left it at that, there was no need to fuss about it. Hours later, I laid in bed and the memories since I woke up from the hospital began to flash before my eyes. I was missing so much of my memories. I dug deep and tried to force myself to remember anything from that night, the night everything changed.